Frequencies for sf12010placedistance1miles dataset : by Jean Roth , , 4 Jan 2016 Frequencies for state1 variable in sf12010placedistance1miles dataset : FIPS State | 1 | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 01 | 2 0.07 0.07 04 | 9 0.33 0.41 05 | 4 0.15 0.56 06 | 80 2.97 3.53 08 | 14 0.52 4.05 09 | 5 0.19 4.23 10 | 10 0.37 4.61 12 | 92 3.42 8.02 13 | 8 0.30 8.32 15 | 10 0.37 8.69 16 | 4 0.15 8.84 17 | 36 1.34 10.18 18 | 26 0.97 11.14 19 | 6 0.22 11.37 20 | 15 0.56 11.92 21 | 332 12.33 24.26 22 | 2 0.07 24.33 23 | 4 0.15 24.48 24 | 145 5.39 29.87 25 | 10 0.37 30.24 26 | 15 0.56 30.79 27 | 11 0.41 31.20 28 | 4 0.15 31.35 29 | 213 7.91 39.26 30 | 7 0.26 39.52 32 | 2 0.07 39.60 34 | 109 4.05 43.65 35 | 19 0.71 44.35 36 | 203 7.54 51.89 37 | 4 0.15 52.04 38 | 2 0.07 52.12 39 | 72 2.67 54.79 40 | 11 0.41 55.20 41 | 11 0.41 55.61 42 | 509 18.91 74.52 44 | 2 0.07 74.59 45 | 10 0.37 74.96 46 | 2 0.07 75.04 48 | 568 21.10 96.14 49 | 4 0.15 96.29 50 | 4 0.15 96.43 51 | 14 0.52 96.95 53 | 12 0.45 97.40 54 | 42 1.56 98.96 55 | 4 0.15 99.11 56 | 6 0.22 99.33 72 | 18 0.67 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 2,692 100.00 Frequencies for statename1 variable in sf12010placedistance1miles dataset : State Name | Freq. Percent Cum. ---------------+----------------------------------- Alabama | 2 0.07 0.07 Arizona | 9 0.33 0.41 Arkansas | 4 0.15 0.56 California | 80 2.97 3.53 Colorado | 14 0.52 4.05 Connecticut | 5 0.19 4.23 Delaware | 10 0.37 4.61 Florida | 92 3.42 8.02 Georgia | 8 0.30 8.32 Hawaii | 10 0.37 8.69 Idaho | 4 0.15 8.84 Illinois | 36 1.34 10.18 Indiana | 26 0.97 11.14 Iowa | 6 0.22 11.37 Kansas | 15 0.56 11.92 Kentucky | 332 12.33 24.26 Louisiana | 2 0.07 24.33 Maine | 4 0.15 24.48 Maryland | 145 5.39 29.87 Massachusetts | 10 0.37 30.24 Michigan | 15 0.56 30.79 Minnesota | 11 0.41 31.20 Mississippi | 4 0.15 31.35 Missouri | 213 7.91 39.26 Montana | 7 0.26 39.52 Nevada | 2 0.07 39.60 New Jersey | 109 4.05 43.65 New Mexico | 19 0.71 44.35 New York | 203 7.54 51.89 North Carolina | 4 0.15 52.04 North Dakota | 2 0.07 52.12 Ohio | 72 2.67 54.79 Oklahoma | 11 0.41 55.20 Oregon | 11 0.41 55.61 Pennsylvania | 509 18.91 74.52 Puerto Rico | 18 0.67 75.19 Rhode Island | 2 0.07 75.26 South Carolina | 10 0.37 75.63 South Dakota | 2 0.07 75.71 Texas | 568 21.10 96.81 Utah | 4 0.15 96.95 Vermont | 4 0.15 97.10 Virginia | 14 0.52 97.62 Washington | 12 0.45 98.07 West Virginia | 42 1.56 99.63 Wisconsin | 4 0.15 99.78 Wyoming | 6 0.22 100.00 ---------------+----------------------------------- Total | 2,692 100.00 Frequencies for place1 variable in sf12010placedistance1miles dataset : FIPS Place | 1 | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 00075 | 1 0.04 0.04 00104 | 1 0.04 0.07 00280 | 2 0.07 0.15 00400 | 1 0.04 0.19 00450 | 1 0.04 0.22 00535 | 1 0.04 0.26 00550 | 2 0.07 0.33 00676 | 2 0.07 0.41 00730 | 4 0.15 0.56 00980 | 1 0.04 0.59 00988 | 2 0.07 0.67 01011 | 3 0.11 0.78 01400 | 2 0.07 0.85 01416 | 1 0.04 0.89 01500 | 2 0.07 0.97 01530 | 2 0.07 1.04 01640 | 2 0.07 1.11 01648 | 1 0.04 1.15 01660 | 2 0.07 1.23 01900 | 1 0.04 1.26 01960 | 4 0.15 1.41 02144 | 2 0.07 1.49 02194 | 10 0.37 1.86 02200 | 3 0.11 1.97 02230 | 2 0.07 2.04 02286 | 4 0.15 2.19 02349 | 1 0.04 2.23 02355 | 1 0.04 2.27 02428 | 1 0.04 2.30 02440 | 2 0.07 2.38 02500 | 1 0.04 2.41 02656 | 1 0.04 2.45 02680 | 1 0.04 2.49 02681 | 1 0.04 2.53 02720 | 3 0.11 2.64 02737 | 1 0.04 2.67 02752 | 1 0.04 2.71 02896 | 2 0.07 2.79 02900 | 1 0.04 2.82 02968 | 2 0.07 2.90 03008 | 1 0.04 2.93 03088 | 1 0.04 2.97 03096 | 2 0.07 3.05 03126 | 3 0.11 3.16 03275 | 2 0.07 3.23 03288 | 1 0.04 3.27 03320 | 1 0.04 3.31 03376 | 6 0.22 3.53 03464 | 2 0.07 3.60 03520 | 1 0.04 3.64 03556 | 8 0.30 3.94 03608 | 3 0.11 4.05 03640 | 1 0.04 4.09 03900 | 1 0.04 4.12 03940 | 1 0.04 4.16 03960 | 1 0.04 4.20 03975 | 3 0.11 4.31 04032 | 1 0.04 4.35 04114 | 1 0.04 4.38 04180 | 1 0.04 4.42 04222 | 1 0.04 4.46 04225 | 1 0.04 4.49 04240 | 5 0.19 4.68 04253 | 1 0.04 4.72 04273 | 1 0.04 4.75 04280 | 1 0.04 4.79 04348 | 4 0.15 4.94 04366 | 3 0.11 5.05 04392 | 1 0.04 5.09 04470 | 3 0.11 5.20 04550 | 1 0.04 5.24 04650 | 1 0.04 5.27 04735 | 1 0.04 5.31 04750 | 1 0.04 5.35 04792 | 1 0.04 5.39 04798 | 1 0.04 5.42 04803 | 3 0.11 5.53 04870 | 1 0.04 5.57 04891 | 2 0.07 5.65 04906 | 1 0.04 5.68 04925 | 1 0.04 5.72 04930 | 3 0.11 5.83 04978 | 1 0.04 5.87 05068 | 4 0.15 6.02 05074 | 1 0.04 6.05 05100 | 1 0.04 6.09 05125 | 1 0.04 6.13 05135 | 1 0.04 6.17 05150 | 1 0.04 6.20 05209 | 1 0.04 6.24 05248 | 10 0.37 6.61 05288 | 3 0.11 6.72 05312 | 1 0.04 6.76 05392 | 2 0.07 6.84 05446 | 1 0.04 6.87 05464 | 4 0.15 7.02 05504 | 3 0.11 7.13 05520 | 5 0.19 7.32 05525 | 1 0.04 7.36 05639 | 2 0.07 7.43 05661 | 1 0.04 7.47 05690 | 6 0.22 7.69 05700 | 1 0.04 7.73 05836 | 1 0.04 7.76 05920 | 1 0.04 7.80 06025 | 1 0.04 7.84 06222 | 1 0.04 7.88 06247 | 1 0.04 7.91 06340 | 1 0.04 7.95 06496 | 2 0.07 8.02 06895 | 1 0.04 8.06 06970 | 2 0.07 8.14 07000 | 2 0.07 8.21 07025 | 1 0.04 8.25 07172 | 1 0.04 8.28 07375 | 1 0.04 8.32 07420 | 1 0.04 8.36 07470 | 1 0.04 8.40 07485 | 1 0.04 8.43 07516 | 1 0.04 8.47 07580 | 1 0.04 8.51 07642 | 2 0.07 8.58 07675 | 1 0.04 8.62 07687 | 2 0.07 8.69 07688 | 1 0.04 8.73 07800 | 1 0.04 8.77 07850 | 1 0.04 8.80 07858 | 3 0.11 8.92 07960 | 1 0.04 8.95 07992 | 4 0.15 9.10 08008 | 4 0.15 9.25 08038 | 1 0.04 9.29 08050 | 1 0.04 9.32 08100 | 1 0.04 9.36 08170 | 2 0.07 9.44 08323 | 1 0.04 9.47 08334 | 1 0.04 9.51 08378 | 1 0.04 9.55 08432 | 3 0.11 9.66 08532 | 1 0.04 9.70 08560 | 1 0.04 9.73 08632 | 1 0.04 9.77 08744 | 1 0.04 9.81 08830 | 1 0.04 9.84 08850 | 1 0.04 9.88 08860 | 1 0.04 9.92 08932 | 1 0.04 9.96 08968 | 1 0.04 9.99 09080 | 1 0.04 10.03 09100 | 1 0.04 10.07 09250 | 1 0.04 10.10 09310 | 2 0.07 10.18 09316 | 1 0.04 10.22 09353 | 3 0.11 10.33 09379 | 1 0.04 10.36 09432 | 1 0.04 10.40 09496 | 1 0.04 10.44 09500 | 3 0.11 10.55 09532 | 7 0.26 10.81 09538 | 1 0.04 10.85 09598 | 1 0.04 10.88 09612 | 1 0.04 10.92 09656 | 1 0.04 10.96 09802 | 1 0.04 11.00 09844 | 1 0.04 11.03 09847 | 9 0.33 11.37 09874 | 1 0.04 11.40 10000 | 1 0.04 11.44 10096 | 1 0.04 11.48 10162 | 7 0.26 11.74 10198 | 5 0.19 11.92 10256 | 1 0.04 11.96 10341 | 1 0.04 12.00 10375 | 2 0.07 12.07 10575 | 1 0.04 12.11 10660 | 1 0.04 12.15 10768 | 1 0.04 12.18 10852 | 1 0.04 12.22 11102 | 1 0.04 12.26 11150 | 1 0.04 12.30 11328 | 1 0.04 12.33 11376 | 1 0.04 12.37 11580 | 1 0.04 12.41 11720 | 1 0.04 12.44 11800 | 2 0.07 12.52 11836 | 1 0.04 12.56 11900 | 1 0.04 12.59 11908 | 1 0.04 12.63 11976 | 1 0.04 12.67 12010 | 4 0.15 12.82 12066 | 3 0.11 12.93 12226 | 7 0.26 13.19 12300 | 1 0.04 13.22 12312 | 1 0.04 13.26 12325 | 1 0.04 13.30 12441 | 2 0.07 13.37 12496 | 3 0.11 13.48 12552 | 1 0.04 13.52 12560 | 1 0.04 13.56 12568 | 1 0.04 13.60 12700 | 1 0.04 13.63 12704 | 1 0.04 13.67 12815 | 1 0.04 13.71 12860 | 1 0.04 13.74 12945 | 1 0.04 13.78 13050 | 1 0.04 13.82 13060 | 1 0.04 13.86 13128 | 1 0.04 13.89 13150 | 1 0.04 13.93 13208 | 1 0.04 13.97 13225 | 2 0.07 14.04 13233 | 1 0.04 14.08 13240 | 2 0.07 14.15 13330 | 3 0.11 14.26 13365 | 1 0.04 14.30 13392 | 1 0.04 14.34 13399 | 1 0.04 14.38 13525 | 1 0.04 14.41 13570 | 2 0.07 14.49 13635 | 1 0.04 14.52 13864 | 1 0.04 14.56 13880 | 1 0.04 14.60 13924 | 1 0.04 14.64 14106 | 2 0.07 14.71 14180 | 1 0.04 14.75 14200 | 1 0.04 14.78 14260 | 2 0.07 14.86 14264 | 1 0.04 14.90 14266 | 3 0.11 15.01 14290 | 3 0.11 15.12 14320 | 1 0.04 15.16 14412 | 1 0.04 15.19 14568 | 2 0.07 15.27 14572 | 2 0.07 15.34 14584 | 1 0.04 15.38 14590 | 1 0.04 15.42 14758 | 1 0.04 15.45 14800 | 1 0.04 15.49 14806 | 2 0.07 15.56 14880 | 1 0.04 15.60 15028 | 1 0.04 15.64 15232 | 3 0.11 15.75 15364 | 1 0.04 15.79 15368 | 1 0.04 15.82 15432 | 2 0.07 15.90 15644 | 1 0.04 15.94 15848 | 1 0.04 15.97 16110 | 1 0.04 16.01 16128 | 2 0.07 16.08 16136 | 1 0.04 16.12 16139 | 1 0.04 16.16 16144 | 1 0.04 16.20 16156 | 2 0.07 16.27 16228 | 1 0.04 16.31 16272 | 1 0.04 16.34 16385 | 1 0.04 16.38 16395 | 3 0.11 16.49 16410 | 1 0.04 16.53 16500 | 1 0.04 16.57 16568 | 2 0.07 16.64 16620 | 5 0.19 16.83 16625 | 5 0.19 17.01 16660 | 1 0.04 17.05 16700 | 1 0.04 17.09 16715 | 1 0.04 17.12 16720 | 4 0.15 17.27 16730 | 5 0.19 17.46 16775 | 2 0.07 17.53 16787 | 5 0.19 17.72 16822 | 3 0.11 17.83 16848 | 2 0.07 17.90 16873 | 1 0.04 17.94 16936 | 1 0.04 17.98 17136 | 1 0.04 18.02 17236 | 1 0.04 18.05 17267 | 1 0.04 18.09 17475 | 1 0.04 18.13 17650 | 1 0.04 18.16 17660 | 1 0.04 18.20 17976 | 2 0.07 18.28 18000 | 1 0.04 18.31 18072 | 1 0.04 18.35 18151 | 1 0.04 18.39 18152 | 4 0.15 18.54 18200 | 1 0.04 18.57 18270 | 8 0.30 18.87 18360 | 1 0.04 18.91 18442 | 1 0.04 18.95 18485 | 1 0.04 18.98 18608 | 1 0.04 19.02 18766 | 6 0.22 19.24 18850 | 1 0.04 19.28 19090 | 1 0.04 19.32 19110 | 1 0.04 19.35 19330 | 1 0.04 19.39 19360 | 1 0.04 19.43 19411 | 1 0.04 19.47 19432 | 1 0.04 19.50 19596 | 1 0.04 19.54 19600 | 1 0.04 19.58 19650 | 2 0.07 19.65 19680 | 1 0.04 19.69 19856 | 1 0.04 19.73 19900 | 2 0.07 19.80 19934 | 1 0.04 19.84 20020 | 1 0.04 19.87 20050 | 4 0.15 20.02 20078 | 1 0.04 20.06 20080 | 1 0.04 20.10 20149 | 1 0.04 20.13 20167 | 1 0.04 20.17 20328 | 1 0.04 20.21 20332 | 1 0.04 20.25 20424 | 1 0.04 20.28 20525 | 1 0.04 20.32 20570 | 1 0.04 20.36 20672 | 1 0.04 20.39 20764 | 1 0.04 20.43 20992 | 1 0.04 20.47 21266 | 2 0.07 20.54 21310 | 1 0.04 20.58 21376 | 1 0.04 20.62 21384 | 2 0.07 20.69 21425 | 1 0.04 20.73 21444 | 1 0.04 20.77 21578 | 1 0.04 20.80 21579 | 1 0.04 20.84 21580 | 1 0.04 20.88 21712 | 2 0.07 20.95 21750 | 1 0.04 20.99 21752 | 1 0.04 21.03 21809 | 1 0.04 21.06 21840 | 1 0.04 21.10 21852 | 1 0.04 21.14 21958 | 9 0.33 21.47 21968 | 1 0.04 21.51 21976 | 3 0.11 21.62 22008 | 2 0.07 21.69 22016 | 1 0.04 21.73 22150 | 10 0.37 22.10 22204 | 2 0.07 22.18 22280 | 1 0.04 22.21 22465 | 1 0.04 22.25 22474 | 4 0.15 22.40 22480 | 1 0.04 22.44 22520 | 1 0.04 22.47 22528 | 1 0.04 22.51 22560 | 1 0.04 22.55 22593 | 2 0.07 22.62 22610 | 1 0.04 22.66 22696 | 1 0.04 22.70 22700 | 2 0.07 22.77 22712 | 1 0.04 22.81 22720 | 1 0.04 22.85 22800 | 2 0.07 22.92 22825 | 2 0.07 22.99 22876 | 1 0.04 23.03 22892 | 3 0.11 23.14 22898 | 6 0.22 23.37 22920 | 4 0.15 23.51 22992 | 1 0.04 23.55 23032 | 1 0.04 23.59 23092 | 1 0.04 23.63 23164 | 1 0.04 23.66 23217 | 1 0.04 23.70 23240 | 1 0.04 23.74 23278 | 1 0.04 23.77 23316 | 1 0.04 23.81 23616 | 2 0.07 23.89 23618 | 1 0.04 23.92 23680 | 1 0.04 23.96 23688 | 1 0.04 24.00 23704 | 3 0.11 24.11 23720 | 1 0.04 24.15 23744 | 1 0.04 24.18 24013 | 6 0.22 24.41 24015 | 1 0.04 24.44 24018 | 4 0.15 24.59 24055 | 4 0.15 24.74 24336 | 1 0.04 24.78 24475 | 1 0.04 24.81 24544 | 1 0.04 24.85 24552 | 4 0.15 25.00 24558 | 7 0.26 25.26 24650 | 2 0.07 25.33 24664 | 3 0.11 25.45 24706 | 2 0.07 25.52 24710 | 3 0.11 25.63 24738 | 1 0.04 25.67 24750 | 1 0.04 25.71 24760 | 1 0.04 25.74 24825 | 2 0.07 25.82 24870 | 1 0.04 25.85 24894 | 3 0.11 25.97 24948 | 1 0.04 26.00 25000 | 1 0.04 26.04 25038 | 2 0.07 26.11 25152 | 1 0.04 26.15 25186 | 1 0.04 26.19 25300 | 1 0.04 26.23 25338 | 2 0.07 26.30 25344 | 5 0.19 26.49 25356 | 3 0.11 26.60 25360 | 1 0.04 26.63 25368 | 1 0.04 26.67 25396 | 1 0.04 26.71 25397 | 1 0.04 26.75 25425 | 2 0.07 26.82 25452 | 1 0.04 26.86 25456 | 2 0.07 26.93 25488 | 1 0.04 26.97 25496 | 1 0.04 27.01 25548 | 1 0.04 27.04 25556 | 1 0.04 27.08 25600 | 1 0.04 27.12 25624 | 1 0.04 27.15 25680 | 1 0.04 27.19 25744 | 2 0.07 27.27 25768 | 1 0.04 27.30 25835 | 1 0.04 27.34 25839 | 1 0.04 27.38 25918 | 1 0.04 27.41 25995 | 1 0.04 27.45 26050 | 1 0.04 27.49 26110 | 1 0.04 27.53 26130 | 3 0.11 27.64 26250 | 1 0.04 27.67 26264 | 3 0.11 27.79 26306 | 1 0.04 27.82 26352 | 1 0.04 27.86 26432 | 1 0.04 27.90 26462 | 1 0.04 27.93 26512 | 2 0.07 28.01 26520 | 3 0.11 28.12 26550 | 1 0.04 28.16 26592 | 1 0.04 28.19 26812 | 1 0.04 28.23 26820 | 1 0.04 28.27 26924 | 1 0.04 28.31 26987 | 1 0.04 28.34 27080 | 1 0.04 28.38 27124 | 2 0.07 28.45 27130 | 1 0.04 28.49 27190 | 2 0.07 28.57 27232 | 3 0.11 28.68 27262 | 2 0.07 28.75 27360 | 1 0.04 28.79 27365 | 1 0.04 28.83 27370 | 9 0.33 29.16 27400 | 1 0.04 29.20 27425 | 1 0.04 29.23 27672 | 2 0.07 29.31 27744 | 2 0.07 29.38 27748 | 3 0.11 29.49 27825 | 1 0.04 29.53 27859 | 1 0.04 29.57 28030 | 1 0.04 29.61 28060 | 2 0.07 29.68 28068 | 1 0.04 29.72 28128 | 3 0.11 29.83 28152 | 5 0.19 30.01 28170 | 1 0.04 30.05 28189 | 1 0.04 30.09 28328 | 1 0.04 30.13 28342 | 1 0.04 30.16 28488 | 1 0.04 30.20 28612 | 1 0.04 30.24 28630 | 1 0.04 30.27 28650 | 2 0.07 30.35 28720 | 1 0.04 30.39 28800 | 1 0.04 30.42 28824 | 1 0.04 30.46 28966 | 1 0.04 30.50 29014 | 1 0.04 30.53 29070 | 1 0.04 30.57 29088 | 2 0.07 30.65 29114 | 6 0.22 30.87 29152 | 4 0.15 31.02 29200 | 3 0.11 31.13 29236 | 1 0.04 31.17 29245 | 1 0.04 31.20 29258 | 1 0.04 31.24 29392 | 2 0.07 31.32 29404 | 1 0.04 31.35 29425 | 1 0.04 31.39 29450 | 1 0.04 31.43 29552 | 1 0.04 31.46 29592 | 1 0.04 31.50 29685 | 1 0.04 31.54 29720 | 1 0.04 31.58 29732 | 2 0.07 31.65 29808 | 1 0.04 31.69 29845 | 1 0.04 31.72 29872 | 1 0.04 31.76 30136 | 1 0.04 31.80 30169 | 3 0.11 31.91 30191 | 5 0.19 32.10 30196 | 4 0.15 32.24 30202 | 5 0.19 32.43 30210 | 1 0.04 32.47 30213 | 7 0.26 32.73 30224 | 1 0.04 32.76 30422 | 1 0.04 32.80 30512 | 1 0.04 32.84 30598 | 1 0.04 32.88 30700 | 1 0.04 32.91 30728 | 1 0.04 32.95 30800 | 2 0.07 33.02 30807 | 1 0.04 33.06 30850 | 1 0.04 33.10 30900 | 1 0.04 33.14 31025 | 1 0.04 33.17 31234 | 1 0.04 33.21 31348 | 1 0.04 33.25 31402 | 5 0.19 33.43 31420 | 5 0.19 33.62 31442 | 1 0.04 33.66 31445 | 1 0.04 33.69 31520 | 1 0.04 33.73 31536 | 1 0.04 33.77 31568 | 1 0.04 33.80 31592 | 1 0.04 33.84 31646 | 4 0.15 33.99 31660 | 1 0.04 34.03 31820 | 1 0.04 34.06 31870 | 10 0.37 34.44 31876 | 1 0.04 34.47 31935 | 1 0.04 34.51 32080 | 1 0.04 34.55 32094 | 3 0.11 34.66 32105 | 1 0.04 34.70 32140 | 1 0.04 34.73 32175 | 1 0.04 34.77 32200 | 1 0.04 34.81 32207 | 1 0.04 34.84 32220 | 2 0.07 34.92 32266 | 6 0.22 35.14 32418 | 1 0.04 35.18 32523 | 2 0.07 35.25 32600 | 1 0.04 35.29 32755 | 2 0.07 35.36 32806 | 1 0.04 35.40 32910 | 4 0.15 35.55 33024 | 1 0.04 35.59 33150 | 2 0.07 35.66 33154 | 1 0.04 35.70 33184 | 1 0.04 35.74 33194 | 1 0.04 35.77 33292 | 1 0.04 35.81 33312 | 3 0.11 35.92 33425 | 2 0.07 36.00 33435 | 1 0.04 36.03 33504 | 2 0.07 36.11 33740 | 1 0.04 36.14 33900 | 1 0.04 36.18 34105 | 2 0.07 36.26 34133 | 9 0.33 36.59 34148 | 1 0.04 36.63 34198 | 4 0.15 36.78 34200 | 4 0.15 36.92 34286 | 2 0.07 37.00 34297 | 3 0.11 37.11 34308 | 4 0.15 37.26 34319 | 3 0.11 37.37 34425 | 1 0.04 37.41 34492 | 1 0.04 37.44 34592 | 1 0.04 37.48 34693 | 1 0.04 37.52 34776 | 1 0.04 37.56 34865 | 1 0.04 37.59 35047 | 1 0.04 37.63 35120 | 2 0.07 37.70 35225 | 1 0.04 37.74 35255 | 1 0.04 37.78 35256 | 1 0.04 37.82 35284 | 1 0.04 37.85 35322 | 1 0.04 37.89 35385 | 1 0.04 37.93 35424 | 1 0.04 37.96 35468 | 1 0.04 38.00 35550 | 1 0.04 38.04 35613 | 1 0.04 38.08 35755 | 1 0.04 38.11 35800 | 1 0.04 38.15 35928 | 1 0.04 38.19 35966 | 1 0.04 38.22 36056 | 1 0.04 38.26 36096 | 1 0.04 38.30 36152 | 1 0.04 38.34 36168 | 1 0.04 38.37 36192 | 1 0.04 38.41 36220 | 1 0.04 38.45 36233 | 1 0.04 38.48 36306 | 1 0.04 38.52 36325 | 1 0.04 38.56 36374 | 6 0.22 38.78 36460 | 1 0.04 38.82 36484 | 1 0.04 38.86 36490 | 1 0.04 38.89 36530 | 1 0.04 38.93 36592 | 2 0.07 39.00 36712 | 1 0.04 39.04 36735 | 1 0.04 39.08 36736 | 1 0.04 39.12 36745 | 1 0.04 39.15 36768 | 1 0.04 39.19 36865 | 5 0.19 39.38 37000 | 1 0.04 39.41 37024 | 1 0.04 39.45 37178 | 2 0.07 39.52 37252 | 1 0.04 39.56 37390 | 3 0.11 39.67 37444 | 1 0.04 39.71 37465 | 1 0.04 39.75 37542 | 2 0.07 39.82 37560 | 2 0.07 39.90 37576 | 1 0.04 39.93 37650 | 2 0.07 40.01 37665 | 7 0.26 40.27 37736 | 1 0.04 40.30 37784 | 1 0.04 40.34 37825 | 1 0.04 40.38 37847 | 2 0.07 40.45 37880 | 1 0.04 40.49 38000 | 1 0.04 40.53 38168 | 1 0.04 40.56 38170 | 3 0.11 40.68 38288 | 1 0.04 40.71 38304 | 1 0.04 40.75 38349 | 1 0.04 40.79 38375 | 2 0.07 40.86 38420 | 1 0.04 40.90 38437 | 1 0.04 40.94 38440 | 1 0.04 40.97 38610 | 1 0.04 41.01 38640 | 1 0.04 41.05 38744 | 1 0.04 41.08 38818 | 1 0.04 41.12 38910 | 1 0.04 41.16 38934 | 2 0.07 41.23 38972 | 1 0.04 41.27 39056 | 2 0.07 41.34 39175 | 1 0.04 41.38 39200 | 1 0.04 41.42 39210 | 2 0.07 41.49 39256 | 1 0.04 41.53 39304 | 1 0.04 41.57 39309 | 5 0.19 41.75 39392 | 1 0.04 41.79 39420 | 2 0.07 41.86 39475 | 1 0.04 41.90 39750 | 1 0.04 41.94 39883 | 1 0.04 41.98 39909 | 2 0.07 42.05 39914 | 1 0.04 42.09 39920 | 1 0.04 42.12 39960 | 2 0.07 42.20 39994 | 1 0.04 42.24 40000 | 3 0.11 42.35 40016 | 2 0.07 42.42 40018 | 7 0.26 42.68 40034 | 1 0.04 42.72 40040 | 1 0.04 42.76 40088 | 1 0.04 42.79 40100 | 1 0.04 42.83 40142 | 1 0.04 42.87 40186 | 2 0.07 42.94 40270 | 1 0.04 42.98 40322 | 1 0.04 43.02 40340 | 1 0.04 43.05 40350 | 1 0.04 43.09 40376 | 1 0.04 43.13 40430 | 1 0.04 43.16 40440 | 1 0.04 43.20 40448 | 1 0.04 43.24 40450 | 1 0.04 43.28 40470 | 1 0.04 43.31 40536 | 1 0.04 43.35 40584 | 1 0.04 43.39 40656 | 1 0.04 43.42 40666 | 1 0.04 43.46 40738 | 2 0.07 43.54 40984 | 1 0.04 43.57 41003 | 1 0.04 43.61 41010 | 3 0.11 43.72 41086 | 3 0.11 43.83 41132 | 1 0.04 43.87 41250 | 1 0.04 43.91 41392 | 1 0.04 43.95 41398 | 1 0.04 43.98 41416 | 2 0.07 44.06 41420 | 2 0.07 44.13 41424 | 2 0.07 44.21 41438 | 1 0.04 44.24 41440 | 1 0.04 44.28 41458 | 5 0.19 44.47 41473 | 4 0.15 44.61 41475 | 6 0.22 44.84 41500 | 1 0.04 44.87 41503 | 5 0.19 45.06 41565 | 1 0.04 45.10 41566 | 1 0.04 45.13 41580 | 1 0.04 45.17 41582 | 2 0.07 45.25 41700 | 2 0.07 