_dta: 1. by Jean Roth , jroth@nber.org , 19 Nov 2015 2. Source: 2011/20110103/REG_SITES.TXT 3. File description: http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/InformationOnDrugs/ucm257245.htm 4. This file contains a list of all currently active and registered domestic manufacturing facilities. UNLIKE THE FILES ABOVE, IT IS A TAB DELIMITED FILE, WITH THE FIRST LINE CONTAINING THE COLUMN HEADERS. The data elements are: fei: 1. FEI: FDA Establishment Identifier. The unique ID number for each site. current_registration_year: 1. Current Registration Year firm_name: 1. NAME: Registered firm name street: 1. STREET: street address city: 1. CITY: name of city state_id: 1. State Abbreviation iso_country_code: 1. ISO_COUNTRY_CODE: identifies the country. obs: 10,362 vars: 9 19 Nov 2015 09:14 size: 1,771,902 (_dta has notes) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fei double %10.0g * FDA Establishment Identifier current_registration_year int %8.0g * Current Registration Year firm_name str71 %71s * Firm Name street str40 %40s * Street Address city str29 %29s * City state_id str2 %9s * State Abbreviation zip long %12.0g ZIP Code iso_country_code str2 %9s * ISO Country Code country_name str13 %13s Country Name * indicated variables have notes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: fei current_registration_year firm_name street city state_id zip iso > _country_code