_dta: 1. by Jean Roth , jroth@nber.org , 19 Nov 2015 2. Source: 2008/20081203/SCHEDULE.TXT 3. This file identifies those listed products in the directory which have a DEA schedule designation. listing_seq_no: 1. LISTING_SEQ_NO NOT NULL NUM(7) COL:1-7 Linking field to LISTINGS. schedule: 1. SCHEDULE NOT NULL NUM(1) COL:9 obs: 6,376 vars: 2 19 Nov 2015 11:17 size: 31,880 (_dta has notes) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- listing_seq_no long %12.0g * FDA generated unique identification number for each product schedule byte %8.0g * Product iwth a DEA schedule designation * indicated variables have notes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: listing_seq_no schedule