45.32 41740 | 1 0.04 45.36 41768 | 1 0.04 45.39 41782 | 4 0.15 45.54 41860 | 1 0.04 45.58 41960 | 2 0.07 45.65 42032 | 1 0.04 45.69 42084 | 1 0.04 45.73 42094 | 1 0.04 45.77 42192 | 1 0.04 45.80 42280 | 2 0.07 45.88 42455 | 1 0.04 45.91 42460 | 1 0.04 45.95 42468 | 1 0.04 45.99 42472 | 1 0.04 46.03 42495 | 1 0.04 46.06 42536 | 1 0.04 46.10 42575 | 1 0.04 46.14 42598 | 4 0.15 46.29 42630 | 1 0.04 46.32 42664 | 1 0.04 46.36 42672 | 2 0.07 46.43 42700 | 1 0.04 46.47 42704 | 1 0.04 46.51 42746 | 1 0.04 46.55 42769 | 1 0.04 46.58 42808 | 1 0.04 46.62 42950 | 1 0.04 46.66 42976 | 1 0.04 46.69 43000 | 3 0.11 46.81 43224 | 1 0.04 46.84 43300 | 1 0.04 46.88 43380 | 1 0.04 46.92 43458 | 1 0.04 46.95 43460 | 1 0.04 46.99 43463 | 4 0.15 47.14 43465 | 5 0.19 47.33 43474 | 9 0.33 47.66 43475 | 1 0.04 47.70 43484 | 1 0.04 47.73 43496 | 2 0.07 47.81 43500 | 3 0.11 47.92 43510 | 1 0.04 47.96 43606 | 1 0.04 47.99 43702 | 1 0.04 48.03 43704 | 1 0.04 48.07 43720 | 1 0.04 48.11 43815 | 1 0.04 48.14 43822 | 8 0.30 48.44 43828 | 1 0.04 48.48 43852 | 1 0.04 48.51 43874 | 1 0.04 48.55 43900 | 13 0.48 49.03 44038 | 4 0.15 49.18 44044 | 3 0.11 49.29 44060 | 1 0.04 49.33 44072 | 3 0.11 49.44 44076 | 5 0.19 49.63 44078 | 3 0.11 49.74 44110 | 7 0.26 50.00 44120 | 3 0.11 50.11 44146 | 4 0.15 50.26 44167 | 1 0.04 50.30 44168 | 1 0.04 50.33 44260 | 1 0.04 50.37 44366 | 1 0.04 50.41 44525 | 1 0.04 50.45 44664 | 1 0.04 50.48 44770 | 2 0.07 50.56 44787 | 2 0.07 50.63 44792 | 2 0.07 50.71 44853 | 1 0.04 50.74 44908 | 2 0.07 50.82 44952 | 1 0.04 50.85 45106 | 2 0.07 50.93 45110 | 1 0.04 50.97 45170 | 1 0.04 51.00 45200 | 1 0.04 51.04 45255 | 1 0.04 51.08 45400 | 1 0.04 51.11 45435 | 1 0.04 51.15 45452 | 1 0.04 51.19 45500 | 1 0.04 51.23 45525 | 1 0.04 51.26 45568 | 2 0.07 51.34 45700 | 1 0.04 51.37 45732 | 2 0.07 51.45 45752 | 1 0.04 51.49 45824 | 1 0.04 51.52 45934 | 1 0.04 51.56 45997 | 1 0.04 51.60 46000 | 1 0.04 51.63 46114 | 1 0.04 51.67 46376 | 1 0.04 51.71 46400 | 1 0.04 51.75 46436 | 1 0.04 51.78 46492 | 3 0.11 51.89 46494 | 3 0.11 52.01 46540 | 4 0.15 52.15 46750 | 1 0.04 52.19 46854 | 2 0.07 52.27 46864 | 1 0.04 52.30 47111 | 1 0.04 52.34 47192 | 2 0.07 52.41 47344 | 2 0.07 52.49 47350 | 1 0.04 52.53 47352 | 1 0.04 52.56 47422 | 1 0.04 52.60 47425 | 2 0.07 52.67 47430 | 1 0.04 52.71 47480 | 1 0.04 52.75 47525 | 1 0.04 52.79 47600 | 2 0.07 52.86 47636 | 1 0.04 52.90 47700 | 1 0.04 52.93 47736 | 1 0.04 52.97 47800 | 1 0.04 53.01 47875 | 1 0.04 53.05 47898 | 5 0.19 53.23 48010 | 1 0.04 53.27 48048 | 1 0.04 53.31 48064 | 1 0.04 53.34 48072 | 1 0.04 53.38 48242 | 1 0.04 53.42 48286 | 1 0.04 53.45 48315 | 8 0.30 53.75 48318 | 9 0.33 54.09 48425 | 1 0.04 54.12 48448 | 2 0.07 54.20 48456 | 1 0.04 54.23 48478 | 1 0.04 54.27 48558 | 2 0.07 54.35 48648 | 1 0.04 54.38 48718 | 3 0.11 54.49 48744 | 1 0.04 54.53 48750 | 3 0.11 54.64 48775 | 2 0.07 54.72 48798 | 1 0.04 54.75 48810 | 1 0.04 54.79 49025 | 1 0.04 54.83 49072 | 1 0.04 54.87 49088 | 2 0.07 54.94 49224 | 1 0.04 54.98 49231 | 1 0.04 55.01 49272 | 1 0.04 55.05 49300 | 8 0.30 55.35 49304 | 1 0.04 55.39 49651 | 1 0.04 55.42 49680 | 1 0.04 55.46 49725 | 1 0.04 55.50 49732 | 1 0.04 55.53 49748 | 1 0.04 55.57 49781 | 1 0.04 55.61 49800 | 7 0.26 55.87 49880 | 1 0.04 55.91 49900 | 1 0.04 55.94 49920 | 1 0.04 55.98 49944 | 1 0.04 56.02 49966 | 1 0.04 56.05 50008 | 1 0.04 56.09 50088 | 1 0.04 56.13 50184 | 1 0.04 56.17 50232 | 1 0.04 56.20 50272 | 1 0.04 56.24 50322 | 9 0.33 56.58 50397 | 2 0.07 56.65 50412 | 5 0.19 56.84 50705 | 1 0.04 56.87 50742 | 2 0.07 56.95 50748 | 1 0.04 56.98 50750 | 1 0.04 57.02 50900 | 1 0.04 57.06 50965 | 5 0.19 57.24 51152 | 1 0.04 57.28 51168 | 1 0.04 57.32 51176 | 1 0.04 57.36 51193 | 8 0.30 57.65 51258 | 8 0.30 57.95 51280 | 1 0.04 57.99 51294 | 1 0.04 58.02 51318 | 2 0.07 58.10 51356 | 1 0.04 58.14 51465 | 1 0.04 58.17 51467 | 1 0.04 58.21 51496 | 1 0.04 58.25 51552 | 1 0.04 58.28 51568 | 2 0.07 58.36 51576 | 2 0.07 58.43 51760 | 1 0.04 58.47 51824 | 1 0.04 58.51 51978 | 1 0.04 58.54 51984 | 2 0.07 58.62 52056 | 1 0.04 58.66 52068 | 1 0.04 58.69 52216 | 1 0.04 58.73 52224 | 2 0.07 58.80 52300 | 1 0.04 58.84 52320 | 2 0.07 58.92 52324 | 1 0.04 58.95 52350 | 1 0.04 58.99 52362 | 2 0.07 59.06 52375 | 1 0.04 59.10 52400 | 2 0.07 59.18 52475 | 2 0.07 59.25 52525 | 2 0.07 59.32 52632 | 3 0.11 59.44 52700 | 1 0.04 59.47 52796 | 8 0.30 59.77 52842 | 2 0.07 59.84 52968 | 1 0.04 59.88 53060 | 1 0.04 59.92 53138 | 1 0.04 59.96 53174 | 1 0.04 59.99 53208 | 1 0.04 60.03 53210 | 1 0.04 60.07 53231 | 2 0.07 60.14 53248 | 1 0.04 60.18 53260 | 1 0.04 60.22 53275 | 2 0.07 60.29 53288 | 2 0.07 60.36 53328 | 6 0.22 60.59 53377 | 1 0.04 60.62 53408 | 9 0.33 60.96 53430 | 1 0.04 61.00 53462 | 5 0.19 61.18 53472 | 1 0.04 61.22 53500 | 1 0.04 61.26 53504 | 2 0.07 61.33 53700 | 1 0.04 61.37 53712 | 1 0.04 61.40 53718 | 8 0.30 61.70 53736 | 1 0.04 61.74 53800 | 1 0.04 61.78 53804 | 3 0.11 61.89 53845 | 1 0.04 61.92 53858 | 4 0.15 62.07 53880 | 3 0.11 62.18 53894 | 3 0.11 62.30 53948 | 4 0.15 62.44 53956 | 1 0.04 62.48 53970 | 4 0.15 62.63 53979 | 1 0.04 62.67 54040 | 1 0.04 62.70 54060 | 1 0.04 62.74 54092 | 1 0.04 62.78 54100 | 1 0.04 62.82 54132 | 1 0.04 62.85 54186 | 1 0.04 62.89 54275 | 3 0.11 63.00 54300 | 1 0.04 63.04 54325 | 1 0.04 63.08 54480 | 2 0.07 63.15 54510 | 1 0.04 63.19 54558 | 9 0.33 63.52 54562 | 1 0.04 63.56 54568 | 1 0.04 63.60 54596 | 1 0.04 63.63 54612 | 1 0.04 63.67 54660 | 13 0.48 64.15 54666 | 2 0.07 64.23 54688 | 1 0.04 64.26 54726 | 1 0.04 64.30 54728 | 2 0.07 64.38 54776 | 2 0.07 64.45 54804 | 1 0.04 64.49 54810 | 1 0.04 64.52 54816 | 4 0.15 64.67 54840 | 1 0.04 64.71 54846 | 5 0.19 64.90 54872 | 1 0.04 64.93 54888 | 1 0.04 64.97 54892 | 1 0.04 65.01 54930 | 1 0.04 65.04 55000 | 3 0.11 65.16 55070 | 2 0.07 65.23 55090 | 1 0.04 65.27 55104 | 1 0.04 65.30 55132 | 1 0.04 65.34 55342 | 1 0.04 65.38 55355 | 1 0.04 65.42 55456 | 1 0.04 65.45 55465 | 1 0.04 65.49 55468 | 1 0.04 65.53 55506 | 1 0.04 65.56 55604 | 1 0.04 65.60 55608 | 1 0.04 65.64 55630 | 1 0.04 65.68 55664 | 2 0.07 65.75 55728 | 2 0.07 65.82 55750 | 1 0.04 65.86 55840 | 1 0.04 65.90 55884 | 1 0.04 65.94 55910 | 1 0.04 65.97 55950 | 2 0.07 66.05 55964 | 3 0.11 66.16 55996 | 2 0.07 66.23 56008 | 1 0.04 66.27 56028 | 1 0.04 66.31 56080 | 1 0.04 66.34 56088 | 1 0.04 66.38 56212 | 2 0.07 66.46 56264 | 2 0.07 66.53 56280 | 1 0.04 66.57 56375 | 3 0.11 66.68 56396 | 7 0.26 66.94 56400 | 1 0.04 66.98 56414 | 7 0.26 67.24 56475 | 1 0.04 67.27 56496 | 1 0.04 67.31 56500 | 1 0.04 67.35 56550 | 2 0.07 67.42 56553 | 1 0.04 67.46 56620 | 1 0.04 67.50 56644 | 7 0.26 67.76 56712 | 1 0.04 67.79 56730 | 4 0.15 67.94 56810 | 1 0.04 67.98 56816 | 1 0.04 68.02 56924 | 1 0.04 68.05 56928 | 1 0.04 68.09 57025 | 1 0.04 68.13 57192 | 2 0.07 68.20 57288 | 3 0.11 68.31 57292 | 1 0.04 68.35 57492 | 1 0.04 68.39 57518 | 1 0.04 68.42 57544 | 1 0.04 68.46 57608 | 1 0.04 68.50 57658 | 5 0.19 68.68 57752 | 2 0.07 68.76 57800 | 6 0.22 68.98 57804 | 1 0.04 69.02 57875 | 1 0.04 69.06 57904 | 1 0.04 69.09 57968 | 1 0.04 69.13 57990 | 1 0.04 69.17 58144 | 1 0.04 69.21 58176 | 2 0.07 69.28 58196 | 1 0.04 69.32 58200 | 2 0.07 69.39 58215 | 3 0.11 69.50 58352 | 1 0.04 69.54 58372 | 1 0.04 69.58 58384 | 1 0.04 69.61 58422 | 1 0.04 69.65 58436 | 2 0.07 69.73 58475 | 2 0.07 69.80 58486 | 3 0.11 69.91 58497 | 2 0.07 69.99 58564 | 1 0.04 70.02 58602 | 1 0.04 70.06 58770 | 1 0.04 70.10 58776 | 1 0.04 70.13 58800 | 1 0.04 70.17 58870 | 2 0.07 70.25 58880 | 1 0.04 70.28 58912 | 1 0.04 70.32 58920 | 1 0.04 70.36 58936 | 2 0.07 70.43 59152 | 2 0.07 70.51 59176 | 2 0.07 70.58 59210 | 1 0.04 70.62 59223 | 1 0.04 70.65 59304 | 1 0.04 70.69 59322 | 1 0.04 70.73 59388 | 1 0.04 70.77 59450 | 1 0.04 70.80 59520 | 1 0.04 70.84 59531 | 3 0.11 70.95 59725 | 1 0.04 70.99 59726 | 1 0.04 71.03 59740 | 1 0.04 71.06 59750 | 1 0.04 71.10 59794 | 3 0.11 71.21 59798 | 1 0.04 71.25 59920 | 1 0.04 71.29 60008 | 2 0.07 71.36 60098 | 1 0.04 71.40 60140 | 1 0.04 71.43 60225 | 1 0.04 71.47 60290 | 8 0.30 71.77 60408 | 4 0.15 71.92 60422 | 3 0.11 72.03 60478 | 1 0.04 72.07 60480 | 5 0.19 72.25 60505 | 1 0.04 72.29 60508 | 1 0.04 72.33 60534 | 1 0.04 72.36 60554 | 7 0.26 72.62 60627 | 1 0.04 72.66 60680 | 1 0.04 72.70 60825 | 1 0.04 72.73 60950 | 2 0.07 72.81 60986 | 1 0.04 72.85 61048 | 2 0.07 72.92 61170 | 1 0.04 72.96 61236 | 1 0.04 72.99 61314 | 1 0.04 73.03 61320 | 1 0.04 73.07 61325 | 1 0.04 73.11 61432 | 1 0.04 73.14 61454 | 1 0.04 73.18 61470 | 1 0.04 73.22 61554 | 7 0.26 73.48 61580 | 1 0.04 73.51 61660 | 1 0.04 73.55 61706 | 1 0.04 73.59 61730 | 1 0.04 73.63 61807 | 2 0.07 73.70 61980 | 1 0.04 73.74 62061 | 1 0.04 73.77 62118 | 2 0.07 73.85 62128 | 2 0.07 73.92 62264 | 1 0.04 73.96 62292 | 8 0.30 74.26 62318 | 9 0.33 74.59 62370 | 1 0.04 74.63 62620 | 1 0.04 74.67 62644 | 1 0.04 74.70 62700 | 1 0.04 74.74 62712 | 2 0.07 74.81 62775 | 1 0.04 74.85 62792 | 1 0.04 74.89 63020 | 4 0.15 75.04 63026 | 3 0.11 75.15 63100 | 1 0.04 75.19 63116 | 2 0.07 75.26 63225 | 1 0.04 75.30 63250 | 1 0.04 75.33 63375 | 1 0.04 75.37 63408 | 4 0.15 75.52 63435 | 1 0.04 75.56 63560 | 1 0.04 75.59 63604 | 2 0.07 75.67 63770 | 2 0.07 75.74 63792 | 1 0.04 75.78 63803 | 2 0.07 75.85 63814 | 1 0.04 75.89 63858 | 1 0.04 75.93 63902 | 1 0.04 75.97 63976 | 1 0.04 76.00 64104 | 3 0.11 76.11 64200 | 1 0.04 76.15 64232 | 5 0.19 76.34 64316 | 1 0.04 76.37 64322 | 2 0.07 76.45 64430 | 3 0.11 76.56 64432 | 1 0.04 76.60 64441 | 5 0.19 76.78 64442 | 2 0.07 76.86 64478 | 3 0.11 76.97 64500 | 2 0.07 77.04 64550 | 1 0.04 77.08 64620 | 1 0.04 77.12 64650 | 1 0.04 77.15 64725 | 1 0.04 77.19 64728 | 1 0.04 77.23 64881 | 1 0.04 77.27 64900 | 1 0.04 77.30 65035 | 1 0.04 77.34 65049 | 7 0.26 77.60 65050 | 5 0.19 77.79 65088 | 1 0.04 77.82 65100 | 1 0.04 77.86 65160 | 1 0.04 77.90 65192 | 2 0.07 77.97 65208 | 4 0.15 78.12 65210 | 2 0.07 78.19 65310 | 1 0.04 78.23 65378 | 2 0.07 78.31 65392 | 2 0.07 78.38 65496 | 1 0.04 78.42 65532 | 2 0.07 78.49 65556 | 1 0.04 78.53 65604 | 1 0.04 78.57 65662 | 1 0.04 78.60 65708 | 5 0.19 78.79 65750 | 1 0.04 78.83 65765 | 1 0.04 78.86 65766 | 1 0.04 78.90 65768 | 1 0.04 78.94 65774 | 4 0.15 79.09 65776 | 1 0.04 79.12 65777 | 1 0.04 79.16 65856 | 1 0.04 79.20 65910 | 1 0.04 79.23 65976 | 1 0.04 79.27 65984 | 1 0.04 79.31 65988 | 1 0.04 79.35 66016 | 3 0.11 79.46 66058 | 1 0.04 79.49 66066 | 1 0.04 79.53 66075 | 1 0.04 79.57 66102 | 2 0.07 79.64 66168 | 1 0.04 79.68 66320 | 2 0.07 79.75 66425 | 1 0.04 79.79 66448 | 1 0.04 79.83 66450 | 1 0.04 79.87 66472 | 1 0.04 79.90 66486 | 5 0.19 80.09 66504 | 12 0.45 80.53 66536 | 2 0.07 80.61 66576 | 1 0.04 80.65 66635 | 2 0.07 80.72 66840 | 1 0.04 80.76 66872 | 1 0.04 80.79 66928 | 2 0.07 80.87 66995 | 1 0.04 80.91 67257 | 1 0.04 80.94 67352 | 1 0.04 80.98 67416 | 1 0.04 81.02 67440 | 1 0.04 81.05 67500 | 1 0.04 81.09 67600 | 1 0.04 81.13 67628 | 2 0.07 81.20 67665 | 1 0.04 81.24 67675 | 1 0.04 81.28 67700 | 1 0.04 81.32 67775 | 2 0.07 81.39 67873 | 1 0.04 81.43 67880 | 1 0.04 81.46 67920 | 1 0.04 81.50 67944 | 4 0.15 81.65 67950 | 1 0.04 81.69 67998 | 3 0.11 81.80 68004 | 1 0.04 81.84 68072 | 1 0.04 81.87 68104 | 1 0.04 81.91 68120 | 1 0.04 81.95 68200 | 1 0.04 81.98 68294 | 1 0.04 82.02 68340 | 1 0.04 82.06 68432 | 1 0.04 82.10 68487 | 2 0.07 82.17 68714 | 3 0.11 82.28 68942 | 1 0.04 82.32 69023 | 2 0.07 82.39 69230 | 1 0.04 82.43 69256 | 1 0.04 82.47 69272 | 1 0.04 82.50 69376 | 1 0.04 82.54 69384 | 4 0.15 82.69 69441 | 2 0.07 82.76 69470 | 1 0.04 82.80 69510 | 1 0.04 82.84 69600 | 1 0.04 82.88 69675 | 1 0.04 82.91 69680 | 1 0.04 82.95 69752 | 3 0.11 83.06 69776 | 1 0.04 83.10 69830 | 1 0.04 83.14 69832 | 1 0.04 83.17 69844 | 1 0.04 83.21 69892 | 1 0.04 83.25 69979 | 1 0.04 83.28 70050 | 1 0.04 83.32 70068 | 1 0.04 83.36 70075 | 3 0.11 83.47 70128 | 1 0.04 83.51 70280 | 1 0.04 83.54 70352 | 1 0.04 83.58 70362 | 1 0.04 83.62 70460 | 2 0.07 83.69 70468 | 1 0.04 83.73 70520 | 1 0.04 83.77 70640 | 1 0.04 83.80 70800 | 1 0.04 83.84 70850 | 2 0.07 83.92 70880 | 1 0.04 83.95 70912 | 1 0.04 83.99 71000 | 1 0.04 84.03 71072 | 1 0.04 84.06 71084 | 2 0.07 84.14 71144 | 1 0.04 84.18 71180 | 1 0.04 84.21 71184 | 1 0.04 84.25 71210 | 1 0.04 84.29 71220 | 2 0.07 84.36 71267 | 3 0.11 84.47 71274 | 1 0.04 84.51 71289 | 2 0.07 84.58 71356 | 1 0.04 84.62 71362 | 1 0.04 84.66 71370 | 1 0.04 84.70 71460 | 3 0.11 84.81 71504 | 1 0.04 84.84 71604 | 1 0.04 84.88 71608 | 1 0.04 84.92 71620 | 1 0.04 84.96 71780 | 1 0.04 84.99 71820 | 6 0.22 85.22 71824 | 3 0.11 85.33 71848 | 1 0.04 85.36 71850 | 1 0.04 85.40 71876 | 1 0.04 85.44 71947 | 1 0.04 85.48 71960 | 1 0.04 85.51 71976 | 1 0.04 85.55 72000 | 1 0.04 85.59 72034 | 3 0.11 85.70 72072 | 1 0.04 85.74 72192 | 1 0.04 85.77 72232 | 1 0.04 85.81 72240 | 1 0.04 85.85 72338 | 1 0.04 85.88 72416 | 2 0.07 85.96 72448 | 1 0.04 86.00 72464 | 1 0.04 86.03 72480 | 1 0.04 86.07 72520 | 2 0.07 86.14 72578 | 1 0.04 86.18 72616 | 1 0.04 86.22 72676 | 1 0.04 86.26 72736 | 2 0.07 86.33 72770 | 1 0.04 86.37 72790 | 5 0.19 86.55 72900 | 1 0.04 86.59 72920 | 1 0.04 86.63 72923 | 1 0.04 86.66 72950 | 9 0.33 87.00 73020 | 1 0.04 87.04 73030 | 1 0.04 87.07 73100 | 1 0.04 87.11 73154 | 2 0.07 87.18 73167 | 1 0.04 87.22 73296 | 4 0.15 87.37 73318 | 1 0.04 87.41 73350 | 2 0.07 87.48 73388 | 1 0.04 87.52 73600 | 2 0.07 87.59 73605 | 4 0.15 87.74 73888 | 2 0.07 87.82 73890 | 1 0.04 87.85 73925 | 1 0.04 87.89 73950 | 1 0.04 87.93 73978 | 1 0.04 87.96 74064 | 4 0.15 88.11 74080 | 1 0.04 88.15 74082 | 4 0.15 88.30 74160 | 2 0.07 88.37 74224 | 2 0.07 88.45 74360 | 1 0.04 88.48 74448 | 1 0.04 88.52 74575 | 1 0.04 88.56 74667 | 1 0.04 88.60 74668 | 1 0.04 88.63 74670 | 3 0.11 88.74 74740 | 1 0.04 88.78 74864 | 1 0.04 88.82 75000 | 2 0.07 88.89 75136 | 1 0.04 88.93 75145 | 1 0.04 88.97 75190 | 3 0.11 89.08 75200 | 1 0.04 89.12 75225 | 3 0.11 89.23 75238 | 7 0.26 89.49 75315 | 1 0.04 89.52 75432 | 4 0.15 89.67 75520 | 1 0.04 89.71 75568 | 1 0.04 89.75 75583 | 2 0.07 89.82 75588 | 1 0.04 89.86 75592 | 1 0.04 89.90 75596 | 1 0.04 89.93 75617 | 11 0.41 90.34 75796 | 9 0.33 90.68 75814 | 7 0.26 90.94 75816 | 2 0.07 91.01 75963 | 8 0.30 91.31 76022 | 1 0.04 91.34 76050 | 1 0.04 91.38 76246 | 4 0.15 91.53 76264 | 2 0.07 91.60 76287 | 2 0.07 91.68 76320 | 1 0.04 91.72 76345 | 1 0.04 91.75 76380 | 7 0.26 92.01 76515 | 1 0.04 92.05 76525 | 1 0.04 92.09 76560 | 3 0.11 92.20 76658 | 1 0.04 92.24 76700 | 1 0.04 92.27 76705 | 1 0.04 92.31 76724 | 2 0.07 92.38 76740 | 1 0.04 92.42 76806 | 1 0.04 92.46 76820 | 1 0.04 92.50 76834 | 2 0.07 92.57 76996 | 1 0.04 92.61 77100 | 1 0.04 92.64 77128 | 1 0.04 92.68 77137 | 1 0.04 92.72 77184 | 1 0.04 92.76 77188 | 1 0.04 92.79 77200 | 1 0.04 92.83 77211 | 1 0.04 92.87 77250 | 1 0.04 92.90 77288 | 1 0.04 92.94 77336 | 1 0.04 92.98 77392 | 1 0.04 93.02 77406 | 1 0.04 93.05 77431 | 1 0.04 93.09 77434 | 1 0.04 93.13 77456 | 1 0.04 93.16 77500 | 2 0.07 93.24 77520 | 1 0.04 93.28 77525 | 2 0.07 93.35 77574 | 1 0.04 93.39 77588 | 1 0.04 93.42 77656 | 1 0.04 93.46 77750 | 1 0.04 93.50 77783 | 1 0.04 93.54 77800 | 1 0.04 93.57 77808 | 1 0.04 93.61 77860 | 1 0.04 93.65 77890 | 1 0.04 93.68 77912 | 1 0.04 93.72 77924 | 3 0.11 93.83 77925 | 1 0.04 93.87 77956 | 1 0.04 93.91 78000 | 1 0.04 93.95 78008 | 1 0.04 93.98 78115 | 1 0.04 94.02 78146 | 1 0.04 94.06 78250 | 1 0.04 94.09 78300 | 1 0.04 94.13 78350 | 2 0.07 94.21 78370 | 2 0.07 94.28 78464 | 1 0.04 94.32 78705 | 1 0.04 94.35 78712 | 2 0.07 94.43 78850 | 1 0.04 94.47 79225 | 1 0.04 94.50 79301 | 1 0.04 94.54 79610 | 1 0.04 94.58 79675 | 1 0.04 94.61 79682 | 1 0.04 94.65 79715 | 1 0.04 94.69 79720 | 1 0.04 94.73 79756 | 1 0.04 94.76 79768 | 1 0.04 94.80 79776 | 1 0.04 94.84 79830 | 1 0.04 94.87 80040 | 1 0.04 94.91 80120 | 1 0.04 94.95 80150 | 1 0.04 94.99 80210 | 1 0.04 95.02 80250 | 1 0.04 95.06 80616 | 1 0.04 95.10 80645 | 1 0.04 95.13 80724 | 5 0.19 95.32 80790 | 1 0.04 95.36 80800 | 1 0.04 95.39 80913 | 1 0.04 95.43 80962 | 1 0.04 95.47 80990 | 2 0.07 95.54 81170 | 1 0.04 95.58 81250 | 1 0.04 95.62 81328 | 1 0.04 95.65 81372 | 4 0.15 95.80 81624 | 1 0.04 95.84 81760 | 1 0.04 95.88 81832 | 2 0.07 95.95 81869 | 1 0.04 95.99 81925 | 1 0.04 96.03 82000 | 1 0.04 96.06 82055 | 1 0.04 96.10 82080 | 2 0.07 96.17 82088 | 1 0.04 96.21 82117 | 4 0.15 96.36 82164 | 9 0.33 96.69 82180 | 1 0.04 96.73 82450 | 1 0.04 96.77 82556 | 1 0.04 96.81 82616 | 1 0.04 96.84 82736 | 1 0.04 96.88 82750 | 1 0.04 96.92 82832 | 1 0.04 96.95 82848 | 1 0.04 96.99 82920 | 1 0.04 97.03 82942 | 1 0.04 97.07 82986 | 1 0.04 97.10 83063 | 1 0.04 97.14 83172 | 1 0.04 97.18 83200 | 2 0.07 97.25 83208 | 3 0.11 97.36 83248 | 1 0.04 97.40 83280 | 3 0.11 97.51 83290 | 1 0.04 97.55 83328 | 1 0.04 97.59 83346 | 1 0.04 97.62 83384 | 1 0.04 97.66 83400 | 1 0.04 97.70 83402 | 1 0.04 97.73 83512 | 1 0.04 97.77 83612 | 1 0.04 97.81 83784 | 4 0.15 97.96 83856 | 1 0.04 97.99 84000 | 1 0.04 98.03 84050 | 1 0.04 98.07 84176 | 1 0.04 98.11 84280 | 3 0.11 98.22 84374 | 1 0.04 98.25 84376 | 1 0.04 98.29 84440 | 3 0.11 98.40 84486 | 1 0.04 98.44 84522 | 2 0.07 98.51 84550 | 1 0.04 98.55 84576 | 4 0.15 98.70 84588 | 1 0.04 98.74 84856 | 2 0.07 98.81 84864 | 2 0.07 98.89 84891 | 3 0.11 99.00 85076 | 1 0.04 99.03 85078 | 1 0.04 99.07 85344 | 1 0.04 99.11 85400 | 1 0.04 99.15 85496 | 1 0.04 99.18 85592 | 1 0.04 99.22 85608 | 2 0.07 99.29 85742 | 1 0.04 99.33 86200 | 1 0.04 99.37 86275 | 3 0.11 99.48 86282 | 1 0.04 99.52 86525 | 2 0.07 99.59 86672 | 1 0.04 99.63 86744 | 2 0.07 99.70 86952 | 1 0.04 99.74 86968 | 2 0.07 99.81 87000 | 1 0.04 99.85 87040 | 1 0.04 99.89 87048 | 1 0.04 99.93 87164 | 1 0.04 99.96 87240 | 1 0.04 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 2,692 100.00 Frequencies for placename1 variable in sf12010placedistance1miles dataset : Place Name 1 | Freq. Percent Cum. -----------------------------------+----------------------------------- Aaronsburg CDP | 1 0.04 0.04 Acacia Villas CDP | 1 0.04 0.07 Adelphi CDP | 1 0.04 0.11 Adelphi village | 1 0.04 0.15 Affton CDP | 2 0.07 0.22 Aiea CDP | 2 0.07 0.30 Airport CDP | 1 0.04 0.33 Airport Heights CDP | 2 0.07 0.41 Alamillo CDP | 1 0.04 0.45 Albertson CDP | 3 0.11 0.56 Aldan borough | 2 0.07 0.63 Allenhurst borough | 4 0.15 0.78 Allenport CDP | 1 0.04 0.82 Allenport borough | 2 0.07 0.89 Alpine CDP | 1 0.04 0.93 Altamont CDP | 2 0.07 1.00 Alto Bonito Heights CDP | 10 0.37 1.37 Alto CDP | 1 0.04 1.41 Amada Acres CDP | 4 0.15 1.56 Amaya CDP | 1 0.04 1.60 Amistad CDP | 1 0.04 1.63 Amity Gardens CDP | 1 0.04 1.67 Anacua CDP | 3 0.11 1.78 Angus city | 1 0.04 1.82 Anmoore town | 1 0.04 1.86 Antonito town | 1 0.04 1.89 Apollo borough | 3 0.11 2.01 Applewold borough | 1 0.04 2.04 Arcadia city | 1 0.04 2.08 Arden village | 2 0.07 2.15 Ardencroft village | 2 0.07 2.23 Ardentown village | 2 0.07 2.30 Ardmore CDP | 1 0.04 2.34 Aristes CDP | 1 0.04 2.38 Arlington Heights village | 1 0.04 2.41 Arnold City CDP | 1 0.04 2.45 Arnold city | 1 0.04 2.49 Artesia city | 1 0.04 2.53 Asbury Park city | 4 0.15 2.67 Asharoken village | 1 0.04 2.71 Aspinwall borough | 1 0.04 2.75 Atlantic Beach village | 1 0.04 2.79 Atlantis city | 1 0.04 2.82 Atlas CDP | 2 0.07 2.90 Au Sable CDP | 1 0.04 2.93 Audubon Park borough | 2 0.07 3.01 Audubon Park city | 1 0.04 3.05 Audubon borough | 3 0.11 3.16 Avalon borough | 3 0.11 3.27 Avalon town | 1 0.04 3.31 Aventura city | 1 0.04 3.34 Avoca borough | 1 0.04 3.38 Avon-by-the-Sea borough | 2 0.07 3.45 Añasco zona urbana | 1 0.04 3.49 B and E CDP | 3 0.11 3.60 Babson Park CDP | 1 0.04 3.64 Bal Harbour village | 2 0.07 3.71 Ballston Spa village | 1 0.04 3.75 Bancroft city | 6 0.22 3.97 Bangor borough | 1 0.04 4.01 Barbourmeade city | 8 0.30 4.31 Barnhill village | 1 0.04 4.35 Barnum Island CDP | 1 0.04 4.38 Barrera CDP | 6 0.22 4.61 Bath CDP | 1 0.04 4.64 Bath Corner CDP | 1 0.04 4.68 Baxter Estates village | 3 0.11 4.79 Bay Harbor Islands town | 3 0.11 4.90 Bay Head borough | 1 0.04 4.94 Bay Park CDP | 2 0.07 5.01 Bay View Gardens village | 1 0.04 5.05 Bayside Gardens CDP | 1 0.04 5.09 Bayview CDP | 3 0.11 5.20 Beachwood borough | 1 0.04 5.24 Bear Creek CDP | 1 0.04 5.27 Beaver Falls city | 1 0.04 5.31 Beechwood Village city | 4 0.15 5.46 Bel Air CDP | 1 0.04 5.50 Bel-Nor village | 4 0.15 5.65 Bel-Ridge village | 3 0.11 5.76 Bell city | 1 0.04 5.79 Bella Villa city | 1 0.04 5.83 Bellaire village | 1 0.04 5.87 Belle Vernon borough | 3 0.11 5.98 Belle town | 1 0.04 6.02 Belleair Beach city | 1 0.04 6.05 Belleair Bluffs city | 1 0.04 6.09 Belleair Shore town | 1 0.04 6.13 Bellefontaine Neighbors city | 1 0.04 6.17 Bellefonte town | 1 0.04 6.20 Bellemeade city | 2 0.07 6.28 Bellerive village | 5 0.19 6.46 Bellerose Terrace CDP | 1 0.04 6.50 Bellerose village | 2 0.07 6.58 Bellevue borough | 1 0.04 6.61 Bellevue city | 1 0.04 6.65 Bellewood city | 4 0.15 6.80 Bellmawr borough | 1 0.04 6.84 Bellows Falls village | 1 0.04 6.87 Belmar borough | 3 0.11 6.98 Ben Avon Heights borough | 2 0.07 7.06 Ben Avon borough | 3 0.11 7.17 Benjamin Perez CDP | 2 0.07 7.24 Benld city | 1 0.04 7.28 Benton city | 1 0.04 7.32 Benwood city | 1 0.04 7.36 Benzonia village | 1 0.04 7.39 Berkeley city | 1 0.04 7.43 Bermuda Run town | 1 0.04 7.47 Bethany city | 1 0.04 7.50 Bethany town | 1 0.04 7.54 Beulah village | 1 0.04 7.58 Beverly Hills city | 10 0.37 7.95 Beverly village | 1 0.04 7.99 Big Pool CDP | 1 0.04 8.02 Big Sandy CDP | 1 0.04 8.06 Bigelow town | 1 0.04 8.10 Bird-in-Hand CDP | 2 0.07 8.17 Bivalve CDP | 1 0.04 8.21 Blackwells Mills CDP | 1 0.04 8.25 Bladensburg town | 1 0.04 8.28 Blanchard CDP | 1 0.04 8.32 Blanchard city | 1 0.04 8.36 Bloomington CDP | 1 0.04 8.40 Blue Ridge Manor city | 3 0.11 8.51 Blue Sky CDP | 1 0.04 8.54 Bluewater CDP | 2 0.07 8.62 Bolivar town | 1 0.04 8.66 Bonanza Hills CDP | 2 0.07 8.73 Boomer CDP | 1 0.04 8.77 Boston CDP | 1 0.04 8.80 Botines CDP | 1 0.04 8.84 Boulevard Gardens CDP | 2 0.07 8.92 Bowers CDP | 1 0.04 8.95 Bowling Green CDP | 1 0.04 8.99 Box Canyon CDP | 1 0.04 9.03 Boyertown borough | 1 0.04 9.06 Braddock Hills borough | 4 0.15 9.21 Braddock borough | 4 0.15 9.36 Bradley Beach borough | 2 0.07 9.44 Bradley Gardens CDP | 1 0.04 9.47 Brandonville town | 1 0.04 9.51 Brazos CDP | 1 0.04 9.55 Breckinridge Center CDP | 1 0.04 9.58 Brecon CDP | 1 0.04 9.62 Brentwood town | 3 0.11 9.73 Bressler CDP | 3 0.11 9.84 Briarcliffe Acres town | 1 0.04 9.88 Briarwood city | 7 0.26 10.14 Bridgeport village | 1 0.04 10.18 Bridgewater borough | 1 0.04 10.22 Brightwaters village | 1 0.04 10.25 Brinckerhoff CDP | 1 0.04 10.29 Brisbin borough | 1 0.04 10.33 Broeck Pointe city | 9 0.33 10.66 Bronxville village | 1 0.04 10.70 Brookhaven borough | 1 0.04 10.74 Brooklawn borough | 2 0.07 10.81 Brooklyn town | 1 0.04 10.85 Brookside village | 1 0.04 10.88 Brookview town | 1 0.04 10.92 Browning town | 2 0.07 11.00 Brownsboro Farm city | 7 0.26 11.26 Brownsboro Village city | 5 0.19 11.44 Brownsville borough | 1 0.04 11.48 Browntown CDP | 1 0.04 11.52 Bruceton Mills town | 1 0.04 11.55 Brush Creek CDP | 1 0.04 11.59 Buchanan village | 1 0.04 11.63 Buena Vista CDP | 1 0.04 11.66 Buffington CDP | 1 0.04 11.70 Bulpitt village | 1 0.04 11.74 Burbank CDP | 1 0.04 11.78 Burgess town | 1 0.04 11.81 Burnham borough | 1 0.04 11.85 Butlertown CDP | 1 0.04 11.89 Byram CDP | 1 0.04 11.92 Bystrom CDP | 3 0.11 12.04 C-Road CDP | 1 0.04 12.07 Caldwell borough | 1 0.04 12.11 California borough | 1 0.04 12.15 Calvert Beach CDP | 1 0.04 12.18 Camargito CDP | 4 0.15 12.33 Camas CDP | 1 0.04 12.37 Cambridge City town | 1 0.04 12.41 Cambridge city | 3 0.11 12.52 Campo Verde CDP | 7 0.26 12.78 Candelaria Arenas comunidad | 1 0.04 12.82 Candelaria comunidad | 2 0.07 12.89 Candelero Abajo comunidad | 1 0.04 12.93 Carbon Cliff village | 1 0.04 12.96 Carlos CDP | 2 0.07 13.04 Carmet CDP | 1 0.04 13.08 Carmichaels borough | 1 0.04 13.11 Carpendale town | 1 0.04 13.15 Carrollton town | 1 0.04 13.19 Casa Blanca CDP | 1 0.04 13.22 Casas CDP | 1 0.04 13.26 Castle Point CDP | 1 0.04 13.30 Catasauqua borough | 1 0.04 13.34 Cats Bridge CDP | 1 0.04 13.37 Cedar Crest CDP | 1 0.04 13.41 Cedar Grove town | 1 0.04 13.45 Cedarhurst village | 1 0.04 13.48 Ceiba comunidad | 1 0.04 13.52 Cementon CDP | 1 0.04 13.56 Centennial city | 1 0.04 13.60 Center Line city | 1 0.04 13.63 Central Pacolet town | 1 0.04 13.67 Centralia borough | 1 0.04 13.71 Cerritos city | 1 0.04 13.74 Chalfant borough | 3 0.11 13.86 Chamita CDP | 1 0.04 13.89 Chaparrito CDP | 3 0.11 14.00 Chapeno CDP | 3 0.11 14.12 Charlack city | 3 0.11 14.23 Charleroi borough | 1 0.04 14.26 Cherokee Strip CDP | 1 0.04 14.30 Chesapeake town | 1 0.04 14.34 Chester Hill borough | 2 0.07 14.41 Chester city | 1 0.04 14.45 Cheswick borough | 1 0.04 14.49 Chevy Chase CDP | 5 0.19 14.67 Chevy Chase Section Five village | 4 0.15 14.82 Chevy Chase Section Three village | 5 0.19 15.01 Chevy Chase View town | 2 0.07 15.08 Chevy Chase Village town | 5 0.19 15.27 Chevy Chase town | 5 0.19 15.45 Chula Vista CDP | 1 0.04 15.49 Cinco Bayou town | 1 0.04 15.53 Clarendon Hills village | 1 0.04 15.56 Clarks Green borough | 1 0.04 15.60 Clarks Summit borough | 1 0.04 15.64 Clarysville CDP | 1 0.04 15.68 Clayton city | 2 0.07 15.75 Cle Elum city | 1 0.04 15.79 Clearbrook Park CDP | 1 0.04 15.82 Cliff Village village | 2 0.07 15.90 Cliffside Park borough | 2 0.07 15.97 Clifton Heights borough | 1 0.04 16.01 Clifton city | 1 0.04 16.05 Clio CDP | 2 0.07 16.12 Cloud Lake town | 1 0.04 16.16 Clyde Hill city | 1 0.04 16.20 Coal Center borough | 2 0.07 16.27 Coaldale borough | 1 0.04 16.31 Cobb Island CDP | 1 0.04 16.34 Cold Spring village | 1 0.04 16.38 Coldstream city | 3 0.11 16.49 College Corner village | 1 0.04 16.53 Collingdale borough | 3 0.11 16.64 Collingswood borough | 2 0.07 16.72 Colmar Manor town | 1 0.04 16.75 Colony Park CDP | 1 0.04 16.79 Colorado Acres CDP | 1 0.04 16.83 Columbia CDP | 1 0.04 16.86 Columbia Heights city | 1 0.04 16.90 Columbine Valley town | 1 0.04 16.94 Colwyn borough | 2 0.07 17.01 Commerce city | 1 0.04 17.05 Concordia CDP | 1 0.04 17.09 Conejos CDP | 1 0.04 17.12 Conshohocken borough | 1 0.04 17.16 Cool Valley city | 1 0.04 17.20 Coplay borough | 2 0.07 17.27 Coral CDP | 1 0.04 17.31 Coral Terrace CDP | 1 0.04 17.35 Coraopolis borough | 1 0.04 17.38 Cornwells Heights CDP | 1 0.04 17.42 Cottage City town | 4 0.15 17.57 Cottonwood city | 1 0.04 17.61 Country Acres CDP | 1 0.04 17.64 Country Club Heights town | 1 0.04 17.68 Country Club Hills city | 3 0.11 17.79 Countryside city | 1 0.04 17.83 Courtdale borough | 2 0.07 17.90 Cousins Island CDP | 1 0.04 17.94 Crafton borough | 2 0.07 18.02 Creekside city | 8 0.30 18.31 Cresaptown CDP | 1 0.04 18.35 Cresson borough | 1 0.04 18.39 Crestview Hills city | 1 0.04 18.42 Crossgate city | 5 0.19 18.61 Crows Nest town | 2 0.07 18.68 Crystal Lake Park city | 1 0.04 18.72 Crystal Lakes CDP | 1 0.04 18.76 Crystal Lakes city | 1 0.04 18.80 Cuartelez CDP | 1 0.04 18.83 Cumminsville CDP | 1 0.04 18.87 Daisytown borough | 2 0.07 18.95 Dale borough | 1 0.04 18.98 Dallastown borough | 1 0.04 19.02 Darby borough | 4 0.15 19.17 Dawson borough | 1 0.04 19.21 Deal borough | 1 0.04 19.24 Deep Water CDP | 1 0.04 19.28 Deer Park city | 2 0.07 19.35 Defiance CDP | 1 0.04 19.39 Del City city | 1 0.04 19.43 Delleker CDP | 1 0.04 19.47 Dennis Acres village | 1 0.04 19.50 Detmold CDP | 2 0.07 19.58 Diaperville CDP | 1 0.04 19.61 Dillard CDP | 1 0.04 19.65 Dillonvale CDP | 2 0.07 19.73 Dixmoor village | 1 0.04 19.76 Donaldson CDP | 1 0.04 19.80 Douglass Hills city | 2 0.07 19.87 Douglassville CDP | 1 0.04 19.91 Dover Beaches South CDP | 1 0.04 19.95 Dravosburg borough | 1 0.04 19.99 Dresden village | 1 0.04 20.02 Druid Hills city | 4 0.15 20.17 Dry Tavern CDP | 1 0.04 20.21 Drysdale CDP | 1 0.04 20.25 Dublin town | 1 0.04 20.28 Dunean CDP | 1 0.04 20.32 Dunlevy borough | 1 0.04 20.36 Dupont borough | 1 0.04 20.39 Eagleville CDP | 1 0.04 20.43 East Alto Bonito CDP | 9 0.33 20.77 East Atlantic Beach CDP | 1 0.04 20.80 East Bank town | 1 0.04 20.84 East Brooklyn village | 1 0.04 20.88 East Conemaugh borough | 1 0.04 20.91 East Fairview CDP | 1 0.04 20.95 East Gillespie village | 1 0.04 20.99 East Hodge village | 1 0.04 21.03 East Hope city | 1 0.04 21.06 East Lansdowne borough | 2 0.07 21.14 East Lopez CDP | 10 0.37 21.51 East Massapequa CDP | 1 0.04 21.55 East McKeesport borough | 1 0.04 21.58 East Millstone CDP | 1 0.04 21.62 East Newark borough | 1 0.04 21.66 East Pittsburgh borough | 2 0.07 21.73 East Riverdale CDP | 2 0.07 21.81 East Rochester borough | 1 0.04 21.84 East Rockaway village | 1 0.04 21.88 East Thermopolis town | 1 0.04 21.92 East Vandergrift borough | 3 0.11 22.03 East Washington borough | 1 0.04 22.07 East Williston village | 1 0.04 22.10 Eastchester CDP | 1 0.04 22.14 Eastlake city | 1 0.04 22.18 Eastvale borough | 1 0.04 22.21 Eatons Neck CDP | 1 0.04 22.25 Eatonville town | 2 0.07 22.33 Eckhart Mines CDP | 1 0.04 22.36 Eddington CDP | 1 0.04 22.40 Edgemont CDP | 1 0.04 22.44 Edgemoor CDP | 1 0.04 22.47 Edgewater CDP | 1 0.04 22.51 Edgewater Estates CDP | 2 0.07 22.59 Edgewater borough | 1 0.04 22.62 Edgewood CDP | 1 0.04 22.66 Edgewood borough | 1 0.04 22.70 Edgewood city | 1 0.04 22.73 Edgewood town | 1 0.04 22.77 Edmonston town | 2 0.07 22.85 Edmundson city | 1 0.04 22.88 Egypt CDP | 1 0.04 22.92 Ehrenfeld borough | 1 0.04 22.96 El Castillo CDP | 3 0.11 23.07 El Cenizo CDP | 6 0.22 23.29 El Chaparral CDP | 4 0.15 23.44 El Lago city | 1 0.04 23.48 El Mangó comunidad | 1 0.04 23.51 El Mesquite CDP | 1 0.04 23.55 El Paraiso comunidad | 1 0.04 23.59 El Quiote CDP | 6 0.22 23.81 El Rancho Vela CDP | 1 0.04 23.85 El Refugio CDP | 4 0.15 24.00 El Socio CDP | 4 0.15 24.15 Elco borough | 2 0.07 24.22 Eldorado town | 1 0.04 24.26 Eleele CDP | 1 0.04 24.29 Elizabeth borough | 1 0.04 24.33 Elk Run Heights city | 1 0.04 24.37 Elkport city | 1 0.04 24.41 Elliston CDP | 1 0.04 24.44 Elmwood Place village | 1 0.04 24.48 Empire village | 1 0.04 24.52 Emsworth borough | 1 0.04 24.55 Encampment town | 1 0.04 24.59 Englewood CDP | 1 0.04 24.63 Englewood city | 1 0.04 24.67 Enhaut CDP | 3 0.11 24.78 Enlow CDP | 1 0.04 24.81 Enola CDP | 1 0.04 24.85 Enon village | 1 0.04 24.89 Ernstville CDP | 1 0.04 24.93 Escobar I CDP | 7 0.26 25.19 Escobares city | 4 0.15 25.33 Essex Fells borough | 1 0.04 25.37 Eugenio Saenz CDP | 1 0.04 25.41 Evansdale city | 1 0.04 25.45 Eveleth city | 1 0.04 25.48 Everglades city | 1 0.04 25.52 Evergreen CDP | 3 0.11 25.63 Everson borough | 1 0.04 25.67 Ewa Gentry CDP | 1 0.04 25.71 Ewa Villages CDP | 1 0.04 25.74 Excelsior city | 1 0.04 25.78 Fabrica CDP | 2 0.07 25.85 Fairdale CDP | 1 0.04 25.89 Fairhope CDP | 3 0.11 26.00 Fairmount Heights town | 1 0.04 26.04 Fairplay CDP | 1 0.04 26.08 Fairport Harbor village | 1 0.04 26.11 Fairview Shores CDP | 1 0.04 26.15 Fairview borough | 1 0.04 26.19 Fairview town | 1 0.04 26.23 Fairview-Ferndale CDP | 1 0.04 26.26 Fairway city | 2 0.07 26.34 Falcon Heights CDP | 5 0.19 26.52 Falcon Village CDP | 3 0.11 26.63 Falconaire CDP | 2 0.07 26.71 Falls View CDP | 1 0.04 26.75 Fallston borough | 1 0.04 26.78 Falman CDP | 1 0.04 26.82 Farmersville city | 1 0.04 26.86 Farrell city | 1 0.04 26.89 Farwell city | 1 0.04 26.93 Fayette City borough | 2 0.07 27.01 Feasterville CDP | 1 0.04 27.04 Fernando Salinas CDP | 2 0.07 27.12 Ferndale borough | 1 0.04 27.15 Filer City CDP | 2 0.07 27.23 Fincastle city | 2 0.07 27.30 Fire Island CDP | 1 0.04 27.34 Flor del Rio CDP | 3 0.11 27.45 Floral Park village | 3 0.11 27.56 Flordell Hills city | 2 0.07 27.64 Flower Hill village | 1 0.04 27.67 Folsom CDP | 1 0.04 27.71 Fonda village | 1 0.04 27.75 Ford City borough | 2 0.07 27.82 Ford Cliff borough | 2 0.07 27.90 Forest Hills borough | 1 0.04 27.93 Forest Hills city | 1 0.04 27.97 Forest View village | 1 0.04 28.01 Fort Plain village | 1 0.04 28.05 Fort Ritchie CDP | 1 0.04 28.08 Fort Walton Beach city | 1 0.04 28.12 Fort Wright city | 1 0.04 28.16 Foster city | 1 0.04 28.19 Four Points CDP | 2 0.07 28.27 Fourche town | 1 0.04 28.31 Fox Chase CDP | 1 0.04 28.34 Frackville borough | 3 0.11 28.45 Franconia CDP | 1 0.04 28.49 Franklin Park CDP | 3 0.11 28.60 Franklin borough | 1 0.04 28.64 Franklin city | 1 0.04 28.68 Fredericktown CDP | 2 0.07 28.75 Fredericktown city | 1 0.04 28.79 Friendly town | 1 0.04 28.83 Friendship Heights Village CDP | 2 0.07 28.90 Frontenac city | 1 0.04 28.94 Fronton CDP | 2 0.07 29.01 Fronton Ranchettes CDP | 3 0.11 29.12 Frostburg city | 1 0.04 29.16 Fruit Hill CDP | 1 0.04 29.20 Fruitdale CDP | 1 0.04 29.23 Fultonville village | 1 0.04 29.27 Gallitzin borough | 1 0.04 29.31 Galveston city | 1 0.04 29.35 Garber city | 1 0.04 29.38 Garceno CDP | 3 0.11 29.49 Garciasville CDP | 5 0.19 29.68 Garden City Park CDP | 1 0.04 29.72 Garden Home-Whitford CDP | 1 0.04 29.75 Gardners CDP | 1 0.04 29.79 Garza-Salinas II CDP | 6 0.22 30.01 Geistown borough | 1 0.04 30.05 Georgetown borough | 1 0.04 30.09 Gerber CDP | 1 0.04 30.13 Gerrard CDP | 1 0.04 30.16 Gilberton borough | 2 0.07 30.24 Gillespie city | 1 0.04 30.27 Gilmore CDP | 1 0.04 30.31 Gladstone city | 2 0.07 30.39 Glasco CDP | 1 0.04 30.42 Glasgow borough | 1 0.04 30.46 Glen Echo Park village | 9 0.33 30.79 Glen Head CDP | 1 0.04 30.83 Glen Jean CDP | 1 0.04 30.87 Glen Osborne borough | 2 0.07 30.94 Glen Ridge town | 1 0.04 30.98 Glendora CDP | 1 0.04 31.02 Glenfield borough | 1 0.04 31.05 Glenolden borough | 1 0.04 31.09 Glenside CDP | 1 0.04 31.13 Glenview Hills city | 5 0.19 31.32 Glenview Manor city | 5 0.19 31.50 Glenview city | 1 0.04 31.54 Glenville CDP | 1 0.04 31.58 Globe city | 1 0.04 31.61 Gloucester City city | 1 0.04 31.65 Gold Bar city | 1 0.04 31.69 Golden Beach town | 1 0.04 31.72 Goose Creek city | 10 0.37 32.10 Gordonville CDP | 1 0.04 32.13 Graceton CDP | 1 0.04 32.17 Grahamtown CDP | 1 0.04 32.21 Grand Acres CDP | 1 0.04 32.24 Grand Falls Plaza town | 1 0.04 32.28 Grand River village | 1 0.04 32.32 Grand View Estates CDP | 1 0.04 32.36 Grand View-on-Hudson village | 1 0.04 32.39 Graniteville CDP | 1 0.04 32.43 Grapeville CDP | 1 0.04 32.47 Graymoor-Devondale city | 2 0.07 32.54 Great Bend borough | 1 0.04 32.58 Great Neck Estates village | 5 0.19 32.76 Great Neck Gardens CDP | 5 0.19 32.95 Great Neck Plaza village | 7 0.26 33.21 Great Neck village | 3 0.11 33.32 Green Meadows CDP | 1 0.04 33.36 Greendale city | 4 0.15 33.51 Greensburg CDP | 1 0.04 33.54 Greenvale CDP | 1 0.04 33.58 Greenwood city | 1 0.04 33.62 Greigsville CDP | 1 0.04 33.66 Grier City CDP | 1 0.04 33.69 Grill CDP | 1 0.04 33.73 Grindstone CDP | 1 0.04 33.77 Guadalupe-Guerra CDP | 1 0.04 33.80 Gutierrez CDP | 4 0.15 33.95 Guttenberg town | 1 0.04 33.99 H. Cuellar Estates CDP | 4 0.15 34.14 Hacienda San Jose comunidad | 1 0.04 34.18 Haddon Heights borough | 1 0.04 34.21 Hainesville village | 1 0.04 34.25 Halawa CDP | 1 0.04 34.29 Haledon borough | 1 0.04 34.32 Halesite CDP | 1 0.04 34.36 Hallstead borough | 1 0.04 34.40 Hambleton town | 1 0.04 34.44 Hanapepe CDP | 1 0.04 34.47 Hanging Rock village | 1 0.04 34.51 Hanley Hills village | 4 0.15 34.66 Harbor Bluffs CDP | 1 0.04 34.70 Harbor Hills CDP | 3 0.11 34.81 Harbor Isle CDP | 1 0.04 34.84 Harleigh CDP | 1 0.04 34.88 Harpers Ferry town | 1 0.04 34.92 Harrisburg village | 1 0.04 34.96 Harrison town | 1 0.04 34.99 Harwick CDP | 1 0.04 35.03 Harwood Heights village | 1 0.04 35.07 Hatch village | 1 0.04 35.10 Haverford College CDP | 1 0.04 35.14 Haverhill town | 3 0.11 35.25 Haysville borough | 3 0.11 35.36 Hebron CDP | 1 0.04 35.40 Hendricks town | 1 0.04 35.44 Henlawson CDP | 1 0.04 35.48 Henlopen Acres town | 1 0.04 35.51 Herricks CDP | 4 0.15 35.66 Hewlett Bay Park village | 3 0.11 35.77 Hewlett CDP | 2 0.07 35.85 Hewlett Harbor village | 4 0.15 36.00 Hewlett Neck village | 3 0.11 36.11 Hi-Nella borough | 2 0.07 36.18 Hickman CDP | 1 0.04 36.22 Hickory Hill city | 6 0.22 36.44 High Ridge CDP | 1 0.04 36.48 Highfield-Cascade CDP | 1 0.04 36.52 Highland Hills village | 1 0.04 36.55 Highland Holiday CDP | 1 0.04 36.59 Highland Park CDP | 1 0.04 36.63 Highpoint CDP | 1 0.04 36.66 Hillcrest CDP | 1 0.04 36.70 Hillcrest Heights town | 1 0.04 36.74 Hilldale CDP | 1 0.04 36.78 Hills and Dales city | 5 0.19 36.96 Hillsboro Beach town | 1 0.04 37.00 Hillsboro city | 1 0.04 37.04 Hillsboro town | 1 0.04 37.07 Hillsdale CDP | 1 0.04 37.11 Hillsdale village | 6 0.22 37.33 Hillside Acres CDP | 2 0.07 37.41 Hilltop CDP | 11 0.41 37.82 Hilltop city | 1 0.04 37.85 Hilshire Village city | 1 0.04 37.89 Hodgkins village | 1 0.04 37.93 Hokendauqua CDP | 2 0.07 38.00 Holden Heights CDP | 1 0.04 38.04 Holiday City South CDP | 1 0.04 38.08 Hollow Creek city | 1 0.04 38.11 Homestead borough | 1 0.04 38.15 Homestead village | 1 0.04 38.19 Hope city | 1 0.04 38.22 Hot Springs town | 1 0.04 38.26 Houston Acres city | 3 0.11 38.37 Houston Lake city | 1 0.04 38.41 Houtzdale borough | 1 0.04 38.45 Hudson CDP | 1 0.04 38.48 Hughestown borough | 1 0.04 38.52 Hulmeville borough | 1 0.04 38.56 Huntington CDP | 1 0.04 38.60 Huntington Park city | 1 0.04 38.63 Hunts Point town | 2 0.07 38.71 Hurstbourne Acres city | 1 0.04 38.74 Hyattsville city | 1 0.04 38.78 Hyde Park borough | 2 0.07 38.86 Hypoluxo town | 2 0.07 38.93 Idaville CDP | 1 0.04 38.97 Idlewild CDP | 1 0.04 39.00 Imperial CDP | 1 0.04 39.04 Indian Creek village | 2 0.07 39.12 Indian Head town | 1 0.04 39.15 Indian Hills city | 1 0.04 39.19 Indian Village town | 1 0.04 39.23 Indio CDP | 1 0.04 39.26 Industry city | 1 0.04 39.30 Ingram borough | 1 0.04 39.34 Inman Mills CDP | 1 0.04 39.38 Inman city | 1 0.04 39.41 Interlaken borough | 4 0.15 39.56 Inverness CDP | 1 0.04 39.60 Iola CDP | 1 0.04 39.64 Ironton city | 1 0.04 39.67 Island Park village | 2 0.07 39.75 JF Villarreal CDP | 7 0.26 40.01 Jacksonville village | 1 0.04 40.04 Jamaica Beach city | 1 0.04 40.08 Jardin de San Julian CDP | 3 0.11 40.19 Jay city | 1 0.04 40.23 Jeannette city | 1 0.04 40.27 Jefferson borough | 1 0.04 40.30 Jeisyville village | 1 0.04 40.34 Jenkintown borough | 1 0.04 40.38 Jennings city | 2 0.07 40.45 Jensen Beach CDP | 1 0.04 40.49 Jerome village | 2 0.07 40.56 Johnson City city | 1 0.04 40.60 Johnstown city | 1 0.04 40.64 Juarez CDP | 1 0.04 40.68 Judson CDP | 1 0.04 40.71 Jugtown CDP | 1 0.04 40.75 Junction City village | 1 0.04 40.79 Juniata Terrace borough | 1 0.04 40.82 Kapp Heights CDP | 1 0.04 40.86 Kaser village | 2 0.07 40.94 Keego Harbor city | 1 0.04 40.97 Kelayres CDP | 1 0.04 41.01 Kenhorst borough | 1 0.04 41.05 Kensington town | 3 0.11 41.16 Kensington village | 5 0.19 41.34 Kenton Vale city | 1 0.04 41.38 Kenwood CDP | 1 0.04 41.42 Kenwood Estates CDP | 1 0.04 41.46 Kermit town | 1 0.04 41.49 Key Colony Beach city | 1 0.04 41.53 Kickapoo Site 1 CDP | 1 0.04 41.57 Kickapoo Site 2 CDP | 1 0.04 41.60 Kimberly CDP | 1 0.04 41.64 Kincaid CDP | 1 0.04 41.68 Kincaid village | 2 0.07 41.75 Kings Park CDP | 1 0.04 41.79 Kingsley city | 4 0.15 41.94 Kingstowne CDP | 1 0.04 41.98 Kinloch city | 1 0.04 42.01 Kiskimere CDP | 2 0.07 42.09 Kistler borough | 2 0.07 42.16 Kittanning borough | 1 0.04 42.20 Klondike CDP | 1 0.04 42.24 Knoxville CDP | 1 0.04 42.27 Koloa CDP | 1 0.04 42.31 Kulpmont borough | 1 0.04 42.35 Kutztown University CDP | 1 0.04 42.38 Kutztown borough | 1 0.04 42.42 La Carla CDP | 1 0.04 42.46 La Casita CDP | 3 0.11 42.57 La Chuparosa CDP | 7 0.26 42.83 La Coma CDP | 1 0.04 42.87 La Escondida CDP | 2 0.07 42.94 La Loma de Falcon CDP | 3 0.11 43.05 La Paloma Addition CDP | 2 0.07 43.13 La Paloma Ranchettes CDP | 2 0.07 43.20 La Puente city | 1 0.04 43.24 La Puerta CDP | 5 0.19 43.42 La Rosita CDP | 5 0.19 43.61 La Victoria CDP | 4 0.15 43.76 La Yuca comunidad | 1 0.04 43.80 Lacey city | 1 0.04 43.83 Lafayette CDP | 1 0.04 43.87 Lago Vista CDP | 1 0.04 43.91 Lake Belvedere Estates CDP | 2 0.07 43.98 Lake Como borough | 2 0.07 44.06 Lake Ozark city | 1 0.04 44.09 Lake St. Croix Beach city | 1 0.04 44.13 Lake Waukomis city | 1 0.04 44.17 Lakeline village | 1 0.04 44.21 Lakeshire city | 1 0.04 44.24 Lakeside Park city | 1 0.04 44.28 Lakeside city | 1 0.04 44.32 Lakeside town | 3 0.11 44.43 Lakeview CDP | 1 0.04 44.47 Lakeway city | 1 0.04 44.50 Lakewood Gardens CDP | 1 0.04 44.54 Lamar Heights city | 1 0.04 44.58 Lamar city | 1 0.04 44.61 Lambert village | 1 0.04 44.65 Lambertville city | 1 0.04 44.69 Landover Hills town | 1 0.04 44.73 Langdon Place city | 13 0.48 45.21 Langhorne Manor borough | 2 0.07 45.28 Langhorne borough | 1 0.04 45.32 Langley Park CDP | 1 0.04 45.36 Lansdowne borough | 1 0.04 45.39 Lansing CDP | 1 0.04 45.43 Larch Way CDP | 1 0.04 45.47 Laredo Ranchettes CDP | 4 0.15 45.62 Laredo Ranchettes West CDP | 6 0.22 45.84 Las Flores CDP | 1 0.04 45.88 Las Haciendas CDP | 1 0.04 45.91 Las Lomas CDP | 1 0.04 45.95 Las Marías comunidad | 1 0.04 45.99 Las Palmas II CDP | 1 0.04 46.03 Las Pilas CDP | 2 0.07 46.10 Lattimer CDP | 2 0.07 46.17 Lauderdale-by-the-Sea town | 1 0.04 46.21 Laurel Springs borough | 2 0.07 46.29 Laureldale borough | 1 0.04 46.32 Laurelville village | 1 0.04 46.36 Lawnside borough | 2 0.07 46.43 Lawson Heights CDP | 1 0.04 46.47 Lazy Lake village | 1 0.04 46.51 Leawood village | 1 0.04 46.55 Lebanon South CDP | 1 0.04 46.58 Lee Mont CDP | 1 0.04 46.62 Leechburg borough | 2 0.07 46.69 Lehighton borough | 1 0.04 46.73 Leisure Knoll CDP | 1 0.04 46.77 Leisure Village West CDP | 1 0.04 46.81 Leland Grove city | 1 0.04 46.84 Lemay CDP | 1 0.04 46.88 Lenape Heights CDP | 2 0.07 46.95 Lenkerville CDP | 1 0.04 46.99 Leonidas city | 1 0.04 47.03 Lewisburg borough | 1 0.04 47.07 Lewistown borough | 1 0.04 47.10 Lighthouse Point city | 1 0.04 47.14 Lilbourn city | 1 0.04 47.18 Lincoln Park CDP | 2 0.07 47.25 Lincoln Park town | 1 0.04 47.29 Lincolndale CDP | 1 0.04 47.33 Lincolnshire city | 4 0.15 47.47 Lindenwold borough | 1 0.04 47.51 Lineville city | 1 0.04 47.55 Linnell Camp CDP | 1 0.04 47.59 Linntown CDP | 1 0.04 47.62 Linwood CDP | 1 0.04 47.66 Little Falls CDP | 1 0.04 47.70 Littlejohn Island CDP | 1 0.04 47.73 Littleton city | 1 0.04 47.77 Loch Arbour village | 3 0.11 47.88 Loch Lynn Heights town | 1 0.04 47.92 Lockland village | 1 0.04 47.96 Loma Grande CDP | 1 0.04 47.99 Loma Linda CDP | 1 0.04 48.03 Loma Linda East CDP | 4 0.15 48.18 Loma Linda West CDP | 5 0.19 48.37 Loma Vista CDP | 9 0.33 48.70 Lomita city | 1 0.04 48.74 Lonaconing town | 1 0.04 48.77 Long Beach city | 1 0.04 48.81 Longoria CDP | 8 0.30 49.11 Lorain borough | 1 0.04 49.15 Los Altos CDP | 4 0.15 49.29 Los Alvarez CDP | 3 0.11 49.41 Los Arcos CDP | 3 0.11 49.52 Los Barreras CDP | 5 0.19 49.70 Los Centenarios CDP | 3 0.11 49.81 Los Ebanos CDP | 7 0.26 50.07 Los Fresnos CDP | 3 0.11 50.19 Los Nopalitos CDP | 4 0.15 50.33 Los Ojos CDP | 1 0.04 50.37 Los Prados comunidad | 1 0.04 50.41 Los Veteranos I CDP | 1 0.04 50.45 Los Veteranos II CDP | 1 0.04 50.48 Low Moor CDP | 1 0.04 50.52 Luke town | 2 0.07 50.59 Lumber City CDP | 1 0.04 50.63 Luzerne borough | 2 0.07 50.71 Lynbrook village | 1 0.04 50.74 Lyndon city | 2 0.07 50.82 Lynnview city | 1 0.04 50.85 Lynnwood-Pricedale CDP | 2 0.07 50.93 Lyons borough | 1 0.04 50.97 Lyons village | 1 0.04 51.00 Mackenzie village | 1 0.04 51.04 Magnolia borough | 1 0.04 51.08 Mahnomen city | 1 0.04 51.11 Maitland city | 1 0.04 51.15 Malverne Park Oaks CDP | 2 0.07 51.23 Malverne village | 2 0.07 51.30 Manalapan town | 1 0.04 51.34 Manchester borough | 1 0.04 51.37 Manchester village | 1 0.04 51.41 Manhasset Hills CDP | 2 0.07 51.49 Manor Creek city | 7 0.26 51.75 Manorhaven village | 2 0.07 51.82 Mantoloking borough | 1 0.04 51.86 Manuel Garcia CDP | 2 0.07 51.93 Manuel Garcia II CDP | 3 0.11 52.04 Manzanita city | 1 0.04 52.08 Marathon city | 1 0.04 52.12 Marcus Hook borough | 2 0.07 52.19 Marion Heights borough | 1 0.04 52.23 Marlin CDP | 2 0.07 52.30 Marlow Heights CDP | 1 0.04 52.34 Marquette Heights city | 1 0.04 52.38 Marshallton CDP | 1 0.04 52.41 Martha Lake CDP | 1 0.04 52.45 Martin town | 1 0.04 52.49 Martin's Additions village | 5 0.19 52.67 Martinez CDP | 2 0.07 52.75 Martinez city | 1 0.04 52.79 Maryhill Estates city | 5 0.19 52.97 Massapequa Park village | 1 0.04 53.01 Matamoras borough | 1 0.04 53.05 Matamoras village | 1 0.04 53.08 Matewan town | 1 0.04 53.12 Mather CDP | 1 0.04 53.16 Matlacha CDP | 1 0.04 53.19 Matlacha Isles-Matlacha Shores CDP | 1 0.04 53.23 Mattawana CDP | 1 0.04 53.27 May Creek CDP | 1 0.04 53.31 Mayflower Village CDP | 1 0.04 53.34 Maywood city | 1 0.04 53.38 McAdoo borough | 1 0.04 53.42 McCarr CDP | 1 0.04 53.45 McClenney Tract CDP | 2 0.07 53.53 McConnell CDP | 1 0.04 53.57 McDonald village | 1 0.04 53.60 McSherrystown borough | 1 0.04 53.64 McVeytown borough | 1 0.04 53.68 Meadow Vale city | 8 0.30 53.97 Meadowbrook Farm city | 8 0.30 54.27 Meadowview Estates city | 1 0.04 54.31 Mechanicsville borough | 2 0.07 54.38 Melrose Park village | 1 0.04 54.42 Meridian Hills town | 1 0.04 54.46 Merritt Park CDP | 1 0.04 54.49 Mesquite CDP | 5 0.19 54.68 Metzger CDP | 1 0.04 54.72 Mexican Colony CDP | 2 0.07 54.79 Mi Ranchito Estate CDP | 2 0.07 54.87 Miami Springs city | 1 0.04 54.90 Michiana Shores town | 1 0.04 54.94 Michiana village | 1 0.04 54.98 Michigan City city | 1 0.04 55.01 Middle Frisco CDP | 1 0.04 55.05 Middletown city | 1 0.04 55.09 Midland town | 2 0.07 55.16 Midlothian CDP | 2 0.07 55.24 Midvale village | 1 0.04 55.27 Midway CDP | 1 0.04 55.31 Midway City CDP | 1 0.04 55.35 Mifflin borough | 1 0.04 55.39 Mifflintown borough | 1 0.04 55.42 Miguel Barrera CDP | 8 0.30 55.72 Mikes CDP | 9 0.33 56.05 Miller's Cove town | 1 0.04 56.09 Millersburg borough | 1 0.04 56.13 Millsboro CDP | 1 0.04 56.17 Millville borough | 1 0.04 56.20 Mineola village | 1 0.04 56.24 Minersville borough | 1 0.04 56.28 Minor CDP | 1 0.04 56.32 Misquamicut CDP | 1 0.04 56.35 Mission Hills city | 1 0.04 56.39 Mission Woods city | 2 0.07 56.46 Mitchell Heights town | 1 0.04 56.50 Mockingbird Valley city | 2 0.07 56.58 Modena borough | 1 0.04 56.61 Mohnton borough | 1 0.04 56.65 Moline Acres city | 2 0.07 56.72 Monaville CDP | 1 0.04 56.76 Monomoscoy Island CDP | 2 0.07 56.84 Monserrate comunidad | 1 0.04 56.87 Monsey CDP | 1 0.04 56.91 Montalvin Manor CDP | 3 0.11 57.02 Monte Verde comunidad | 1 0.04 57.06 Montgomery city | 1 0.04 57.10 Montrose Manor CDP | 1 0.04 57.13 Moonachie borough | 1 0.04 57.17 Moorland city | 6 0.22 57.39 Moraida CDP | 8 0.30 57.69 Morganfield city | 1 0.04 57.73 Morrisville CDP | 1 0.04 57.76 Morton borough | 1 0.04 57.80 Moscow CDP | 1 0.04 57.84 Moultrie city | 1 0.04 57.88 Mount Auburn town | 2 0.07 57.95 Mount Carbon CDP | 2 0.07 58.02 Mount Carmel borough | 1 0.04 58.06 Mount Ephraim borough | 1 0.04 58.10 Mount Gretna Heights CDP | 2 0.07 58.17 Mount Gretna borough | 2 0.07 58.25 Mount Penn borough | 1 0.04 58.28 Mount Rainier city | 3 0.11 58.40 Mount Union borough | 2 0.07 58.47 Mount Wolf borough | 1 0.04 58.51 Mountain Lake Park town | 1 0.04 58.54 Mountain View CDP | 1 0.04 58.58 Mountain View town | 1 0.04 58.62 Mucarabones comunidad | 1 0.04 58.66 Muhlenberg Park CDP | 1 0.04 58.69 Muir CDP | 2 0.07 58.77 Muir village | 1 0.04 58.80 Mulberry city | 1 0.04 58.84 Munhall borough | 2 0.07 58.92 Munsey Park village | 1 0.04 58.95 Murray Hill city | 13 0.48 59.44 Mustang town | 1 0.04 59.47 Nanticoke Acres CDP | 1 0.04 59.51 Naomi CDP | 3 0.11 59.62 Narciso Pena CDP | 9 0.33 59.96 National CDP | 3 0.11 60.07 Neck City city | 1 0.04 60.10 Nelliston village | 1 0.04 60.14 Nelsonville village | 1 0.04 60.18 Nemacolin CDP | 1 0.04 60.22 Neptune City borough | 1 0.04 60.25 Netos CDP | 2 0.07 60.33 Neville village | 1 0.04 60.36 New Berlinville CDP | 1 0.04 60.40 New Bethlehem borough | 1 0.04 60.44 New Brighton borough | 2 0.07 60.51 New Cumberland city | 1 0.04 60.55 New Franklin city | 1 0.04 60.59 New Haven town | 1 0.04 60.62 New Hope borough | 1 0.04 60.66 New Hyde Park village | 2 0.07 60.74 New Kensington city | 1 0.04 60.77 New Miami village | 1 0.04 60.81 New Pine Creek CDP | 2 0.07 60.88 New Salem CDP | 1 0.04 60.92 New Seabury CDP | 1 0.04 60.96 New Square village | 1 0.04 61.00 Newell borough | 2 0.07 61.07 Newport CDP | 1 0.04 61.11 Newport city | 1 0.04 61.14 Nikep CDP | 2 0.07 61.22 Nina CDP | 1 0.04 61.26 Noank CDP | 1 0.04 61.29 Noblestown CDP | 1 0.04 61.33 Norbourne Estates city | 2 0.07 61.40 Normandy city | 8 0.30 61.70 Norridge village | 1 0.04 61.74 North Acomita Village CDP | 1 0.04 61.78 North Apollo borough | 2 0.07 61.85 North Ballston Spa CDP | 1 0.04 61.89 North Belle Vernon borough | 2 0.07 61.96 North Braddock borough | 4 0.15 62.11 North Brentwood town | 3 0.11 62.22 North Browning CDP | 1 0.04 62.26 North Carrollton town | 1 0.04 62.30 North Catasauqua borough | 1 0.04 62.33 North Charleroi borough | 1 0.04 62.37 North Chevy Chase village | 1 0.04 62.41 North Crows Nest town | 1 0.04 62.44 North Escobares CDP | 1 0.04 62.48 North Hodge village | 1 0.04 62.52 North Kensington CDP | 1 0.04 62.56 North Lilbourn village | 1 0.04 62.59 North Lynbrook CDP | 2 0.07 62.67 North Miami town | 1 0.04 62.70 North Myrtle Beach city | 1 0.04 62.74 North New Hyde Park CDP | 2 0.07 62.82 North Pekin village | 1 0.04 62.85 North Randall village | 1 0.04 62.89 North Redington Beach town | 1 0.04 62.93 North Westminster village | 1 0.04 62.96 North York borough | 1 0.04 63.00 Northbrook CDP | 1 0.04 63.04 Northfield city | 4 0.15 63.19 Northgate CDP | 1 0.04 63.22 Northmoor city | 1 0.04 63.26 Northridge CDP | 2 0.07 63.34 Northumberland borough | 1 0.04 63.37 Northvale borough | 1 0.04 63.41 Northwoods city | 9 0.33 63.74 Norwood Court town | 5 0.19 63.93 Norwood borough | 2 0.07 64.00 Nyack village | 1 0.04 64.04 Oak Grove town | 1 0.04 64.08 Oak Hill CDP | 1 0.04 64.12 Oak Valley CDP | 1 0.04 64.15 Oakdale borough | 1 0.04 64.19 Oakland CDP | 2 0.07 64.26 Oakland borough | 1 0.04 64.30 Oaklyn borough | 3 0.11 64.41 Oaks village | 3 0.11 64.52 Oakview village | 4 0.15 64.67 Oakwood Park village | 4 0.15 64.82 Oakwood village | 3 0.11 64.93 Oatfield CDP | 1 0.04 64.97 Oberlin CDP | 2 0.07 65.04 Ocean Breeze Park town | 1 0.04 65.08 Ocean CDP | 3 0.11 65.19 Ocean Grove CDP | 2 0.07 65.27 Odanah CDP | 1 0.04 65.30 Oklahoma borough | 1 0.04 65.34 Old Brookville village | 1 0.04 65.38 Old Brownsboro Place city | 5 0.19 65.56 Old Escobares CDP | 8 0.30 65.86 Olmito and Olmito CDP | 4 0.15 66.01 Onaway city | 1 0.04 66.05 Oneida CDP | 1 0.04 66.08 Orange Grove Mobile Manor CDP | 1 0.04 66.12 Orange city | 1 0.04 66.16 Orason CDP | 1 0.04 66.20 Orbisonia borough | 1 0.04 66.23 Orchard Grass Hills city | 2 0.07 66.31 Orient village | 1 0.04 66.34 Orwin CDP | 2 0.07 66.42 Oscoda CDP | 1 0.04 66.46 Osgood village | 1 0.04 66.49 Oxford city | 1 0.04 66.53 Pablo Pena CDP | 9 0.33 66.86 Pacolet town | 1 0.04 66.90 Page CDP | 1 0.04 66.94 Pagedale city | 3 0.11 67.05 Paint borough | 1 0.04 67.09 Painted Post village | 1 0.04 67.12 Paisano Park CDP | 2 0.07 67.20 Palisades village | 1 0.04 67.24 Palmas del Mar comunidad | 1 0.04 67.27 Palmetto Estates CDP | 1 0.04 67.31 Palmview South CDP | 1 0.04 67.35 Palmview city | 1 0.04 67.38 Palo Alto borough | 2 0.07 67.46 Palo Blanco CDP | 5 0.19 67.64 Panorama Heights CDP | 1 0.04 67.68 Paradise Park CDP | 1 0.04 67.72 Pardeesville CDP | 1 0.04 67.76 Park Crest CDP | 1 0.04 67.79 Park Layne CDP | 1 0.04 67.83 Park Ridge village | 1 0.04 67.87 Parklawn CDP | 2 0.07 67.94 Parkside borough | 2 0.07 68.02 Parksley town | 1 0.04 68.05 Parkway Village city | 1 0.04 68.09 Pasadena Hills city | 7 0.26 68.35 Pasadena Park village | 7 0.26 68.61 Pasatiempo CDP | 1 0.04 68.65 Patterson Heights borough | 1 0.04 68.68 Peaceful Village village | 1 0.04 68.72 Pelzer town | 1 0.04 68.76 Pemberwick CDP | 1 0.04 68.80 Pembina city | 1 0.04 68.83 Pembroke Park town | 1 0.04 68.87 Pen Mar CDP | 1 0.04 68.91 Pena CDP | 7 0.26 69.17 Penndel borough | 2 0.07 69.24 Pennsbury Village borough | 2 0.07 69.32 Pennside CDP | 2 0.07 69.39 Pennwyn CDP | 1 0.04 69.43 Peppermill Village CDP | 2 0.07 69.50 Philipsburg borough | 2 0.07 69.58 Phillipsburg CDP | 1 0.04 69.61 Picuris Pueblo CDP | 1 0.04 69.65 Piedmont town | 2 0.07 69.73 Piffard CDP | 1 0.04 69.76 Pinal CDP | 1 0.04 69.80 Pine Air CDP | 1 0.04 69.84 Pine Castle CDP | 1 0.04 69.87 Pine Hill borough | 1 0.04 69.91 Pine Hollow CDP | 1 0.04 69.95 Pine Lawn city | 6 0.22 70.17 Pine Manor CDP | 1 0.04 70.21 Pine Valley borough | 1 0.04 70.25 Pinehurst city | 1 0.04 70.28 Pinole city | 3 0.11 70.39 Pittston city | 2 0.07 70.47 Placitas CDP | 1 0.04 70.51 Plandome Heights village | 3 0.11 70.62 Plandome Manor village | 2 0.07 70.69 Plandome village | 2 0.07 70.77 Plantation Island CDP | 1 0.04 70.80 Plantation Mobile Home Park CDP | 1 0.04 70.84 Plantation city | 7 0.26 71.10 Platte Woods city | 1 0.04 71.14 Pleasant View CDP | 1 0.04 71.17 Poipu CDP | 1 0.04 71.21 Pondsville CDP | 1 0.04 71.25 Poplar Hills city | 1 0.04 71.29 Popponesset CDP | 2 0.07 71.36 Popponesset Island CDP | 1 0.04 71.40 Poquonock Bridge CDP | 1 0.04 71.43 Port Carbon borough | 2 0.07 71.51 Port Chester village | 1 0.04 71.55 Port Jervis city | 1 0.04 71.58 Port Washington CDP | 1 0.04 71.62 Port Washington North village | 3 0.11 71.73 Portland borough | 1 0.04 71.77 Portola city | 1 0.04 71.81 Posen village | 1 0.04 71.84 Posey CDP | 1 0.04 71.88 Poso Park CDP | 2 0.07 71.95 Potlatch city | 1 0.04 71.99 Potomac Heights CDP | 1 0.04 72.03 Pottawattamie Park town | 1 0.04 72.07 Pringle borough | 2 0.07 72.14 Prospect Park borough | 2 0.07 72.21 Providence CDP | 1 0.04 72.25 Pueblito CDP | 1 0.04 72.29 Pueblito del Río comunidad | 1 0.04 72.33 Pueblo East CDP | 3 0.11 72.44 Pueblo Nuevo CDP | 1 0.04 72.47 Purcell city | 1 0.04 72.51 Queen Anne town | 1 0.04 72.55 Queens Gate CDP | 2 0.07 72.62 Quesada CDP | 1 0.04 72.66 Raceland city | 1 0.04 72.70 Rafael Pena CDP | 7 0.26 72.96 Rafter J Ranch CDP | 1 0.04 72.99 Ramirez-Perez CDP | 4 0.15 73.14 Ramos CDP | 3 0.11 73.25 Ranchitos Del Norte CDP | 1 0.04 73.29 Ranchitos East CDP | 5 0.19 73.48 Rancho Chico CDP | 1 0.04 73.51 Rancho Mesa Verde CDP | 1 0.04 73.55 Rancho Viejo CDP | 7 0.26 73.81 Rankin borough | 4 0.15 73.96 Raritan borough | 1 0.04 74.00 Ravensworth CDP | 1 0.04 74.03 Rayland village | 1 0.04 74.07 Redings Mill village | 1 0.04 74.11 Redington Beach town | 1 0.04 74.15 Reed town | 1 0.04 74.18 Reedsville CDP | 1 0.04 74.22 Regino Ramirez CDP | 1 0.04 74.26 Rehoboth Beach city | 1 0.04 74.29 Reinerton CDP | 3 0.11 74.41 Renovo borough | 1 0.04 74.44 Reserve village | 1 0.04 74.48 Retsof CDP | 1 0.04 74.52 Rices Landing borough | 1 0.04 74.55 Richlawn city | 4 0.15 74.70 Richmond Heights CDP | 1 0.04 74.74 Richmond Heights city | 1 0.04 74.78 Rio Lucio CDP | 1 0.04 74.81 River Forest town | 1 0.04 74.85 Rivera CDP | 8 0.30 75.15 Riverdale Park town | 2 0.07 75.22 Rivereno CDP | 9 0.33 75.56 Riverland CDP | 1 0.04 75.59 Riverside CDP | 1 0.04 75.63 Riverside town | 2 0.07 75.71 Riverside village | 1 0.04 75.74 Riverview Park CDP | 2 0.07 75.82 Riverwood city | 1 0.04 75.85 Roberta city | 1 0.04 75.89 Rochester borough | 2 0.07 75.97 Rock Point CDP | 1 0.04 76.00 Rockhill borough | 1 0.04 76.04 Rocky Fork Point CDP | 1 0.04 76.08 Rocky Ripple town | 1 0.04 76.11 Roderfield CDP | 1 0.04 76.15 Roeland Park city | 1 0.04 76.19 Rohrersville CDP | 1 0.04 76.23 Rolling Fields city | 5 0.19 76.41 Rolling Hills Estates city | 1 0.04 76.45 Rolling Hills city | 12 0.45 76.89 Rollingwood CDP | 1 0.04 76.93 Roma Creek CDP | 3 0.11 77.04 Roma city | 4 0.15 77.19 Ronco CDP | 1 0.04 77.23 Ronks CDP | 1 0.04 77.27 Roosevelt Gardens CDP | 2 0.07 77.34 Roscoe borough | 3 0.11 77.45 Roseland town | 1 0.04 77.49 Roselle Park borough | 1 0.04 77.53 Roselle borough | 1 0.04 77.56 Roseto borough | 1 0.04 77.60 Roslyn Estates village | 1 0.04 77.64 Roslyn Harbor village | 2 0.07 77.71 Roslyn Heights CDP | 1 0.04 77.75 Roslyn village | 2 0.07 77.82 Rosslyn Farms borough | 2 0.07 77.90 Rossmore CDP | 1 0.04 77.93 Rossmoyne CDP | 3 0.11 78.05 Round Lake Park village | 1 0.04 78.08 Rouzerville CDP | 1 0.04 78.12 Rowes Run CDP | 1 0.04 78.16 Royal Palm Estates CDP | 2 0.07 78.23 Royersford borough | 1 0.04 78.27 Runnemede borough | 1 0.04 78.31 Russell Gardens village | 5 0.19 78.49 Rutledge borough | 2 0.07 78.57 Saddle Ridge CDP | 1 0.04 78.60 Saddle Rock Estates CDP | 5 0.19 78.79 Saddle Rock village | 3 0.11 78.90 Saginaw village | 1 0.04 78.94 Salem Heights CDP | 1 0.04 78.97 Salineño CDP | 1 0.04 79.01 Salineño North CDP | 2 0.07 79.09 Saltaire village | 1 0.04 79.12 Sammy Martinez CDP | 2 0.07 79.20 Samoset CDP | 1 0.04 79.23 San Acacia CDP | 1 0.04 79.27 San Carlos I CDP | 7 0.26 79.53 San Carlos II CDP | 5 0.19 79.72 San Castle CDP | 1 0.04 79.75 San Fernando CDP | 2 0.07 79.83 San Juan CDP | 2 0.07 79.90 San Pablo city | 1 0.04 79.94 Sandoval CDP | 2 0.07 80.01 Sands Point village | 1 0.04 80.05 Sandy city | 1 0.04 80.09 Sankertown borough | 1 0.04 80.13 Santa Cruz CDP | 7 0.26 80.39 Santa Rosa CDP | 4 0.15 80.53 Santa Rosa town | 1 0.04 80.57 Santel CDP | 1 0.04 80.61 Saugerties South CDP | 1 0.04 80.65 Savage Town CDP | 1 0.04 80.68 Sawyerville village | 1 0.04 80.72 Saxton borough | 1 0.04 80.76 Scalp Level borough | 1 0.04 80.79 Schram City village | 1 0.04 80.83 Schuylerville village | 1 0.04 80.87 Sciotodale CDP | 1 0.04 80.91 Scottdale borough | 1 0.04 80.94 Sea Ranch Lakes village | 1 0.04 80.98 Seabrook CDP | 1 0.04 81.02 Seaford CDP | 1 0.04 81.05 Searingtown CDP | 2 0.07 81.13 Seaside Heights borough | 1 0.04 81.17 Seat Pleasant city | 2 0.07 81.24 Seco Mines CDP | 2 0.07 81.32 Seconsett Island CDP | 1 0.04 81.35 Selma CDP | 1 0.04 81.39 Seltzer CDP | 1 0.04 81.43 Seminole Manor CDP | 1 0.04 81.46 Seneca Gardens city | 4 0.15 81.61 Sereno del Mar CDP | 1 0.04 81.65 Sewickley borough | 1 0.04 81.69 Shackelford CDP | 2 0.07 81.76 Shaft CDP | 3 0.11 81.87 Shamokin city | 1 0.04 81.91 Shark River Hills CDP | 1 0.04 81.95 Sharon Hill borough | 3 0.11 82.06 Sharpsburg borough | 1 0.04 82.10 Shavertown CDP | 1 0.04 82.13 Shell Ridge CDP | 1 0.04 82.17 Shenorock CDP | 1 0.04 82.21 Sheppton CDP | 1 0.04 82.24 Shippensburg University CDP | 1 0.04 82.28 Shippensburg borough | 1 0.04 82.32 Shoal Creek Drive village | 2 0.07 82.39 Shortsville village | 1 0.04 82.43 Shrewsbury city | 1 0.04 82.47 Sidman CDP | 1 0.04 82.50 Siesta Acres CDP | 2 0.07 82.58 Signal Hill city | 1 0.04 82.62 Silver Creek village | 1 0.04 82.65 Silver Ridge CDP | 1 0.04 82.69 Silvis city | 1 0.04 82.73 Sinking Spring borough | 1 0.04 82.76 Sky Lake CDP | 1 0.04 82.80 Skyland CDP | 1 0.04 82.84 Slatington borough | 1 0.04 82.88 Slippery Rock University CDP | 1 0.04 82.91 Slippery Rock borough | 1 0.04 82.95 Smith Corner CDP | 1 0.04 82.99 Smith Village town | 1 0.04 83.02 Smithers city | 1 0.04 83.06 Smoketown CDP | 1 0.04 83.10 Sombrillo CDP | 1 0.04 83.14 Somerdale borough | 1 0.04 83.17 Somerset town | 2 0.07 83.25 Soudersburg CDP | 1 0.04 83.28 South Acomita Village CDP | 1 0.04 83.32 South Bethlehem borough | 1 0.04 83.36 South Browning CDP | 1 0.04 83.40 South Cle Elum town | 1 0.04 83.43 South Coatesville borough | 1 0.04 83.47 South Floral Park village | 2 0.07 83.54 South Greensburg borough | 1 0.04 83.58 South Kensington CDP | 2 0.07 83.66 South Lineville town | 1 0.04 83.69 South Monrovia Island CDP | 1 0.04 83.73 South Nyack village | 2 0.07 83.80 South Park CDP | 1 0.04 83.84 South Pasadena city | 1 0.04 83.88 South Philipsburg CDP | 2 0.07 83.95 South Renovo borough | 1 0.04 83.99 South Taft CDP | 1 0.04 84.03 South Temple CDP | 2 0.07 84.10 South Toms River borough | 1 0.04 84.14 South Valley Stream CDP | 1 0.04 84.18 South Weber city | 1 0.04 84.21 South Weldon CDP | 1 0.04 84.25 South Wilmington village | 1 0.04 84.29 South Windham CDP | 1 0.04 84.32 Southside Place city | 1 0.04 84.36 Southwest Greensburg borough | 1 0.04 84.40 Sparkill CDP | 1 0.04 84.44 Speers borough | 2 0.07 84.51 Spring Bay village | 1 0.04 84.55 Spring City borough | 1 0.04 84.58 Spring Hill town | 1 0.04 84.62 Spring Mill city | 1 0.04 84.66 Spring Ridge CDP | 1 0.04 84.70 Spring Valley Village city | 1 0.04 84.73 Spring Valley city | 5 0.19 84.92 Springfield city | 1 0.04 84.96 Springmont CDP | 4 0.15 85.10 St. Bernard city | 1 0.04 85.14 St. John city | 3 0.11 85.25 St. Leonard CDP | 1 0.04 85.29 St. Marys Point city | 1 0.04 85.33 St. Marys city | 1 0.04 85.36 St. Matthews city | 4 0.15 85.51 St. Michael CDP | 1 0.04 85.55 St. Regis Park city | 3 0.11 85.66 St. Vincent College CDP | 1 0.04 85.70 St. Vincent city | 1 0.04 85.74 Stacey Street CDP | 2 0.07 85.81 Steelton borough | 2 0.07 85.88 Stevens Point city | 1 0.04 85.92 Stewart Manor village | 3 0.11 86.03 Stewartsville CDP | 1 0.04 86.07 Stickney village | 1 0.04 86.11 Stiles CDP | 2 0.07 86.18 Stockdale borough | 2 0.07 86.26 Stollings CDP | 1 0.04 86.29 Stone Park village | 1 0.04 86.33 Stonegate CDP | 1 0.04 86.37 Stonerstown CDP | 1 0.04 86.40 Stonewood city | 1 0.04 86.44 Stony Brook CDP | 1 0.04 86.48 Stony Brook University CDP | 1 0.04 86.52 Stony Creek Mills CDP | 1 0.04 86.55 Stratford borough | 2 0.07 86.63 Strathmoor Manor city | 4 0.15 86.78 Strathmoor Village city | 4 0.15 86.92 Stratton village | 2 0.07 87.00 Strawberry CDP | 1 0.04 87.04 Stronach CDP | 1 0.04 87.07 Strong CDP | 1 0.04 87.11 Sugarloaf Mountain Park CDP | 1 0.04 87.15 Sugarloaf Saw Mill CDP | 1 0.04 87.18 Sugarloaf Village CDP | 1 0.04 87.22 Summerhill borough | 1 0.04 87.26 Sunset Acres CDP | 2 0.07 87.33 Sunset CDP | 1 0.04 87.37 Surfside town | 3 0.11 87.48 Susquehanna Depot borough | 1 0.04 87.52 Swissvale borough | 2 0.07 87.59 Sycamore Hills village | 3 0.11 87.70 Sycamore city | 3 0.11 87.82 Sylvan Lake city | 1 0.04 87.85 Syracuse village | 1 0.04 87.89 Taft Heights CDP | 1 0.04 87.93 Tanglewilde CDP | 1 0.04 87.96 Tanquecitos South Acres CDP | 6 0.22 88.19 Tanquecitos South Acres II CDP | 3 0.11 88.30 Tappan CDP | 2 0.07 88.37 Tara Hills CDP | 3 0.11 88.48 Tavistock borough | 1 0.04 88.52 Taylor Lake Village city | 1 0.04 88.56 Temple CDP | 1 0.04 88.60 Temple Hills CDP | 1 0.04 88.63 Ten Broeck city | 8 0.30 88.93 Teterboro borough | 1 0.04 88.97 Texhoma city | 1 0.04 89.00 Texhoma town | 1 0.04 89.04 Texico city | 1 0.04 89.08 The Hills village | 1 0.04 89.12 Thermopolis town | 1 0.04 89.15 Thomaston village | 4 0.15 89.30 Thornburg borough | 3 0.11 89.41 Thornhill city | 7 0.26 89.67 Tibes comunidad | 1 0.04 89.71 Tierra Dorada CDP | 9 0.33 90.04 Tildenville CDP | 1 0.04 90.08 Tilghmanton CDP | 1 0.04 90.12 Tillar city | 1 0.04 90.16 Tiltonsville village | 1 0.04 90.19 Timber Hills CDP | 2 0.07 90.27 Timbercreek Canyon village | 1 0.04 90.30 Timberlake village | 2 0.07 90.38 Toad Hop CDP | 1 0.04 90.42 Tower City borough | 1 0.04 90.45 Trainer borough | 1 0.04 90.49 Trego-Rohrersville Station CDP | 1 0.04 90.53 Tremont borough | 1 0.04 90.56 Trevose CDP | 1 0.04 90.60 Trimble village | 1 0.04 90.64 Trinway CDP | 1 0.04 90.68 Trooper CDP | 1 0.04 90.71 Trucksville CDP | 1 0.04 90.75 Truesdale city | 1 0.04 90.79 Tuckahoe village | 2 0.07 90.86 Tunnelhill borough | 1 0.04 90.90 Turtle Creek borough | 1 0.04 90.94 Twilight borough | 1 0.04 90.97 Tyaskin CDP | 1 0.04 91.01 Tyler Run CDP | 1 0.04 91.05 Uintah town | 1 0.04 91.08 Unionville CDP | 1 0.04 91.12 University CDP | 1 0.04 91.16 University Gardens CDP | 2 0.07 91.23 University Park town | 1 0.04 91.27 Upland borough | 2 0.07 91.34 Uplands Park village | 7 0.26 91.60 Upper Stewartsville CDP | 1 0.04 91.64 Valle Hermoso CDP | 1 0.04 91.68 Valle Verde CDP | 1 0.04 91.72 Valle Vista CDP | 3 0.11 91.83 Valley Ranch CDP | 1 0.04 91.86 Valley Stream village | 1 0.04 91.90 Valley View CDP | 1 0.04 91.94 Vanderbilt borough | 1 0.04 91.98 Vandergrift borough | 1 0.04 92.01 Velda City city | 9 0.33 92.35 Velda Village Hills village | 7 0.26 92.61 Verde Village CDP | 1 0.04 92.64 Verplanck CDP | 1 0.04 92.68 Versailles borough | 1 0.04 92.72 Victoria Vera CDP | 4 0.15 92.87 Victory village | 1 0.04 92.90 Villarreal CDP | 11 0.41 93.31 Vining city | 1 0.04 93.35 Vinita Park city | 4 0.15 93.50 Vinita Terrace village | 2 0.07 93.57 Viola CDP | 1 0.04 93.61 Virginia Gardens village | 1 0.04 93.65 Wadsworth CDP | 1 0.04 93.68 Waimalu CDP | 1 0.04 93.72 Walker Mill CDP | 1 0.04 93.76 Wall Lane CDP | 1 0.04 93.80 Walnut Creek city | 1 0.04 93.83 Walnut Park CDP | 1 0.04 93.87 Walnutport borough | 1 0.04 93.91 Wamic CDP | 1 0.04 93.95 Wanamassa CDP | 1 0.04 93.98 Wantagh CDP | 1 0.04 94.02 Wareham Center CDP | 1 0.04 94.06 Warfield city | 1 0.04 94.09 Warren city | 1 0.04 94.13 Warrensville Heights city | 2 0.07 94.21 Warrenton city | 1 0.04 94.24 Washington Park CDP | 3 0.11 94.35 Washington city | 1 0.04 94.39 Watch Hill CDP | 1 0.04 94.43 Waterford CDP | 1 0.04 94.47 Waterford city | 1 0.04 94.50 Waterview CDP | 1 0.04 94.54 Watterson Park city | 1 0.04 94.58 Waynesburg borough | 2 0.07 94.65 Websterville CDP | 1 0.04 94.69 Weissport East CDP | 1 0.04 94.73 Weissport borough | 2 0.07 94.80 Weldon town | 1 0.04 94.84 Wellington city | 4 0.15 94.99 Wellston city | 2 0.07 95.06 West Alto Bonito CDP | 1 0.04 95.10 West Bay Shore CDP | 1 0.04 95.13 West Belmar CDP | 2 0.07 95.21 West Brownsville borough | 1 0.04 95.25 West Buechel city | 1 0.04 95.28 West College Corner town | 1 0.04 95.32 West Conshohocken borough | 1 0.04 95.36 West Easton borough | 1 0.04 95.39 West Elizabeth borough | 1 0.04 95.43 West Fairview CDP | 1 0.04 95.47 West Hills CDP | 1 0.04 95.51 West Homestead borough | 2 0.07 95.58 West Kittanning borough | 1 0.04 95.62 West Lawn CDP | 3 0.11 95.73 West Leechburg borough | 1 0.04 95.77 West Miami city | 1 0.04 95.80 West Mifflin borough | 1 0.04 95.84 West New York town | 1 0.04 95.88 West Park city | 1 0.04 95.91 West Pelzer town | 1 0.04 95.95 West Pittston borough | 1 0.04 95.99 West Samoset CDP | 1 0.04 96.03 West Terre Haute town | 1 0.04 96.06 West University Place city | 1 0.04 96.10 West Waynesburg CDP | 1 0.04 96.14 West Wildwood borough | 1 0.04 96.17 West Wyomissing CDP | 3 0.11 96.29 Westernport town | 1 0.04 96.32 Westminster city | 1 0.04 96.36 Westmont village | 1 0.04 96.40 Weston CDP | 1 0.04 96.43 Westport town | 1 0.04 96.47 Westville borough | 1 0.04 96.51 Westwood Hills city | 2 0.07 96.58 Westwood city | 11 0.41 96.99 Weweantic CDP | 1 0.04 97.03 Wheatland borough | 1 0.04 97.07 Wheelersburg CDP | 1 0.04 97.10 Whiskey Creek CDP | 1 0.04 97.14 Whitaker borough | 3 0.11 97.25 White City CDP | 1 0.04 97.29 Whitesville CDP | 2 0.07 97.36 Whitfield CDP | 2 0.07 97.44 Wilbur Park village | 1 0.04 97.47 Wilburton Number One CDP | 1 0.04 97.51 Wilburton Number Two CDP | 1 0.04 97.55 Wildwood city | 4 0.15 97.70 Williams Creek town | 1 0.04 97.73 Williamsdale CDP | 1 0.04 97.77 Williston Park village | 4 0.15 97.92 Wilmerding borough | 1 0.04 97.96 Wilson borough | 1 0.04 97.99 Wilton Manors city | 1 0.04 98.03 Windy Hills city | 4 0.15 98.18 Winfield city | 1 0.04 98.22 Winston city | 1 0.04 98.25 Winter Garden city | 1 0.04 98.29 Wolfhurst CDP | 1 0.04 98.33 Woodbury Heights borough | 1 0.04 98.37 Woodland CDP | 3 0.11 98.48 Woodland Hills city | 1 0.04 98.51 Woodlawn CDP | 2 0.07 98.59 Woodlawn Heights town | 1 0.04 98.63 Woodlawn Park city | 4 0.15 98.77 Woodlawn Park town | 1 0.04 98.81 Woodlawn city | 2 0.07 98.89 Woodlynne borough | 1 0.04 98.92 Woodmere CDP | 1 0.04 98.96 Woodsburgh village | 1 0.04 99.00 Woodson Terrace city | 1 0.04 99.03 Woodsville CDP | 1 0.04 99.07 Worthington Hills city | 3 0.11 99.18 Worthington city | 2 0.07 99.26 Worton CDP | 1 0.04 99.29 Wyano CDP | 1 0.04 99.33 Wyncote CDP | 2 0.07 99.41 Wynnedale town | 1 0.04 99.44 Yarrow Point town | 1 0.04 99.48 Yatesville borough | 1 0.04 99.52 Yeadon borough | 2 0.07 99.59 Yoe borough | 1 0.04 99.63 York city | 1 0.04 99.67 Yorkshire village | 1 0.04 99.70 Yukon CDP | 1 0.04 99.74 Zarate CDP | 5 0.19 99.93 Zarephath CDP | 1 0.04 99.96 Zephyr Cove CDP | 1 0.04 100.00 -----------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 2,692 100.00 Frequencies for mi_to_place variable in sf12010placedistance1miles dataset : Distance | between | places that | are within | 1 miles | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- .0648001 | 2 0.07 0.07 .0666847 | 2 0.07 0.15 .110063 | 2 0.07 0.22 .1145883 | 2 0.07 0.30 .1165061 | 2 0.07 0.37 .1172313 | 2 0.07 0.45 .1233472 | 2 0.07 0.52 .1252492 | 2 0.07 0.59 .1379439 | 2 0.07 0.67 .1409815 | 2 0.07 0.74 .1520025 | 2 0.07 0.82 .1593722 | 2 0.07 0.89 .1769603 | 2 0.07 0.97 .1876097 | 2 0.07 1.04 .1884883 | 2 0.07 1.11 .1887495 | 2 0.07 1.19 .1892842 | 2 0.07 1.26 .1894299 | 2 0.07 1.34 .1899361 | 2 0.07 1.41 .1914901 | 2 0.07 1.49 .1996082 | 2 0.07 1.56 .2006899 | 2 0.07 1.63 .2015598 | 2 0.07 1.71 .2102929 | 2 0.07 1.78 .2111452 | 2 0.07 1.86 .2137288 | 2 0.07 1.93 .229797 | 2 0.07 2.01 .2323329 | 2 0.07 2.08 .2328459 | 2 0.07 2.15 .2329775 | 2 0.07 2.23 .2350467 | 2 0.07 2.30 .2365234 | 2 0.07 2.38 .2394949 | 2 0.07 2.45 .2451261 | 2 0.07 2.53 .249791 | 2 0.07 2.60 .2505407 | 2 0.07 2.67 .2517481 | 2 0.07 2.75 .2524483 | 2 0.07 2.82 .2549932 | 2 0.07 2.90 .2571948 | 2 0.07 2.97 .2573636 | 2 0.07 3.05 .2599066 | 2 0.07 3.12 .2605436 | 2 0.07 3.19 .2618436 | 2 0.07 3.27 .2632606 | 2 0.07 3.34 .2638724 | 2 0.07 3.42 .2645775 | 2 0.07 3.49 .2654936 | 2 0.07 3.57 .265971 | 2 0.07 3.64 .2700739 | 2 0.07 3.71 .2725885 | 2 0.07 3.79 .2765132 | 2 0.07 3.86 .2791071 | 2 0.07 3.94 .2793921 | 2 0.07 4.01 .2822942 | 2 0.07 4.09 .2833841 | 2 0.07 4.16 .2861745 | 2 0.07 4.23 .286439 | 2 0.07 4.31 .2876766 | 2 0.07 4.38 .2887104 | 2 0.07 4.46 .2938584 | 2 0.07 4.53 .294863 | 2 0.07 4.61 .2952792 | 2 0.07 4.68 .2971916 | 2 0.07 4.75 .3011896 | 2 0.07 4.83 .3025884 | 2 0.07 4.90 .3028742 | 2 0.07 4.98 .3033785 | 2 0.07 5.05 .3041353 | 2 0.07 5.13 .3057189 | 2 0.07 5.20 .3064863 | 2 0.07 5.27 .3086329 | 2 0.07 5.35 .3089543 | 2 0.07 5.42 .3095537 | 2 0.07 5.50 .3123468 | 2 0.07 5.57 .3130867 | 2 0.07 5.65 .3194615 | 2 0.07 5.72 .320079 | 2 0.07 5.79 .3201482 | 2 0.07 5.87 .3204287 | 2 0.07 5.94 .3216732 | 2 0.07 6.02 .3260356 | 2 0.07 6.09 .3261987 | 2 0.07 6.17 .3281945 | 2 0.07 6.24 .3284808 | 2 0.07 6.32 .3290643 | 2 0.07 6.39 .3299465 | 2 0.07 6.46 .331867 | 2 0.07 6.54 .3329555 | 2 0.07 6.61 .3329857 | 2 0.07 6.69 .3339099 | 2 0.07 6.76 .334649 | 2 0.07 6.84 .3350078 | 2 0.07 6.91 .3351118 | 2 0.07 6.98 .3385814 | 2 0.07 7.06 .3409166 | 2 0.07 7.13 .3418922 | 2 0.07 7.21 .3447542 | 2 0.07 7.28 .3454244 | 2 0.07 7.36 .3458696 | 2 0.07 7.43 .3459607 | 2 0.07 7.50 .3459704 | 2 0.07 7.58 .3481784 | 2 0.07 7.65 .3495154 | 2 0.07 7.73 .3551989 | 2 0.07 7.80 .3570347 | 2 0.07 7.88 .3651645 | 2 0.07 7.95 .365934 | 2 0.07 8.02 .3665181 | 2 0.07 8.10 .3678822 | 2 0.07 8.17 .3683778 | 2 0.07 8.25 .3685187 | 2 0.07 8.32 .3708167 | 2 0.07 8.40 .3715617 | 2 0.07 8.47 .3725094 | 2 0.07 8.54 .3729121 | 2 0.07 8.62 .3743813 | 2 0.07 8.69 .3765315 | 2 0.07 8.77 .3775903 | 2 0.07 8.84 .3790958 | 2 0.07 8.92 .3799962 | 2 0.07 8.99 .3805848 | 2 0.07 9.06 .3805959 | 2 0.07 9.14 .3808588 | 2 0.07 9.21 .3813649 | 2 0.07 9.29 .3816955 | 2 0.07 9.36 .3819986 | 2 0.07 9.44 .3849285 | 2 0.07 9.51 .3881617 | 2 0.07 9.58 .3888964 | 2 0.07 9.66 .3900664 | 2 0.07 9.73 .3912411 | 2 0.07 9.81 .394045 | 2 0.07 9.88 .3941052 | 2 0.07 9.96 .3951428 | 2 0.07 10.03 .3952689 | 2 0.07 10.10 .3959169 | 2 0.07 10.18 .396994 | 2 0.07 10.25 .3996875 | 2 0.07 10.33 .4003904 | 2 0.07 10.40 .4005354 | 2 0.07 10.48 .4007451 | 2 0.07 10.55 .4025233 | 2 0.07 10.62 .4043361 | 2 0.07 10.70 .4056899 | 2 0.07 10.77 .406707 | 2 0.07 10.85 .406799 | 2 0.07 10.92 .4068211 | 2 0.07 11.00 .4084056 | 2 0.07 11.07 .4099648 | 2 0.07 11.14 .4106014 | 2 0.07 11.22 .4108668 | 2 0.07 11.29 .41246 | 2 0.07 11.37 .4134147 | 2 0.07 11.44 .4145302 | 2 0.07 11.52 .4150069 | 2 0.07 11.59 .4154582 | 2 0.07 11.66 .4159691 | 2 0.07 11.74 .4163369 | 2 0.07 11.81 .416383 | 2 0.07 11.89 .4168472 | 2 0.07 11.96 .4178767 | 2 0.07 12.04 .4185312 | 2 0.07 12.11 .418562 | 2 0.07 12.18 .4202546 | 2 0.07 12.26 .421303 | 2 0.07 12.33 .4220721 | 2 0.07 12.41 .4223478 | 2 0.07 12.48 .4225713 | 2 0.07 12.56 .4234055 | 2 0.07 12.63 .4254856 | 2 0.07 12.70 .4256048 | 2 0.07 12.78 .4261487 | 2 0.07 12.85 .4264166 | 2 0.07 12.93 .4267847 | 2 0.07 13.00 .4287545 | 2 0.07 13.08 .4305462 | 2 0.07 13.15 .4330997 | 2 0.07 13.22 .4332751 | 2 0.07 13.30 .433823 | 2 0.07 13.37 .4360724 | 2 0.07 13.45 .4362451 | 2 0.07 13.52 .4373614 | 2 0.07 13.60 .4373803 | 2 0.07 13.67 .444256 | 2 0.07 13.74 .4446163 | 2 0.07 13.82 .4457435 | 2 0.07 13.89 .446854 | 2 0.07 13.97 .449035 | 2 0.07 14.04 .4494304 | 2 0.07 14.12 .4515966 | 2 0.07 14.19 .4573566 | 2 0.07 14.26 .4575364 | 2 0.07 14.34 .459704 | 2 0.07 14.41 .4620413 | 2 0.07 14.49 .4625071 | 2 0.07 14.56 .464827 | 2 0.07 14.64 .4658716 | 2 0.07 14.71 .4661291 | 2 0.07 14.78 .4668775 | 2 0.07 14.86 .4673944 | 2 0.07 14.93 .4678038 | 2 0.07 15.01 .4680232 | 2 0.07 15.08 .4680338 | 2 0.07 15.16 .4694239 | 2 0.07 15.23 .4697328 | 2 0.07 15.30 .4708235 | 2 0.07 15.38 .4710468 | 2 0.07 15.45 .4739167 | 2 0.07 15.53 .4746398 | 2 0.07 15.60 .475606 | 2 0.07 15.68 .4762425 | 2 0.07 15.75 .4772486 | 2 0.07 15.82 .4776123 | 2 0.07 15.90 .4789982 | 2 0.07 15.97 .4795926 | 2 0.07 16.05 .4796514 | 2 0.07 16.12 .4800328 | 2 0.07 16.20 .4800528 | 2 0.07 16.27 .4803626 | 2 0.07 16.34 .4809848 | 2 0.07 16.42 .4815295 | 2 0.07 16.49 .4838963 | 2 0.07 16.57 .484161 | 2 0.07 16.64 .4862133 | 2 0.07 16.72 .4865554 | 2 0.07 16.79 .4869515 | 2 0.07 16.86 .4879233 | 2 0.07 16.94 .4881967 | 2 0.07 17.01 .4891854 | 2 0.07 17.09 .4896849 | 2 0.07 17.16 .4906511 | 2 0.07 17.24 .4910772 | 2 0.07 17.31 .4926418 | 2 0.07 17.38 .4939543 | 2 0.07 17.46 .4940115 | 2 0.07 17.53 .4942127 | 2 0.07 17.61 .4946064 | 2 0.07 17.68 .4953431 | 2 0.07 17.76 .495569 | 2 0.07 17.83 .4958847 | 2 0.07 17.90 .4963411 | 2 0.07 17.98 .4975047 | 2 0.07 18.05 .4991109 | 2 0.07 18.13 .500872 | 2 0.07 18.20 .5010225 | 2 0.07 18.28 .5011633 | 2 0.07 18.35 .501959 | 2 0.07 18.42 .5071036 | 2 0.07 18.50 .508079 | 2 0.07 18.57 .5084259 | 2 0.07 18.65 .5090387 | 2 0.07 18.72 .5110421 | 2 0.07 18.80 .5127077 | 2 0.07 18.87 .5137058 | 2 0.07 18.95 .5144701 | 2 0.07 19.02 .5144929 | 2 0.07 19.09 .5146172 | 2 0.07 19.17 .5163268 | 2 0.07 19.24 .5168757 | 2 0.07 19.32 .5172313 | 2 0.07 19.39 .5182035 | 2 0.07 19.47 .5194762 | 2 0.07 19.54 .5198931 | 2 0.07 19.61 .520436 | 2 0.07 19.69 .520972 | 2 0.07 19.76 .5225909 | 2 0.07 19.84 .5235698 | 2 0.07 19.91 .5244845 | 2 0.07 19.99 .52496 | 2 0.07 20.06 .5250067 | 2 0.07 20.13 .5250777 | 2 0.07 20.21 .5261768 | 2 0.07 20.28 .5263912 | 2 0.07 20.36 .5266707 | 2 0.07 20.43 .5285307 | 2 0.07 20.51 .5295166 | 2 0.07 20.58 .5315041 | 2 0.07 20.65 .5315131 | 2 0.07 20.73 .5324964 | 2 0.07 20.80 .5328776 | 2 0.07 20.88 .5331925 | 2 0.07 20.95 .5341084 | 2 0.07 21.03 .5349712 | 2 0.07 21.10 .5366459 | 2 0.07 21.17 .5368233 | 2 0.07 21.25 .537068 | 2 0.07 21.32 .5373266 | 2 0.07 21.40 .5373793 | 2 0.07 21.47 .5374501 | 2 0.07 21.55 .537624 | 2 0.07 21.62 .5377786 | 2 0.07 21.69 .5385705 | 2 0.07 21.77 .539663 | 2 0.07 21.84 .5398171 | 2 0.07 21.92 .5413842 | 2 0.07 21.99 .5421958 | 2 0.07 22.07 .5439433 | 2 0.07 22.14 .5443642 | 2 0.07 22.21 .5454329 | 2 0.07 22.29 .5465474 | 2 0.07 22.36 .5484069 | 2 0.07 22.44 .5487095 | 2 0.07 22.51 .5487487 | 2 0.07 22.59 .5487978 | 2 0.07 22.66 .5501914 | 2 0.07 22.73 .5515263 | 2 0.07 22.81 .5534397 | 2 0.07 22.88 .5539463 | 2 0.07 22.96 .5563368 | 2 0.07 23.03 .5570721 | 2 0.07 23.11 .5572398 | 2 0.07 23.18 .5572451 | 2 0.07 23.25 .557727 | 2 0.07 23.33 .558321 | 2 0.07 23.40 .5606479 | 2 0.07 23.48 .5619665 | 2 0.07 23.55 .5622817 | 2 0.07 23.63 .5631793 | 2 0.07 23.70 .5634515 | 2 0.07 23.77 .5640556 | 2 0.07 23.85 .564722 | 2 0.07 23.92 .5649065 | 2 0.07 24.00 .5652635 | 2 0.07 24.07 .5660466 | 2 0.07 24.15 .5671606 | 2 0.07 24.22 .5673555 | 2 0.07 24.29 .5700445 | 2 0.07 24.37 .5700907 | 2 0.07 24.44 .5723843 | 2 0.07 24.52 .5753086 | 2 0.07 24.59 .5758791 | 2 0.07 24.67 .57958 | 2 0.07 24.74 .5800321 | 2 0.07 24.81 .5809873 | 2 0.07 24.89 .5812181 | 2 0.07 24.96 .582515 | 2 0.07 25.04 .5826622 | 2 0.07 25.11 .5827749 | 2 0.07 25.19 .5828984 | 2 0.07 25.26 .5835699 | 2 0.07 25.33 .5836272 | 2 0.07 25.41 .5839251 | 2 0.07 25.48 .5847132 | 2 0.07 25.56 .5853439 | 2 0.07 25.63 .5860936 | 2 0.07 25.71 .586844 | 2 0.07 25.78 .5873058 | 2 0.07 25.85 .5896602 | 2 0.07 25.93 .590017 | 2 0.07 26.00 .5906328 | 2 0.07 26.08 .59122 | 2 0.07 26.15 .5921375 | 2 0.07 26.23 .5928478 | 2 0.07 26.30 .5929338 | 2 0.07 26.37 .5932903 | 2 0.07 26.45 .5955991 | 2 0.07 26.52 .5966599 | 2 0.07 26.60 .5974753 | 2 0.07 26.67 .5982992 | 2 0.07 26.75 .599279 | 2 0.07 26.82 .5996789 | 2 0.07 26.89 .6019846 | 2 0.07 26.97 .6029562 | 2 0.07 27.04 .6032096 | 2 0.07 27.12 .6036047 | 2 0.07 27.19 .6037771 | 2 0.07 27.27 .6052502 | 2 0.07 27.34 .6080019 | 2 0.07 27.41 .6108593 | 2 0.07 27.49 .6113436 | 2 0.07 27.56 .6116217 | 2 0.07 27.64 .6131264 | 2 0.07 27.71 .615455 | 2 0.07 27.79 .6155981 | 2 0.07 27.86 .6157655 | 2 0.07 27.93 .6158608 | 2 0.07 28.01 .6166443 | 2 0.07 28.08 .6166666 | 2 0.07 28.16 .6173083 | 2 0.07 28.23 .6195203 | 2 0.07 28.31 .6203823 | 2 0.07 28.38 .6207997 | 2 0.07 28.45 .6210628 | 2 0.07 28.53 .6241479 | 2 0.07 28.60 .6242203 | 2 0.07 28.68 .6245554 | 2 0.07 28.75 .6245824 | 2 0.07 28.83 .6248211 | 2 0.07 28.90 .6251793 | 2 0.07 28.97 .6254929 | 2 0.07 29.05 .6256439 | 2 0.07 29.12 .6259681 | 2 0.07 29.20 .6265827 | 2 0.07 29.27 .6272551 | 2 0.07 29.35 .6273359 | 2 0.07 29.42 .6277358 | 2 0.07 29.49 .6294889 | 2 0.07 29.57 .6302475 | 2 0.07 29.64 .6307951 | 2 0.07 29.72 .6308527 | 2 0.07 29.79 .6314336 | 2 0.07 29.87 .6321116 | 2 0.07 29.94 .6321911 | 2 0.07 30.01 .6329813 | 2 0.07 30.09 .6343706 | 2 0.07 30.16 .634933 | 2 0.07 30.24 .6352942 | 2 0.07 30.31 .6355089 | 2 0.07 30.39 .6355216 | 2 0.07 30.46 .6358845 | 2 0.07 30.53 .6362811 | 2 0.07 30.61 .6364495 | 2 0.07 30.68 .6380309 | 2 0.07 30.76 .6381001 | 2 0.07 30.83 .6387687 | 2 0.07 30.91 .6394888 | 2 0.07 30.98 .640805 | 2 0.07 31.05 .6416393 | 2 0.07 31.13 .6419833 | 2 0.07 31.20 .6421253 | 2 0.07 31.28 .6422683 | 2 0.07 31.35 .6431429 | 2 0.07 31.43 .6431704 | 2 0.07 31.50 .6439677 | 2 0.07 31.58 .6448575 | 2 0.07 31.65 .6466607 | 2 0.07 31.72 .6467846 | 2 0.07 31.80 .6469262 | 2 0.07 31.87 .6493864 | 2 0.07 31.95 .6513354 | 2 0.07 32.02 .6513484 | 2 0.07 32.10 .651597 | 2 0.07 32.17 .6531114 | 2 0.07 32.24 .6537706 | 2 0.07 32.32 .6542996 | 2 0.07 32.39 .6548962 | 2 0.07 32.47 .6549172 | 2 0.07 32.54 .6550999 | 2 0.07 32.62 .6551408 | 2 0.07 32.69 .6556007 | 2 0.07 32.76 .6559946 | 2 0.07 32.84 .6562472 | 2 0.07 32.91 .6563587 | 2 0.07 32.99 .6575827 | 2 0.07 33.06 .6586043 | 2 0.07 33.14 .6593284 | 2 0.07 33.21 .659571 | 2 0.07 33.28 .6596194 | 2 0.07 33.36 .6596978 | 2 0.07 33.43 .6600826 | 2 0.07 33.51 .6618741 | 2 0.07 33.58 .6638857 | 2 0.07 33.66 .6647543 | 2 0.07 33.73 .6654137 | 2 0.07 33.80 .6659158 | 2 0.07 33.88 .6663678 | 2 0.07 33.95 .6668966 | 2 0.07 34.03 .667253 | 2 0.07 34.10 .6675595 | 2 0.07 34.18 .6677426 | 2 0.07 34.25 .6678617 | 2 0.07 34.32 .6678671 | 2 0.07 34.40 .668039 | 2 0.07 34.47 .6680475 | 2 0.07 34.55 .6683361 | 2 0.07 34.62 .6685322 | 2 0.07 34.70 .6688172 | 2 0.07 34.77 .6691034 | 2 0.07 34.84 .6702179 | 2 0.07 34.92 .6710362 | 2 0.07 34.99 .6715704 | 2 0.07 35.07 .6722469 | 2 0.07 35.14 .6726731 | 2 0.07 35.22 .6726739 | 2 0.07 35.29 .6728417 | 2 0.07 35.36 .6729427 | 2 0.07 35.44 .6731361 | 2 0.07 35.51 .6732064 | 2 0.07 35.59 .6735805 | 2 0.07 35.66 .6736117 | 2 0.07 35.74 .6738278 | 2 0.07 35.81 .6745398 | 2 0.07 35.88 .6751097 | 2 0.07 35.96 .6757311 | 2 0.07 36.03 .6757442 | 2 0.07 36.11 .6760987 | 2 0.07 36.18 .6766929 | 2 0.07 36.26 .6774736 | 2 0.07 36.33 .6776466 | 2 0.07 36.40 .6778415 | 2 0.07 36.48 .6779076 | 2 0.07 36.55 .6784498 | 2 0.07 36.63 .6785777 | 2 0.07 36.70 .6786603 | 2 0.07 36.78 .6799001 | 2 0.07 36.85 .6810765 | 2 0.07 36.92 .6819166 | 2 0.07 37.00 .68197 | 2 0.07 37.07 .6821203 | 2 0.07 37.15 .6827775 | 2 0.07 37.22 .6829082 | 2 0.07 37.30 .6830693 | 2 0.07 37.37 .683223 | 2 0.07 37.44 .6835419 | 2 0.07 37.52 .6836104 | 2 0.07 37.59 .6838407 | 2 0.07 37.67 .6845053 | 2 0.07 37.74 .6846063 | 2 0.07 37.82 .6848875 | 2 0.07 37.89 .6853484 | 2 0.07 37.96 .6854055 | 2 0.07 38.04 .6854719 | 2 0.07 38.11 .6881254 | 2 0.07 38.19 .6890593 | 2 0.07 38.26 .6916917 | 2 0.07 38.34 .6917884 | 2 0.07 38.41 .6918685 | 2 0.07 38.48 .6920693 | 2 0.07 38.56 .6930459 | 2 0.07 38.63 .6932492 | 2 0.07 38.71 .6939096 | 2 0.07 38.78 .6944439 | 2 0.07 38.86 .6944986 | 2 0.07 38.93 .6945217 | 2 0.07 39.00 .6960199 | 2 0.07 39.08 .6961135 | 2 0.07 39.15 .6962645 | 2 0.07 39.23 .6973183 | 2 0.07 39.30 .6976921 | 2 0.07 39.38 .6980866 | 2 0.07 39.45 .6984209 | 2 0.07 39.52 .6985926 | 2 0.07 39.60 .6989995 | 2 0.07 39.67 .6993006 | 2 0.07 39.75 .7007642 | 2 0.07 39.82 .7008368 | 2 0.07 39.90 .701925 | 2 0.07 39.97 .7030276 | 2 0.07 40.04 .7030531 | 2 0.07 40.12 .7033804 | 2 0.07 40.19 .7036343 | 2 0.07 40.27 .7045372 | 2 0.07 40.34 .7046058 | 2 0.07 40.42 .7051862 | 2 0.07 40.49 .7055342 | 2 0.07 40.56 .7057123 | 2 0.07 40.64 .7071223 | 2 0.07 40.71 .7071532 | 2 0.07 40.79 .7078828 | 2 0.07 40.86 .7080359 | 2 0.07 40.94 .7082608 | 2 0.07 41.01 .708368 | 2 0.07 41.08 .7091824 | 2 0.07 41.16 .7095802 | 2 0.07 41.23 .7100473 | 2 0.07 41.31 .7103561 | 2 0.07 41.38 .7117519 | 2 0.07 41.46 .713867 | 2 0.07 41.53 .7144756 | 2 0.07 41.60 .7147596 | 2 0.07 41.68 .7150558 | 2 0.07 41.75 .7162419 | 2 0.07 41.83 .718392 | 2 0.07 41.90 .7186355 | 2 0.07 41.98 .7191605 | 2 0.07 42.05 .7191926 | 2 0.07 42.12 .720128 | 2 0.07 42.20 .7205781 | 2 0.07 42.27 .7207371 | 2 0.07 42.35 .7207644 | 2 0.07 42.42 .7212979 | 2 0.07 42.50 .7219785 | 2 0.07 42.57 .7220911 | 2 0.07 42.64 .722122 | 2 0.07 42.72 .7226693 | 2 0.07 42.79 .7229002 | 2 0.07 42.87 .7237983 | 2 0.07 42.94 .7239941 | 2 0.07 43.02 .7254614 | 2 0.07 43.09 .7254667 | 2 0.07 43.16 .725706 | 2 0.07 43.24 .7258958 | 2 0.07 43.31 .7263423 | 2 0.07 43.39 .7264537 | 2 0.07 43.46 .7267435 | 2 0.07 43.54 .7269003 | 2 0.07 43.61 .7270581 | 2 0.07 43.68 .7272452 | 2 0.07 43.76 .7276512 | 2 0.07 43.83 .7278028 | 2 0.07 43.91 .7278124 | 2 0.07 43.98 .7284557 | 2 0.07 44.06 .7287297 | 2 0.07 44.13 .7292598 | 2 0.07 44.21 .729992 | 2 0.07 44.28 .7303142 | 2 0.07 44.35 .7312529 | 2 0.07 44.43 .7313296 | 2 0.07 44.50 .7313835 | 2 0.07 44.58 .7315446 | 2 0.07 44.65 .7322492 | 2 0.07 44.73 .7338205 | 2 0.07 44.80 .7340743 | 2 0.07 44.87 .7341621 | 2 0.07 44.95 .7341908 | 2 0.07 45.02 .7343641 | 2 0.07 45.10 .7344124 | 2 0.07 45.17 .7349533 | 2 0.07 45.25 .7351183 | 2 0.07 45.32 .7354758 | 2 0.07 45.39 .7356262 | 2 0.07 45.47 .7358086 | 2 0.07 45.54 .7367312 | 2 0.07 45.62 .7367887 | 2 0.07 45.69 .7371844 | 2 0.07 45.77 .7375151 | 2 0.07 45.84 .737932 | 2 0.07 45.91 .7381758 | 2 0.07 45.99 .738803 | 2 0.07 46.06 .738926 | 2 0.07 46.14 .7389555 | 2 0.07 46.21 .7395028 | 2 0.07 46.29 .7397735 | 2 0.07 46.36 .7398535 | 2 0.07 46.43 .7408454 | 2 0.07 46.51 .7408907 | 2 0.07 46.58 .7414155 | 2 0.07 46.66 .7416346 | 2 0.07 46.73 .7417661 | 2 0.07 46.81 .7425287 | 2 0.07 46.88 .7433674 | 2 0.07 46.95 .7437863 | 2 0.07 47.03 .7441149 | 2 0.07 47.10 .7443958 | 2 0.07 47.18 .7448227 | 2 0.07 47.25 .7450026 | 2 0.07 47.33 .7460189 | 2 0.07 47.40 .7462136 | 2 0.07 47.47 .7462601 | 2 0.07 47.55 .7464032 | 2 0.07 47.62 .7465637 | 2 0.07 47.70 .7467039 | 2 0.07 47.77 .7475678 | 2 0.07 47.85 .7478834 | 2 0.07 47.92 .7482652 | 2 0.07 47.99 .748454 | 2 0.07 48.07 .748723 | 2 0.07 48.14 .748941 | 2 0.07 48.22 .74981 | 2 0.07 48.29 .7503056 | 2 0.07 48.37 .7504007 | 2 0.07 48.44 .7508784 | 2 0.07 48.51 .7518295 | 2 0.07 48.59 .7519311 | 2 0.07 48.66 .7520239 | 2 0.07 48.74 .7521326 | 2 0.07 48.81 .7522811 | 2 0.07 48.89 .7526802 | 2 0.07 48.96 .7543142 | 2 0.07 49.03 .7549513 | 2 0.07 49.11 .7551643 | 2 0.07 49.18 .7556178 | 2 0.07 49.26 .7556635 | 2 0.07 49.33 .7570724 | 2 0.07 49.41 .7578687 | 2 0.07 49.48 .7579285 | 2 0.07 49.55 .7588332 | 2 0.07 49.63 .7609464 | 2 0.07 49.70 .7625887 | 2 0.07 49.78 .7626908 | 2 0.07 49.85 .7627132 | 2 0.07 49.93 .7629136 | 2 0.07 50.00 .7635796 | 2 0.07 50.07 .7646172 | 2 0.07 50.15 .7650381 | 2 0.07 50.22 .7650741 | 2 0.07 50.30 .765617 | 2 0.07 50.37 .7657329 | 2 0.07 50.45 .7663269 | 2 0.07 50.52 .7666233 | 2 0.07 50.59 .7666925 | 2 0.07 50.67 .7667131 | 2 0.07 50.74 .7671901 | 2 0.07 50.82 .7676758 | 2 0.07 50.89 .7679733 | 2 0.07 50.97 .768352 | 2 0.07 51.04 .768378 | 2 0.07 51.11 .7691177 | 2 0.07 51.19 .7691293 | 2 0.07 51.26 .7692961 | 2 0.07 51.34 .7693353 | 2 0.07 51.41 .7694378 | 2 0.07 51.49 .7694382 | 2 0.07 51.56 .7696837 | 2 0.07 51.63 .7697549 | 2 0.07 51.71 .7698977 | 2 0.07 51.78 .7703101 | 2 0.07 51.86 .7706097 | 2 0.07 51.93 .7707937 | 2 0.07 52.01 .7709864 | 2 0.07 52.08 .771178 | 2 0.07 52.15 .7713041 | 2 0.07 52.23 .7713429 | 2 0.07 52.30 .7713452 | 2 0.07 52.38 .7713558 | 2 0.07 52.45 .7714924 | 2 0.07 52.53 .7718711 | 2 0.07 52.60 .7719872 | 2 0.07 52.67 .7720245 | 2 0.07 52.75 .7721482 | 2 0.07 52.82 .7726907 | 2 0.07 52.90 .773514 | 2 0.07 52.97 .7740338 | 2 0.07 53.05 .7759522 | 2 0.07 53.12 .7760711 | 2 0.07 53.19 .7763206 | 2 0.07 53.27 .7776419 | 2 0.07 53.34 .778352 | 2 0.07 53.42 .7795068 | 2 0.07 53.49 .7797163 | 2 0.07 53.57 .7809045 | 2 0.07 53.64 .7811477 | 2 0.07 53.71 .7814753 | 2 0.07 53.79 .7817415 | 2 0.07 53.86 .7818778 | 2 0.07 53.94 .782074 | 2 0.07 54.01 .7822722 | 2 0.07 54.09 .7830997 | 2 0.07 54.16 .7837319 | 2 0.07 54.23 .7838902 | 2 0.07 54.31 .7838967 | 2 0.07 54.38 .7847274 | 2 0.07 54.46 .785036 | 2 0.07 54.53 .7857871 | 2 0.07 54.61 .7863099 | 2 0.07 54.68 .7875805 | 2 0.07 54.75 .7883975 | 2 0.07 54.83 .7885497 | 2 0.07 54.90 .7889101 | 2 0.07 54.98 .7892876 | 2 0.07 55.05 .7894891 | 2 0.07 55.13 .7898318 | 2 0.07 55.20 .7905141 | 2 0.07 55.27 .7908902 | 2 0.07 55.35 .790919 | 2 0.07 55.42 .791269 | 2 0.07 55.50 .7913698 | 2 0.07 55.57 .7917153 | 2 0.07 55.65 .7925701 | 2 0.07 55.72 .7934961 | 2 0.07 55.79 .7934996 | 2 0.07 55.87 .794212 | 2 0.07 55.94 .794239 | 2 0.07 56.02 .7946886 | 2 0.07 56.09 .7947129 | 2 0.07 56.17 .7949174 | 2 0.07 56.24 .7949448 | 2 0.07 56.32 .7952217 | 2 0.07 56.39 .7954262 | 2 0.07 56.46 .7956335 | 2 0.07 56.54 .7964934 | 2 0.07 56.61 .7974869 | 2 0.07 56.69 .79836 | 2 0.07 56.76 .7983897 | 2 0.07 56.84 .7986575 | 2 0.07 56.91 .7993274 | 2 0.07 56.98 .7994285 | 2 0.07 57.06 .8002438 | 2 0.07 57.13 .8005189 | 2 0.07 57.21 .8011031 | 2 0.07 57.28 .8013042 | 2 0.07 57.36 .8018046 | 2 0.07 57.43 .8018062 | 2 0.07 57.50 .8020827 | 2 0.07 57.58 .8024692 | 2 0.07 57.65 .8025394 | 2 0.07 57.73 .8031326 | 2 0.07 57.80 .8034799 | 2 0.07 57.88 .8038527 | 2 0.07 57.95 .8044456 | 2 0.07 58.02 .8047629 | 2 0.07 58.10 .8052025 | 2 0.07 58.17 .8052171 | 2 0.07 58.25 .805482 | 2 0.07 58.32 .8061612 | 2 0.07 58.40 .8077012 | 2 0.07 58.47 .8079186 | 2 0.07 58.54 .8083011 | 2 0.07 58.62 .8098294 | 2 0.07 58.69 .8108447 | 2 0.07 58.77 .8115029 | 2 0.07 58.84 .8119603 | 2 0.07 58.92 .8120294 | 2 0.07 58.99 .8126011 | 2 0.07 59.06 .8143361 | 2 0.07 59.14 .8144663 | 2 0.07 59.21 .8144825 | 2 0.07 59.29 .8150508 | 2 0.07 59.36 .8152545 | 2 0.07 59.44 .8154887 | 2 0.07 59.51 .8157454 | 2 0.07 59.58 .8163143 | 2 0.07 59.66 .8163924 | 2 0.07 59.73 .816408 | 2 0.07 59.81 .8166349 | 2 0.07 59.88 .8168205 | 2 0.07 59.96 .8170228 | 2 0.07 60.03 .8171593 | 2 0.07 60.10 .8171878 | 2 0.07 60.18 .8186484 | 2 0.07 60.25 .8197132 | 2 0.07 60.33 .8201209 | 2 0.07 60.40 .8204726 | 2 0.07 60.48 .8212376 | 2 0.07 60.55 .8215649 | 2 0.07 60.62 .8218878 | 2 0.07 60.70 .8224218 | 2 0.07 60.77 .8224706 | 2 0.07 60.85 .8227983 | 2 0.07 60.92 .8229452 | 2 0.07 61.00 .8237361 | 2 0.07 61.07 .8241109 | 2 0.07 61.14 .8241868 | 2 0.07 61.22 .8246234 | 2 0.07 61.29 .8246708 | 2 0.07 61.37 .8250516 | 2 0.07 61.44 .8254927 | 2 0.07 61.52 .8260252 | 2 0.07 61.59 .8264139 | 2 0.07 61.66 .8268425 | 2 0.07 61.74 .8268553 | 2 0.07 61.81 .8272846 | 2 0.07 61.89 .8272944 | 2 0.07 61.96 .8274353 | 2 0.07 62.04 .8277524 | 2 0.07 62.11 .8282228 | 2 0.07 62.18 .8289758 | 2 0.07 62.26 .8298459 | 2 0.07 62.33 .8307854 | 2 0.07 62.41 .8310242 | 2 0.07 62.48 .8318418 | 2 0.07 62.56 .8320251 | 2 0.07 62.63 .832145 | 2 0.07 62.70 .8326433 | 2 0.07 62.78 .8330501 | 2 0.07 62.85 .8336494 | 2 0.07 62.93 .8337725 | 2 0.07 63.00 .8340053 | 2 0.07 63.08 .8343447 | 2 0.07 63.15 .8355344 | 2 0.07 63.22 .8355377 | 2 0.07 63.30 .8355967 | 2 0.07 63.37 .8361983 | 2 0.07 63.45 .8364017 | 2 0.07 63.52 .8367546 | 2 0.07 63.60 .8368181 | 2 0.07 63.67 .8370025 | 2 0.07 63.74 .8370029 | 2 0.07 63.82 .8374191 | 2 0.07 63.89 .8374698 | 2 0.07 63.97 .837723 | 2 0.07 64.04 .8377434 | 2 0.07 64.12 .8379438 | 2 0.07 64.19 .8383622 | 2 0.07 64.26 .8397393 | 2 0.07 64.34 .8398361 | 2 0.07 64.41 .8407218 | 2 0.07 64.49 .8407539 | 2 0.07 64.56 .8408035 | 2 0.07 64.64 .8416126 | 2 0.07 64.71 .8421131 | 2 0.07 64.78 .84284 | 2 0.07 64.86 .843001 | 2 0.07 64.93 .8430201 | 2 0.07 65.01 .8430867 | 2 0.07 65.08 .843203 | 2 0.07 65.16 .843577 | 2 0.07 65.23 .8442209 | 2 0.07 65.30 .8445302 | 2 0.07 65.38 .8445475 | 2 0.07 65.45 .844668 | 2 0.07 65.53 .8448522 | 2 0.07 65.60 .8451263 | 2 0.07 65.68 .8458983 | 2 0.07 65.75 .8459533 | 2 0.07 65.82 .8459929 | 2 0.07 65.90 .8465444 | 2 0.07 65.97 .8468386 | 2 0.07 66.05 .8475259 | 2 0.07 66.12 .8476741 | 2 0.07 66.20 .8478146 | 2 0.07 66.27 .8479754 | 2 0.07 66.34 .8479998 | 2 0.07 66.42 .848113 | 2 0.07 66.49 .8486097 | 2 0.07 66.57 .8486892 | 2 0.07 66.64 .8490954 | 2 0.07 66.72 .8496843 | 2 0.07 66.79 .8499819 | 2 0.07 66.86 .8500852 | 2 0.07 66.94 .8512522 | 2 0.07 67.01 .851757 | 2 0.07 67.09 .8517931 | 2 0.07 67.16 .8525075 | 2 0.07 67.24 .8532604 | 2 0.07 67.31 .8535513 | 2 0.07 67.38 .8555449 | 2 0.07 67.46 .8559315 | 2 0.07 67.53 .8559808 | 2 0.07 67.61 .8570462 | 2 0.07 67.68 .8570822 | 2 0.07 67.76 .8571094 | 2 0.07 67.83 .8573539 | 2 0.07 67.90 .8576857 | 2 0.07 67.98 .8577027 | 2 0.07 68.05 .8577999 | 2 0.07 68.13 .8585139 | 2 0.07 68.20 .8587308 | 2 0.07 68.28 .8591432 | 2 0.07 68.35 .8592001 | 2 0.07 68.42 .8604575 | 2 0.07 68.50 .8605171 | 2 0.07 68.57 .8608798 | 2 0.07 68.65 .861057 | 2 0.07 68.72 .8614335 | 2 0.07 68.80 .8615433 | 2 0.07 68.87 .8620134 | 2 0.07 68.95 .8623211 | 2 0.07 69.02 .8626164 | 2 0.07 69.09 .8639773 | 2 0.07 69.17 .8641457 | 2 0.07 69.24 .8644021 | 2 0.07 69.32 .8647007 | 2 0.07 69.39 .8650758 | 2 0.07 69.47 .865145 | 2 0.07 69.54 .8659866 | 2 0.07 69.61 .8660752 | 2 0.07 69.69 .8662432 | 2 0.07 69.76 .8662543 | 2 0.07 69.84 .8662728 | 2 0.07 69.91 .8662891 | 2 0.07 69.99 .8664163 | 2 0.07 70.06 .8672715 | 2 0.07 70.13 .8673533 | 2 0.07 70.21 .8677105 | 2 0.07 70.28 .8678782 | 2 0.07 70.36 .8685073 | 2 0.07 70.43 .8686455 | 2 0.07 70.51 .869119 | 2 0.07 70.58 .8693723 | 2 0.07 70.65 .8698179 | 2 0.07 70.73 .8698424 | 2 0.07 70.80 .8700258 | 2 0.07 70.88 .8708172 | 2 0.07 70.95 .871651 | 2 0.07 71.03 .8724366 | 2 0.07 71.10 .8729387 | 2 0.07 71.17 .8731116 | 2 0.07 71.25 .873652 | 2 0.07 71.32 .8739607 | 2 0.07 71.40 .8742387 | 2 0.07 71.47 .8744889 | 2 0.07 71.55 .8745024 | 2 0.07 71.62 .8746281 | 2 0.07 71.69 .8746912 | 2 0.07 71.77 .8747738 | 2 0.07 71.84 .8754253 | 2 0.07 71.92 .8758488 | 2 0.07 71.99 .8765967 | 2 0.07 72.07 .8773581 | 2 0.07 72.14 .8775286 | 2 0.07 72.21 .8776655 | 2 0.07 72.29 .8784161 | 2 0.07 72.36 .8787312 | 2 0.07 72.44 .8789843 | 2 0.07 72.51 .8794618 | 2 0.07 72.59 .8797592 | 2 0.07 72.66 .8799698 | 2 0.07 72.73 .880095 | 2 0.07 72.81 .8812463 | 2 0.07 72.88 .8814971 | 2 0.07 72.96 .8820591 | 2 0.07 73.03 .8820628 | 2 0.07 73.11 .882238 | 2 0.07 73.18 .882588 | 2 0.07 73.25 .8828605 | 2 0.07 73.33 .8833725 | 2 0.07 73.40 .8835345 | 2 0.07 73.48 .8838119 | 2 0.07 73.55 .8841527 | 2 0.07 73.63 .8845069 | 2 0.07 73.70 .8847085 | 2 0.07 73.77 .8850003 | 2 0.07 73.85 .8850656 | 2 0.07 73.92 .8852148 | 2 0.07 74.00 .8852402 | 2 0.07 74.07 .8852775 | 2 0.07 74.15 .8857029 | 2 0.07 74.22 .8857422 | 2 0.07 74.29 .886211 | 2 0.07 74.37 .8865092 | 2 0.07 74.44 .8867342 | 2 0.07 74.52 .8868222 | 2 0.07 74.59 .8872986 | 2 0.07 74.67 .8874998 | 2 0.07 74.74 .8879922 | 2 0.07 74.81 .8881872 | 2 0.07 74.89 .8895029 | 2 0.07 74.96 .8902477 | 2 0.07 75.04 .8903413 | 2 0.07 75.11 .8904318 | 2 0.07 75.19 .8908365 | 2 0.07 75.26 .8918458 | 2 0.07 75.33 .8922195 | 2 0.07 75.41 .8922899 | 2 0.07 75.48 .8927128 | 2 0.07 75.56 .8928301 | 2 0.07 75.63 .8933458 | 2 0.07 75.71 .8937642 | 2 0.07 75.78 .894222 | 2 0.07 75.85 .8945102 | 2 0.07 75.93 .8953554 | 2 0.07 76.00 .8954358 | 2 0.07 76.08 .8962055 | 2 0.07 76.15 .8964257 | 2 0.07 76.23 .8965297 | 2 0.07 76.30 .8970118 | 2 0.07 76.37 .8974538 | 2 0.07 76.45 .897692 | 2 0.07 76.52 .8985975 | 2 0.07 76.60 .8988011 | 2 0.07 76.67 .899617 | 2 0.07 76.75 .9003511 | 2 0.07 76.82 .9005789 | 2 0.07 76.89 .9006642 | 2 0.07 76.97 .9007639 | 2 0.07 77.04 .9013372 | 2 0.07 77.12 .9017755 | 2 0.07 77.19 .9017977 | 2 0.07 77.27 .9027017 | 2 0.07 77.34 .9030859 | 2 0.07 77.41 .903114 | 2 0.07 77.49 .9032665 | 2 0.07 77.56 .903319 | 2 0.07 77.64 .9040265 | 2 0.07 77.71 .9042833 | 2 0.07 77.79 .9043008 | 2 0.07 77.86 .9046065 | 2 0.07 77.93 .9066967 | 2 0.07 78.01 .9071225 | 2 0.07 78.08 .9076839 | 2 0.07 78.16 .9078873 | 2 0.07 78.23 .9083235 | 2 0.07 78.31 .9086287 | 2 0.07 78.38 .9092384 | 2 0.07 78.45 .9092957 | 2 0.07 78.53 .9103143 | 2 0.07 78.60 .9104832 | 2 0.07 78.68 .9104872 | 2 0.07 78.75 .9105669 | 2 0.07 78.83 .9106821 | 2 0.07 78.90 .910912 | 2 0.07 78.97 .911022 | 2 0.07 79.05 .911428 | 2 0.07 79.12 .9115585 | 2 0.07 79.20 .9122755 | 2 0.07 79.27 .9126216 | 2 0.07 79.35 .9130098 | 2 0.07 79.42 .9130658 | 2 0.07 79.49 .9132745 | 2 0.07 79.57 .9133797 | 2 0.07 79.64 .9142894 | 2 0.07 79.72 .9143619 | 2 0.07 79.79 .9146743 | 2 0.07 79.87 .9147967 | 2 0.07 79.94 .9148003 | 2 0.07 80.01 .9150427 | 2 0.07 80.09 .9150604 | 2 0.07 80.16 .9154425 | 2 0.07 80.24 .9157663 | 2 0.07 80.31 .9167278 | 2 0.07 80.39 .9168216 | 2 0.07 80.46 .9178932 | 2 0.07 80.53 .9180208 | 2 0.07 80.61 .918289 | 2 0.07 80.68 .9184667 | 2 0.07 80.76 .9189993 | 2 0.07 80.83 .9196114 | 2 0.07 80.91 .9200841 | 2 0.07 80.98 .9202181 | 2 0.07 81.05 .9214506 | 2 0.07 81.13 .9214919 | 2 0.07 81.20 .9217785 | 2 0.07 81.28 .9218214 | 2 0.07 81.35 .9222189 | 2 0.07 81.43 .922244 | 2 0.07 81.50 .923411 | 2 0.07 81.58 .9234256 | 2 0.07 81.65 .9235024 | 2 0.07 81.72 .9235673 | 2 0.07 81.80 .9236077 | 2 0.07 81.87 .92361 | 2 0.07 81.95 .9238831 | 2 0.07 82.02 .9240538 | 2 0.07 82.10 .9250126 | 2 0.07 82.17 .925607 | 2 0.07 82.24 .9256531 | 2 0.07 82.32 .9258485 | 2 0.07 82.39 .9258642 | 2 0.07 82.47 .9258728 | 2 0.07 82.54 .9261833 | 2 0.07 82.62 .9262598 | 2 0.07 82.69 .9271 | 2 0.07 82.76 .9278053 | 2 0.07 82.84 .9282301 | 2 0.07 82.91 .9283359 | 2 0.07 82.99 .9284741 | 2 0.07 83.06 .9291209 | 2 0.07 83.14 .9292406 | 2 0.07 83.21 .9293651 | 2 0.07 83.28 .9297535 | 2 0.07 83.36 .9306034 | 2 0.07 83.43 .9307931 | 2 0.07 83.51 .931147 | 2 0.07 83.58 .9314884 | 2 0.07 83.66 .9315741 | 2 0.07 83.73 .9316113 | 2 0.07 83.80 .9322063 | 2 0.07 83.88 .9327174 | 2 0.07 83.95 .9333669 | 2 0.07 84.03 .9335215 | 2 0.07 84.10 .9343157 | 2 0.07 84.18 .9344442 | 2 0.07 84.25 .9345441 | 2 0.07 84.32 .9346611 | 2 0.07 84.40 .9350005 | 2 0.07 84.47 .9351617 | 2 0.07 84.55 .9370155 | 2 0.07 84.62 .9378959 | 2 0.07 84.70 .9387571 | 2 0.07 84.77 .9388307 | 2 0.07 84.84 .938986 | 2 0.07 84.92 .9393991 | 2 0.07 84.99 .939518 | 2 0.07 85.07 .9397201 | 2 0.07 85.14 .9397697 | 2 0.07 85.22 .9404991 | 2 0.07 85.29 .9405409 | 2 0.07 85.36 .9406705 | 2 0.07 85.44 .9409016 | 2 0.07 85.51 .9415098 | 2 0.07 85.59 .9416381 | 2 0.07 85.66 .9417016 | 2 0.07 85.74 .9417435 | 2 0.07 85.81 .9420053 | 2 0.07 85.88 .9423879 | 2 0.07 85.96 .942495 | 2 0.07 86.03 .9425209 | 2 0.07 86.11 .9425793 | 2 0.07 86.18 .9426221 | 2 0.07 86.26 .9426569 | 2 0.07 86.33 .9428861 | 2 0.07 86.40 .9433904 | 2 0.07 86.48 .9447506 | 2 0.07 86.55 .9450397 | 2 0.07 86.63 .9455781 | 2 0.07 86.70 .9458376 | 2 0.07 86.78 .9458421 | 2 0.07 86.85 .9460528 | 2 0.07 86.92 .9470868 | 2 0.07 87.00 .9475036 | 2 0.07 87.07 .9478349 | 2 0.07 87.15 .9481144 | 2 0.07 87.22 .948277 | 2 0.07 87.30 .9483878 | 2 0.07 87.37 .9487235 | 2 0.07 87.44 .9489841 | 2 0.07 87.52 .9491473 | 2 0.07 87.59 .9493433 | 2 0.07 87.67 .9497852 | 2 0.07 87.74 .9499285 | 2 0.07 87.82 .9501458 | 2 0.07 87.89 .9503646 | 2 0.07 87.96 .9509681 | 2 0.07 88.04 .9520511 | 2 0.07 88.11 .9520827 | 2 0.07 88.19 .9522418 | 2 0.07 88.26 .9522476 | 2 0.07 88.34 .9539493 | 2 0.07 88.41 .9552034 | 2 0.07 88.48 .9552997 | 2 0.07 88.56 .9556698 | 2 0.07 88.63 .9556759 | 2 0.07 88.71 .9557278 | 2 0.07 88.78 .955824 | 2 0.07 88.86 .9562069 | 2 0.07 88.93 .956282 | 2 0.07 89.00 .9568344 | 2 0.07 89.08 .9571824 | 2 0.07 89.15 .9572351 | 2 0.07 89.23 .9575923 | 2 0.07 89.30 .9579824 | 2 0.07 89.38 .9584568 | 2 0.07 89.45 .9585284 | 2 0.07 89.52 .9586051 | 2 0.07 89.60 .9588723 | 2 0.07 89.67 .9598418 | 2 0.07 89.75 .9598512 | 2 0.07 89.82 .9598906 | 2 0.07 89.90 .9603547 | 2 0.07 89.97 .9605667 | 2 0.07 90.04 .9605974 | 2 0.07 90.12 .9607434 | 2 0.07 90.19 .9614113 | 2 0.07 90.27 .9616814 | 2 0.07 90.34 .9619507 | 2 0.07 90.42 .962028 | 2 0.07 90.49 .9621632 | 2 0.07 90.56 .9626893 | 2 0.07 90.64 .9634636 | 2 0.07 90.71 .9636985 | 2 0.07 90.79 .9638372 | 2 0.07 90.86 .9641399 | 2 0.07 90.94 .9647792 | 2 0.07 91.01 .965073 | 2 0.07 91.08 .9652163 | 2 0.07 91.16 .9653699 | 2 0.07 91.23 .9655742 | 2 0.07 91.31 .9656354 | 2 0.07 91.38 .9657307 | 2 0.07 91.46 .9657617 | 2 0.07 91.53 .9660939 | 2 0.07 91.60 .9662289 | 2 0.07 91.68 .9666452 | 2 0.07 91.75 .966949 | 2 0.07 91.83 .9682584 | 2 0.07 91.90 .9682594 | 2 0.07 91.98 .9683391 | 2 0.07 92.05 .9684499 | 2 0.07 92.12 .9686106 | 2 0.07 92.20 .9686164 | 2 0.07 92.27 .9688893 | 2 0.07 92.35 .9690501 | 2 0.07 92.42 .969157 | 2 0.07 92.50 .969187 | 2 0.07 92.57 .9698707 | 2 0.07 92.64 .9699236 | 2 0.07 92.72 .9704408 | 2 0.07 92.79 .9706566 | 2 0.07 92.87 .9706824 | 2 0.07 92.94 .9711548 | 2 0.07 93.02 .9711563 | 2 0.07 93.09 .9712201 | 2 0.07 93.16 .9714581 | 2 0.07 93.24 .971546 | 2 0.07 93.31 .9719109 | 2 0.07 93.39 .9719375 | 2 0.07 93.46 .9720602 | 2 0.07 93.54 .972369 | 2 0.07 93.61 .9725352 | 2 0.07 93.68 .9728013 | 2 0.07 93.76 .9729082 | 2 0.07 93.83 .9735917 | 2 0.07 93.91 .9740445 | 2 0.07 93.98 .9743557 | 2 0.07 94.06 .9743704 | 2 0.07 94.13 .9755492 | 2 0.07 94.21 .9761338 | 2 0.07 94.28 .9766475 | 2 0.07 94.35 .9775329 | 2 0.07 94.43 .978043 | 2 0.07 94.50 .9796909 | 2 0.07 94.58 .9797876 | 2 0.07 94.65 .979827 | 2 0.07 94.73 .9802086 | 2 0.07 94.80 .980358 | 2 0.07 94.87 .9804339 | 2 0.07 94.95 .9811872 | 2 0.07 95.02 .9814282 | 2 0.07 95.10 .9815213 | 2 0.07 95.17 .9824611 | 2 0.07 95.25 .9826442 | 2 0.07 95.32 .9831729 | 2 0.07 95.39 .9833889 | 2 0.07 95.47 .9834338 | 2 0.07 95.54 .9834508 | 2 0.07 95.62 .9834846 | 2 0.07 95.69 .9836118 | 2 0.07 95.77 .984112 | 2 0.07 95.84 .9842551 | 2 0.07 95.91 .9850599 | 2 0.07 95.99 .9855235 | 2 0.07 96.06 .9858031 | 2 0.07 96.14 .9860522 | 2 0.07 96.21 .9865887 | 2 0.07 96.29 .9869679 | 2 0.07 96.36 .9869726 | 2 0.07 96.43 .9870586 | 2 0.07 96.51 .9871471 | 2 0.07 96.58 .9874334 | 2 0.07 96.66 .9874518 | 2 0.07 96.73 .987534 | 2 0.07 96.81 .9882592 | 2 0.07 96.88 .9885205 | 2 0.07 96.95 .9891159 | 2 0.07 97.03 .9895947 | 2 0.07 97.10 .9896816 | 2 0.07 97.18 .9897321 | 2 0.07 97.25 .9900835 | 2 0.07 97.33 .9902104 | 2 0.07 97.40 .9902253 | 2 0.07 97.47 .9903176 | 2 0.07 97.55 .9907533 | 2 0.07 97.62 .9908644 | 2 0.07 97.70 .9912973 | 2 0.07 97.77 .991643 | 2 0.07 97.85 .9917281 | 2 0.07 97.92 .9919381 | 2 0.07 97.99 .992138 | 2 0.07 98.07 .9921976 | 2 0.07 98.14 .9931436 | 2 0.07 98.22 .9937076 | 2 0.07 98.29 .9939335 | 2 0.07 98.37 .9939525 | 2 0.07 98.44 .9940054 | 2 0.07 98.51 .994023 | 2 0.07 98.59 .994241 | 2 0.07 98.66 .9944862 | 2 0.07 98.74 .9949172 | 2 0.07 98.81 .9951402 | 2 0.07 98.89 .9953403 | 2 0.07 98.96 .9954734 | 2 0.07 99.03 .9957211 | 2 0.07 99.11 .9958466 | 2 0.07 99.18 .9961344 | 2 0.07 99.26 .9971856 | 2 0.07 99.33 .9972513 | 2 0.07 99.41 .9978201 | 2 0.07 99.48 .9979931 | 2 0.07 99.55 .99827 | 2 0.07 99.63 .9990945 | 2 0.07 99.70 .9991502 | 2 0.07 99.78 .9994136 | 2 0.07 99.85 .9995531 | 2 0.07 99.93 .9996662 | 2 0.07 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 2,692 100.00 Frequencies for state2 variable in sf12010placedistance1miles dataset : FIPS State | 2 | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 01 | 2 0.07 0.07 04 | 9 0.33 0.41 05 | 4 0.15 0.56 06 | 80 2.97 3.53 08 | 14 0.52 4.05 09 | 5 0.19 4.23 10 | 10 0.37 4.61 12 | 92 3.42 8.02 13 | 8 0.30 8.32 15 | 10 0.37 8.69 16 | 4 0.15 8.84 17 | 36 1.34 10.18 18 | 26 0.97 11.14 19 | 6 0.22 11.37 20 | 15 0.56 11.92 21 | 332 12.33 24.26 22 | 2 0.07 24.33 23 | 4 0.15 24.48 24 | 145 5.39 29.87 25 | 10 0.37 30.24 26 | 15 0.56 30.79 27 | 11 0.41 31.20 28 | 4 0.15 31.35 29 | 213 7.91 39.26 30 | 7 0.26 39.52 32 | 2 0.07 39.60 34 | 109 4.05 43.65 35 | 19 0.71 44.35 36 | 203 7.54 51.89 37 | 4 0.15 52.04 38 | 2 0.07 52.12 39 | 72 2.67 54.79 40 | 11 0.41 55.20 41 | 11 0.41 55.61 42 | 509 18.91 74.52 44 | 2 0.07 74.59 45 | 10 0.37 74.96 46 | 2 0.07 75.04 48 | 568 21.10 96.14 49 | 4 0.15 96.29 50 | 4 0.15 96.43 51 | 14 0.52 96.95 53 | 12 0.45 97.40 54 | 42 1.56 98.96 55 | 4 0.15 99.11 56 | 6 0.22 99.33 72 | 18 0.67 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 2,692 100.00 Frequencies for statename2 variable in sf12010placedistance1miles dataset : State Name | Freq. Percent Cum. ---------------+----------------------------------- Alabama | 2 0.07 0.07 Arizona | 9 0.33 0.41 Arkansas | 4 0.15 0.56 California | 80 2.97 3.53 Colorado | 14 0.52 4.05 Connecticut | 5 0.19 4.23 Delaware | 10 0.37 4.61 Florida | 92 3.42 8.02 Georgia | 8 0.30 8.32 Hawaii | 10 0.37 8.69 Idaho | 4 0.15 8.84 Illinois | 36 1.34 10.18 Indiana | 26 0.97 11.14 Iowa | 6 0.22 11.37 Kansas | 15 0.56 11.92 Kentucky | 332 12.33 24.26 Louisiana | 2 0.07 24.33 Maine | 4 0.15 24.48 Maryland | 145 5.39 29.87 Massachusetts | 10 0.37 30.24 Michigan | 15 0.56 30.79 Minnesota | 11 0.41 31.20 Mississippi | 4 0.15 31.35 Missouri | 213 7.91 39.26 Montana | 7 0.26 39.52 Nevada | 2 0.07 39.60 New Jersey | 109 4.05 43.65 New Mexico | 19 0.71 44.35 New York | 203 7.54 51.89 North Carolina | 4 0.15 52.04 North Dakota | 2 0.07 52.12 Ohio | 72 2.67 54.79 Oklahoma | 11 0.41 55.20 Oregon | 11 0.41 55.61 Pennsylvania | 509 18.91 74.52 Puerto Rico | 18 0.67 75.19 Rhode Island | 2 0.07 75.26 South Carolina | 10 0.37 75.63 South Dakota | 2 0.07 75.71 Texas | 568 21.10 96.81 Utah | 4 0.15 96.95 Vermont | 4 0.15 97.10 Virginia | 14 0.52 97.62 Washington | 12 0.45 98.07 West Virginia | 42 1.56 99.63 Wisconsin | 4 0.15 99.78 Wyoming | 6 0.22 100.00 ---------------+----------------------------------- Total | 2,692 100.00 Frequencies for place2 variable in sf12010placedistance1miles dataset : FIPS Place | 2 | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 00075 | 1 0.04 0.04 00104 | 1 0.04 0.07 00280 | 2 0.07 0.15 00400 | 1 0.04 0.19 00450 | 1 0.04 0.22 00535 | 1 0.04 0.26 00550 | 2 0.07 0.33 00676 | 2 0.07 0.41 00730 | 4 0.15 0.56 00980 | 1 0.04 0.59 00988 | 2 0.07 0.67 01011 | 3 0.11 0.78 01400 | 2 0.07 0.85 01416 | 1 0.04 0.89 01500 | 2 0.07 0.97 01530 | 2 0.07 1.04 01640 | 2 0.07 1.11 01648 | 1 0.04 1.15 01660 | 2 0.07 1.23 01900 | 1 0.04 1.26 01960 | 4 0.15 1.41 02144 | 2 0.07 1.49 02194 | 10 0.37 1.86 02200 | 3 0.11 1.97 02230 | 2 0.07 2.04 02286 | 4 0.15 2.19 02349 | 1 0.04 2.23 02355 | 1 0.04 2.27 02428 | 1 0.04 2.30 02440 | 2 0.07 2.38 02500 | 1 0.04 2.41 02656 | 1 0.04 2.45 02680 | 1 0.04 2.49 02681 | 1 0.04 2.53 02720 | 3 0.11 2.64 02737 | 1 0.04 2.67 02752 | 1 0.04 2.71 02896 | 2 0.07 2.79 02900 | 1 0.04 2.82 02968 | 2 0.07 2.90 03008 | 1 0.04 2.93 03088 | 1 0.04 2.97 03096 | 2 0.07 3.05 03126 | 3 0.11 3.16 03275 | 2 0.07 3.23 03288 | 1 0.04 3.27 03320 | 1 0.04 3.31 03376 | 6 0.22 3.53 03464 | 2 0.07 3.60 03520 | 1 0.04 3.64 03556 | 8 0.30 3.94 03608 | 3 0.11 4.05 03640 | 1 0.04 4.09 03900 | 1 0.04 4.12 03940 | 1 0.04 4.16 03960 | 1 0.04 4.20 03975 | 3 0.11 4.31 04032 | 1 0.04 4.35 04114 | 1 0.04 4.38 04180 | 1 0.04 4.42 04222 | 1 0.04 4.46 04225 | 1 0.04 4.49 04240 | 5 0.19 4.68 04253 | 1 0.04 4.72 04273 | 1 0.04 4.75 04280 | 1 0.04 4.79 04348 | 4 0.15 4.94 04366 | 3 0.11 5.05 04392 | 1 0.04 5.09 04470 | 3 0.11 5.20 04550 | 1 0.04 5.24 04650 | 1 0.04 5.27 04735 | 1 0.04 5.31 04750 | 1 0.04 5.35 04792 | 1 0.04 5.39 04798 | 1 0.04 5.42 04803 | 3 0.11 5.53 04870 | 1 0.04 5.57 04891 | 2 0.07 5.65 04906 | 1 0.04 5.68 04925 | 1 0.04 5.72 04930 | 3 0.11 5.83 04978 | 1 0.04 5.87 05068 | 4 0.15 6.02 05074 | 1 0.04 6.05 05100 | 1 0.04 6.09 05125 | 1 0.04 6.13 05135 | 1 0.04 6.17 05150 | 1 0.04 6.20 05209 | 1 0.04 6.24 05248 | 10 0.37 6.61 05288 | 3 0.11 6.72 05312 | 1 0.04 6.76 05392 | 2 0.07 6.84 05446 | 1 0.04 6.87 05464 | 4 0.15 7.02 05504 | 3 0.11 7.13 05520 | 5 0.19 7.32 05525 | 1 0.04 7.36 05639 | 2 0.07 7.43 05661 | 1 0.04 7.47 05690 | 6 0.22 7.69 05700 | 1 0.04 7.73 05836 | 1 0.04 7.76 05920 | 1 0.04 7.80 06025 | 1 0.04 7.84 06222 | 1 0.04 7.88 06247 | 1 0.04 7.91 06340 | 1 0.04 7.95 06496 | 2 0.07 8.02 06895 | 1 0.04 8.06 06970 | 2 0.07 8.14 07000 | 2 0.07 8.21 07025 | 1 0.04 8.25 07172 | 1 0.04 8.28 07375 | 1 0.04 8.32 07420 | 1 0.04 8.36 07470 | 1 0.04 8.40 07485 | 1 0.04 8.43 07516 | 1 0.04 8.47 07580 | 1 0.04 8.51 07642 | 2 0.07 8.58 07675 | 1 0.04 8.62 07687 | 2 0.07 8.69 07688 | 1 0.04 8.73 07800 | 1 0.04 8.77 07850 | 1 0.04 8.80 07858 | 3 0.11 8.92 07960 | 1 0.04 8.95 07992 | 4 0.15 9.10 08008 | 4 0.15 9.25 08038 | 1 0.04 9.29 08050 | 1 0.04 9.32 08100 | 1 0.04 9.36 08170 | 2 0.07 9.44 08323 | 1 0.04 9.47 08334 | 1 0.04 9.51 08378 | 1 0.04 9.55 08432 | 3 0.11 9.66 08532 | 1 0.04 9.70 08560 | 1 0.04 9.73 08632 | 1 0.04 9.77 08744 | 1 0.04 9.81 08830 | 1 0.04 9.84 08850 | 1 0.04 9.88 08860 | 1 0.04 9.92 08932 | 1 0.04 9.96 08968 | 1 0.04 9.99 09080 | 1 0.04 10.03 09100 | 1 0.04 10.07 09250 | 1 0.04 10.10 09310 | 2 0.07 10.18 09316 | 1 0.04 10.22 09353 | 3 0.11 10.33 09379 | 1 0.04 10.36 09432 | 1 0.04 10.40 09496 | 1 0.04 10.44 09500 | 3 0.11 10.55 09532 | 7 0.26 10.81 09538 | 1 0.04 10.85 09598 | 1 0.04 10.88 09612 | 1 0.04 10.92 09656 | 1 0.04 10.96 09802 | 1 0.04 11.00 09844 | 1 0.04 11.03 09847 | 9 0.33 11.37 09874 | 1 0.04 11.40 10000 | 1 0.04 11.44 10096 | 1 0.04 11.48 10162 | 7 0.26 11.74 10198 | 5 0.19 11.92 10256 | 1 0.04 11.96 10341 | 1 0.04 12.00 10375 | 2 0.07 12.07 10575 | 1 0.04 12.11 10660 | 1 0.04 12.15 10768 | 1 0.04 12.18 10852 | 1 0.04 12.22 11102 | 1 0.04 12.26 11150 | 1 0.04 12.30 11328 | 1 0.04 12.33 11376 | 1 0.04 12.37 11580 | 1 0.04 12.41 11720 | 1 0.04 12.44 11800 | 2 0.07 12.52 11836 | 1 0.04 12.56 11900 | 1 0.04 12.59 11908 | 1 0.04 12.63 11976 | 1 0.04 12.67 12010 | 4 0.15 12.82 12066 | 3 0.11 12.93 12226 | 7 0.26 13.19 12300 | 1 0.04 13.22 12312 | 1 0.04 13.26 12325 | 1 0.04 13.30 12441 | 2 0.07 13.37 12496 | 3 0.11 13.48 12552 | 1 0.04 13.52 12560 | 1 0.04 13.56 12568 | 1 0.04 13.60 12700 | 1 0.04 13.63 12704 | 1 0.04 13.67 12815 | 1 0.04 13.71 12860 | 1 0.04 13.74 12945 | 1 0.04 13.78 13050 | 1 0.04 13.82 13060 | 1 0.04 13.86 13128 | 1 0.04 13.89 13150 | 1 0.04 13.93 13208 | 1 0.04 13.97 13225 | 2 0.07 14.04 13233 | 1 0.04 14.08 13240 | 2 0.07 14.15 13330 | 3 0.11 14.26 13365 | 1 0.04 14.30 13392 | 1 0.04 14.34 13399 | 1 0.04 14.38 13525 | 1 0.04 14.41 13570 | 2 0.07 14.49 13635 | 1 0.04 14.52 13864 | 1 0.04 14.56 13880 | 1 0.04 14.60 13924 | 1 0.04 14.64 14106 | 2 0.07 14.71 14180 | 1 0.04 14.75 14200 | 1 0.04 14.78 14260 | 2 0.07 14.86 14264 | 1 0.04 14.90 14266 | 3 0.11 15.01 14290 | 3 0.11 15.12 14320 | 1 0.04 15.16 14412 | 1 0.04 15.19 14568 | 2 0.07 15.27 14572 | 2 0.07 15.34 14584 | 1 0.04 15.38 14590 | 1 0.04 15.42 14758 | 1 0.04 15.45 14800 | 1 0.04 15.49 14806 | 2 0.07 15.56 14880 | 1 0.04 15.60 15028 | 1 0.04 15.64 15232 | 3 0.11 15.75 15364 | 1 0.04 15.79 15368 | 1 0.04 15.82 15432 | 2 0.07 15.90 15644 | 1 0.04 15.94 15848 | 1 0.04 15.97 16110 | 1 0.04 16.01 16128 | 2 0.07 16.08 16136 | 1 0.04 16.12 16139 | 1 0.04 16.16 16144 | 1 0.04 16.20 16156 | 2 0.07 16.27 16228 | 1 0.04 16.31 16272 | 1 0.04 16.34 16385 | 1 0.04 16.38 16395 | 3 0.11 16.49 16410 | 1 0.04 16.53 16500 | 1 0.04 16.57 16568 | 2 0.07 16.64 16620 | 5 0.19 16.83 16625 | 5 0.19 17.01 16660 | 1 0.04 17.05 16700 | 1 0.04 17.09 16715 | 1 0.04 17.12 16720 | 4 0.15 17.27 16730 | 5 0.19 17.46 16775 | 2 0.07 17.53 16787 | 5 0.19 17.72 16822 | 3 0.11 17.83 16848 | 2 0.07 17.90 16873 | 1 0.04 17.94 16936 | 1 0.04 17.98 17136 | 1 0.04 18.02 17236 | 1 0.04 18.05 17267 | 1 0.04 18.09 17475 | 1 0.04 18.13 17650 | 1 0.04 18.16 17660 | 1 0.04 18.20 17976 | 2 0.07 18.28 18000 | 1 0.04 18.31 18072 | 1 0.04 18.35 18151 | 1 0.04 18.39 18152 | 4 0.15 18.54 18200 | 1 0.04 18.57 18270 | 8 0.30 18.87 18360 | 1 0.04 18.91 18442 | 1 0.04 18.95 18485 | 1 0.04 18.98 18608 | 1 0.04 19.02 18766 | 6 0.22 19.24 18850 | 1 0.04 19.28 19090 | 1 0.04 19.32 19110 | 1 0.04 19.35 19330 | 1 0.04 19.39 19360 | 1 0.04 19.43 19411 | 1 0.04 19.47 19432 | 1 0.04 19.50 19596 | 1 0.04 19.54 19600 | 1 0.04 19.58 19650 | 2 0.07 19.65 19680 | 1 0.04 19.69 19856 | 1 0.04 19.73 19900 | 2 0.07 19.80 19934 | 1 0.04 19.84 20020 | 1 0.04 19.87 20050 | 4 0.15 20.02 20078 | 1 0.04 20.06 20080 | 1 0.04 20.10 20149 | 1 0.04 20.13 20167 | 1 0.04 20.17 20328 | 1 0.04 20.21 20332 | 1 0.04 20.25 20424 | 1 0.04 20.28 20525 | 1 0.04 20.32 20570 | 1 0.04 20.36 20672 | 1 0.04 20.39 20764 | 1 0.04 20.43 20992 | 1 0.04 20.47 21266 | 2 0.07 20.54 21310 | 1 0.04 20.58 21376 | 1 0.04 20.62 21384 | 2 0.07 20.69 21425 | 1 0.04 20.73 21444 | 1 0.04 20.77 21578 | 1 0.04 20.80 21579 | 1 0.04 20.84 21580 | 1 0.04 20.88 21712 | 2 0.07 20.95 21750 | 1 0.04 20.99 21752 | 1 0.04 21.03 21809 | 1 0.04 21.06 21840 | 1 0.04 21.10 21852 | 1 0.04 21.14 21958 | 9 0.33 21.47 21968 | 1 0.04 21.51 21976 | 3 0.11 21.62 22008 | 2 0.07 21.69 22016 | 1 0.04 21.73 22150 | 10 0.37 22.10 22204 | 2 0.07 22.18 22280 | 1 0.04 22.21 22465 | 1 0.04 22.25 22474 | 4 0.15 22.40 22480 | 1 0.04 22.44 22520 | 1 0.04 22.47 22528 | 1 0.04 22.51 22560 | 1 0.04 22.55 22593 | 2 0.07 22.62 22610 | 1 0.04 22.66 22696 | 1 0.04 22.70 22700 | 2 0.07 22.77 22712 | 1 0.04 22.81 22720 | 1 0.04 22.85 22800 | 2 0.07 22.92 22825 | 2 0.07 22.99 22876 | 1 0.04 23.03 22892 | 3 0.11 23.14 22898 | 6 0.22 23.37 22920 | 4 0.15 23.51 22992 | 1 0.04 23.55 23032 | 1 0.04 23.59 23092 | 1 0.04 23.63 23164 | 1 0.04 23.66 23217 | 1 0.04 23.70 23240 | 1 0.04 23.74 23278 | 1 0.04 23.77 23316 | 1 0.04 23.81 23616 | 2 0.07 23.89 23618 | 1 0.04 23.92 23680 | 1 0.04 23.96 23688 | 1 0.04 24.00 23704 | 3 0.11 24.11 23720 | 1 0.04 24.15 23744 | 1 0.04 24.18 24013 | 6 0.22 24.41 24015 | 1 0.04 24.44 24018 | 4 0.15 24.59 24055 | 4 0.15 24.74 24336 | 1 0.04 24.78 24475 | 1 0.04 24.81 24544 | 1 0.04 24.85 24552 | 4 0.15 25.00 24558 | 7 0.26 25.26 24650 | 2 0.07 25.33 24664 | 3 0.11 25.45 24706 | 2 0.07 25.52 24710 | 3 0.11 25.63 24738 | 1 0.04 25.67 24750 | 1 0.04 25.71 24760 | 1 0.04 25.74 24825 | 2 0.07 25.82 24870 | 1 0.04 25.85 24894 | 3 0.11 25.97 24948 | 1 0.04 26.00 25000 | 1 0.04 26.04 25038 | 2 0.07 26.11 25152 | 1 0.04 26.15 25186 | 1 0.04 26.19 25300 | 1 0.04 26.23 25338 | 2 0.07 26.30 25344 | 5 0.19 26.49 25356 | 3 0.11 26.60 25360 | 1 0.04 26.63 25368 | 1 0.04 26.67 25396 | 1 0.04 26.71 25397 | 1 0.04 26.75 25425 | 2 0.07 26.82 25452 | 1 0.04 26.86 25456 | 2 0.07 26.93 25488 | 1 0.04 26.97 25496 | 1 0.04 27.01 25548 | 1 0.04 27.04 25556 | 1 0.04 27.08 25600 | 1 0.04 27.12 25624 | 1 0.04 27.15 25680 | 1 0.04 27.19 25744 | 2 0.07 27.27 25768 | 1 0.04 27.30 25835 | 1 0.04 27.34 25839 | 1 0.04 27.38 25918 | 1 0.04 27.41 25995 | 1 0.04 27.45 26050 | 1 0.04 27.49 26110 | 1 0.04 27.53 26130 | 3 0.11 27.64 26250 | 1 0.04 27.67 26264 | 3 0.11 27.79 26306 | 1 0.04 27.82 26352 | 1 0.04 27.86 26432 | 1 0.04 27.90 26462 | 1 0.04 27.93 26512 | 2 0.07 28.01 26520 | 3 0.11 28.12 26550 | 1 0.04 28.16 26592 | 1 0.04 28.19 26812 | 1 0.04 28.23 26820 | 1 0.04 28.27 26924 | 1 0.04 28.31 26987 | 1 0.04 28.34 27080 | 1 0.04 28.38 27124 | 2 0.07 28.45 27130 | 1 0.04 28.49 27190 | 2 0.07 28.57 27232 | 3 0.11 28.68 27262 | 2 0.07 28.75 27360 | 1 0.04 28.79 27365 | 1 0.04 28.83 27370 | 9 0.33 29.16 27400 | 1 0.04 29.20 27425 | 1 0.04 29.23 27672 | 2 0.07 29.31 27744 | 2 0.07 29.38 27748 | 3 0.11 29.49 27825 | 1 0.04 29.53 27859 | 1 0.04 29.57 28030 | 1 0.04 29.61 28060 | 2 0.07 29.68 28068 | 1 0.04 29.72 28128 | 3 0.11 29.83 28152 | 5 0.19 30.01 28170 | 1 0.04 30.05 28189 | 1 0.04 30.09 28328 | 1 0.04 30.13 28342 | 1 0.04 30.16 28488 | 1 0.04 30.20 28612 | 1 0.04 30.24 28630 | 1 0.04 30.27 28650 | 2 0.07 30.35 28720 | 1 0.04 30.39 28800 | 1 0.04 30.42 28824 | 1 0.04 30.46 28966 | 1 0.04 30.50 29014 | 1 0.04 30.53 29070 | 1 0.04 30.57 29088 | 2 0.07 30.65 29114 | 6 0.22 30.87 29152 | 4 0.15 31.02 29200 | 3 0.11 31.13 29236 | 1 0.04 31.17 29245 | 1 0.04 31.20 29258 | 1 0.04 31.24 29392 | 2 0.07 31.32 29404 | 1 0.04 31.35 29425 | 1 0.04 31.39 29450 | 1 0.04 31.43 29552 | 1 0.04 31.46 29592 | 1 0.04 31.50 29685 | 1 0.04 31.54 29720 | 1 0.04 31.58 29732 | 2 0.07 31.65 29808 | 1 0.04 31.69 29845 | 1 0.04 31.72 29872 | 1 0.04 31.76 30136 | 1 0.04 31.80 30169 | 3 0.11 31.91 30191 | 5 0.19 32.10 30196 | 4 0.15 32.24 30202 | 5 0.19 32.43 30210 | 1 0.04 32.47 30213 | 7 0.26 32.73 30224 | 1 0.04 32.76 30422 | 1 0.04 32.80 30512 | 1 0.04 32.84 30598 | 1 0.04 32.88 30700 | 1 0.04 32.91 30728 | 1 0.04 32.95 30800 | 2 0.07 33.02 30807 | 1 0.04 33.06 30850 | 1 0.04 33.10 30900 | 1 0.04 33.14 31025 | 1 0.04 33.17 31234 | 1 0.04 33.21 31348 | 1 0.04 33.25 31402 | 5 0.19 33.43 31420 | 5 0.19 33.62 31442 | 1 0.04 33.66 31445 | 1 0.04 33.69 31520 | 1 0.04 33.73 31536 | 1 0.04 33.77 31568 | 1 0.04 33.80 31592 | 1 0.04 33.84 31646 | 4 0.15 33.99 31660 | 1 0.04 34.03 31820 | 1 0.04 34.06 31870 | 10 0.37 34.44 31876 | 1 0.04 34.47 31935 | 1 0.04 34.51 32080 | 1 0.04 34.55 32094 | 3 0.11 34.66 32105 | 1 0.04 34.70 32140 | 1 0.04 34.73 32175 | 1 0.04 34.77 32200 | 1 0.04 34.81 32207 | 1 0.04 34.84 32220 | 2 0.07 34.92 32266 | 6 0.22 35.14 32418 | 1 0.04 35.18 32523 | 2 0.07 35.25 32600 | 1 0.04 35.29 32755 | 2 0.07 35.36 32806 | 1 0.04 35.40 32910 | 4 0.15 35.55 33024 | 1 0.04 35.59 33150 | 2 0.07 35.66 33154 | 1 0.04 35.70 33184 | 1 0.04 35.74 33194 | 1 0.04 35.77 33292 | 1 0.04 35.81 33312 | 3 0.11 35.92 33425 | 2 0.07 36.00 33435 | 1 0.04 36.03 33504 | 2 0.07 36.11 33740 | 1 0.04 36.14 33900 | 1 0.04 36.18 34105 | 2 0.07 36.26 34133 | 9 0.33 36.59 34148 | 1 0.04 36.63 34198 | 4 0.15 36.78 34200 | 4 0.15 36.92 34286 | 2 0.07 37.00 34297 | 3 0.11 37.11 34308 | 4 0.15 37.26 34319 | 3 0.11 37.37 34425 | 1 0.04 37.41 34492 | 1 0.04 37.44 34592 | 1 0.04 37.48 34693 | 1 0.04 37.52 34776 | 1 0.04 37.56 34865 | 1 0.04 37.59 35047 | 1 0.04 37.63 35120 | 2 0.07 37.70 35225 | 1 0.04 37.74 35255 | 1 0.04 37.78 35256 | 1 0.04 37.82 35284 | 1 0.04 37.85 35322 | 1 0.04 37.89 35385 | 1 0.04 37.93 35424 | 1 0.04 37.96 35468 | 1 0.04 38.00 35550 | 1 0.04 38.04 35613 | 1 0.04 38.08 35755 | 1 0.04 38.11 35800 | 1 0.04 38.15 35928 | 1 0.04 38.19 35966 | 1 0.04 38.22 36056 | 1 0.04 38.26 36096 | 1 0.04 38.30 36152 | 1 0.04 38.34 36168 | 1 0.04 38.37 36192 | 1 0.04 38.41 36220 | 1 0.04 38.45 36233 | 1 0.04 38.48 36306 | 1 0.04 38.52 36325 | 1 0.04 38.56 36374 | 6 0.22 38.78 36460 | 1 0.04 38.82 36484 | 1 0.04 38.86 36490 | 1 0.04 38.89 36530 | 1 0.04 38.93 36592 | 2 0.07 39.00 36712 | 1 0.04 39.04 36735 | 1 0.04 39.08 36736 | 1 0.04 39.12 36745 | 1 0.04 39.15 36768 | 1 0.04 39.19 36865 | 5 0.19 39.38 37000 | 1 0.04 39.41 37024 | 1 0.04 39.45 37178 | 2 0.07 39.52 37252 | 1 0.04 39.56 37390 | 3 0.11 39.67 37444 | 1 0.04 39.71 37465 | 1 0.04 39.75 37542 | 2 0.07 39.82 37560 | 2 0.07 39.90 37576 | 1 0.04 39.93 37650 | 2 0.07 40.01 37665 | 7 0.26 40.27 37736 | 1 0.04 40.30 37784 | 1 0.04 40.34 37825 | 1 0.04 40.38 37847 | 2 0.07 40.45 37880 | 1 0.04 40.49 38000 | 1 0.04 40.53 38168 | 1 0.04 40.56 38170 | 3 0.11 40.68 38288 | 1 0.04 40.71 38304 | 1 0.04 40.75 38349 | 1 0.04 40.79 38375 | 2 0.07 40.86 38420 | 1 0.04 40.90 38437 | 1 0.04 40.94 38440 | 1 0.04 40.97 38610 | 1 0.04 41.01 38640 | 1 0.04 41.05 38744 | 1 0.04 41.08 38818 | 1 0.04 41.12 38910 | 1 0.04 41.16 38934 | 2 0.07 41.23 38972 | 1 0.04 41.27 39056 | 2 0.07 41.34 39175 | 1 0.04 41.38 39200 | 1 0.04 41.42 39210 | 2 0.07 41.49 39256 | 1 0.04 41.53 39304 | 1 0.04 41.57 39309 | 5 0.19 41.75 39392 | 1 0.04 41.79 39420 | 2 0.07 41.86 39475 | 1 0.04 41.90 39750 | 1 0.04 41.94 39883 | 1 0.04 41.98 39909 | 2 0.07 42.05 39914 | 1 0.04 42.09 39920 | 1 0.04 42.12 39960 | 2 0.07 42.20 39994 | 1 0.04 42.24 40000 | 3 0.11 42.35 40016 | 2 0.07 42.42 40018 | 7 0.26 42.68 40034 | 1 0.04 42.72 40040 | 1 0.04 42.76 40088 | 1 0.04 42.79 40100 | 1 0.04 42.83 40142 | 1 0.04 42.87 40186 | 2 0.07 42.94 40270 | 1 0.04 42.98 40322 | 1 0.04 43.02 40340 | 1 0.04 43.05 40350 | 1 0.04 43.09 40376 | 1 0.04 43.13 40430 | 1 0.04 43.16 40440 | 1 0.04 43.20 40448 | 1 0.04 43.24 40450 | 1 0.04 43.28 40470 | 1 0.04 43.31 40536 | 1 0.04 43.35 40584 | 1 0.04 43.39 40656 | 1 0.04 43.42 40666 | 1 0.04 43.46 40738 | 2 0.07 43.54 40984 | 1 0.04 43.57 41003 | 1 0.04 43.61 41010 | 3 0.11 43.72 41086 | 3 0.11 43.83 41132 | 1 0.04 43.87 41250 | 1 0.04 43.91 41392 | 1 0.04 43.95 41398 | 1 0.04 43.98 41416 | 2 0.07 44.06 41420 | 2 0.07 44.13 41424 | 2 0.07 44.21 41438 | 1 0.04 44.24 41440 | 1 0.04 44.28 41458 | 5 0.19 44.47 41473 | 4 0.15 44.61 41475 | 6 0.22 44.84 41500 | 1 0.04 44.87 41503 | 5 0.19 45.06 41565 | 1 0.04 45.10 41566 | 1 0.04 45.13 41580 | 1 0.04 45.17 41582 | 2 0.07 45.25 41700 | 2 0.07 45.32 41740 | 1 0.04 45.36 41768 | 1 0.04 45.39 41782 | 4 0.15 45.54 41860 | 1 0.04 45.58 41960 | 2 0.07 45.65 42032 | 1 0.04 45.69 42084 | 1 0.04 45.73 42094 | 1 0.04 45.77 42192 | 1 0.04 45.80 42280 | 2 0.07 45.88 42455 | 1 0.04 45.91 42460 | 1 0.04 45.95 42468 | 1 0.04 45.99 42472 | 1 0.04 46.03 42495 | 1 0.04 46.06 42536 | 1 0.04 46.10 42575 | 1 0.04 46.14 42598 | 4 0.15 46.29 42630 | 1 0.04 46.32 42664 | 1 0.04 46.36 42672 | 2 0.07 46.43 42700 | 1 0.04 46.47 42704 | 1 0.04 46.51 42746 | 1 0.04 46.55 42769 | 1 0.04 46.58 42808 | 1 0.04 46.62 42950 | 1 0.04 46.66 42976 | 1 0.04 46.69 43000 | 3 0.11 46.81 43224 | 1 0.04 46.84 43300 | 1 0.04 46.88 43380 | 1 0.04 46.92 43458 | 1 0.04 46.95 43460 | 1 0.04 46.99 43463 | 4 0.15 47.14 43465 | 5 0.19 47.33 43474 | 9 0.33 47.66 43475 | 1 0.04 47.70 43484 | 1 0.04 47.73 43496 | 2 0.07 47.81 43500 | 3 0.11 47.92 43510 | 1 0.04 47.96 43606 | 1 0.04 47.99 43702 | 1 0.04 48.03 43704 | 1 0.04 48.07 43720 | 1 0.04 48.11 43815 | 1 0.04 48.14 43822 | 8 0.30 48.44 43828 | 1 0.04 48.48 43852 | 1 0.04 48.51 43874 | 1 0.04 48.55 43900 | 13 0.48 49.03 44038 | 4 0.15 49.18 44044 | 3 0.11 49.29 44060 | 1 0.04 49.33 44072 | 3 0.11 49.44 44076 | 5 0.19 49.63 44078 | 3 0.11 49.74 44110 | 7 0.26 50.00 44120 | 3 0.11 50.11 44146 | 4 0.15 50.26 44167 | 1 0.04 50.30 44168 | 1 0.04 50.33 44260 | 1 0.04 50.37 44366 | 1 0.04 50.41 44525 | 1 0.04 50.45 44664 | 1 0.04 50.48 44770 | 2 0.07 50.56 44787 | 2 0.07 50.63 44792 | 2 0.07 50.71 44853 | 1 0.04 50.74 44908 | 2 0.07 50.82 44952 | 1 0.04 50.85 45106 | 2 0.07 50.93 45110 | 1 0.04 50.97 45170 | 1 0.04 51.00 45200 | 1 0.04 51.04 45255 | 1 0.04 51.08 45400 | 1 0.04 51.11 45435 | 1 0.04 51.15 45452 | 1 0.04 51.19 45500 | 1 0.04 51.23 45525 | 1 0.04 51.26 45568 | 2 0.07 51.34 45700 | 1 0.04 51.37 45732 | 2 0.07 51.45 45752 | 1 0.04 51.49 45824 | 1 0.04 51.52 45934 | 1 0.04 51.56 45997 | 1 0.04 51.60 46000 | 1 0.04 51.63 46114 | 1 0.04 51.67 46376 | 1 0.04 51.71 46400 | 1 0.04 51.75 46436 | 1 0.04 51.78 46492 | 3 0.11 51.89 46494 | 3 0.11 52.01 46540 | 4 0.15 52.15 46750 | 1 0.04 52.19 46854 | 2 0.07 52.27 46864 | 1 0.04 52.30 47111 | 1 0.04 52.34 47192 | 2 0.07 52.41 47344 | 2 0.07 52.49 47350 | 1 0.04 52.53 47352 | 1 0.04 52.56 47422 | 1 0.04 52.60 47425 | 2 0.07 52.67 47430 | 1 0.04 52.71 47480 | 1 0.04 52.75 47525 | 1 0.04 52.79 47600 | 2 0.07 52.86 47636 | 1 0.04 52.90 47700 | 1 0.04 52.93 47736 | 1 0.04 52.97 47800 | 1 0.04 53.01 47875 | 1 0.04 53.05 47898 | 5 0.19 53.23 48010 | 1 0.04 53.27 48048 | 1 0.04 53.31 48064 | 1 0.04 53.34 48072 | 1 0.04 53.38 48242 | 1 0.04 53.42 48286 | 1 0.04 53.45 48315 | 8 0.30 53.75 48318 | 9 0.33 54.09 48425 | 1 0.04 54.12 48448 | 2 0.07 54.20 48456 | 1 0.04 54.23 48478 | 1 0.04 54.27 48558 | 2 0.07 54.35 48648 | 1 0.04 54.38 48718 | 3 0.11 54.49 48744 | 1 0.04 54.53 48750 | 3 0.11 54.64 48775 | 2 0.07 54.72 48798 | 1 0.04 54.75 48810 | 1 0.04 54.79 49025 | 1 0.04 54.83 49072 | 1 0.04 54.87 49088 | 2 0.07 54.94 49224 | 1 0.04 54.98 49231 | 1 0.04 55.01 49272 | 1 0.04 55.05 49300 | 8 0.30 55.35 49304 | 1 0.04 55.39 49651 | 1 0.04 55.42 49680 | 1 0.04 55.46 49725 | 1 0.04 55.50 49732 | 1 0.04 55.53 49748 | 1 0.04 55.57 49781 | 1 0.04 55.61 49800 | 7 0.26 55.87 49880 | 1 0.04 55.91 49900 | 1 0.04 55.94 49920 | 1 0.04 55.98 49944 | 1 0.04 56.02 49966 | 1 0.04 56.05 50008 | 1 0.04 56.09 50088 | 1 0.04 56.13 50184 | 1 0.04 56.17 50232 | 1 0.04 56.20 50272 | 1 0.04 56.24 50322 | 9 0.33 56.58 50397 | 2 0.07 56.65 50412 | 5 0.19 56.84 50705 | 1 0.04 56.87 50742 | 2 0.07 56.95 50748 | 1 0.04 56.98 50750 | 1 0.04 57.02 50900 | 1 0.04 57.06 50965 | 5 0.19 57.24 51152 | 1 0.04 57.28 51168 | 1 0.04 57.32 51176 | 1 0.04 57.36 51193 | 8 0.30 57.65 51258 | 8 0.30 57.95 51280 | 1 0.04 57.99 51294 | 1 0.04 58.02 51318 | 2 0.07 58.10 51356 | 1 0.04 58.14 51465 | 1 0.04 58.17 51467 | 1 0.04 58.21 51496 | 1 0.04 58.25 51552 | 1 0.04 58.28 51568 | 2 0.07 58.36 51576 | 2 0.07 58.43 51760 | 1 0.04 58.47 51824 | 1 0.04 58.51 51978 | 1 0.04 58.54 51984 | 2 0.07 58.62 52056 | 1 0.04 58.66 52068 | 1 0.04 58.69 52216 | 1 0.04 58.73 52224 | 2 0.07 58.80 52300 | 1 0.04 58.84 52320 | 2 0.07 58.92 52324 | 1 0.04 58.95 52350 | 1 0.04 58.99 52362 | 2 0.07 59.06 52375 | 1 0.04 59.10 52400 | 2 0.07 59.18 52475 | 2 0.07 59.25 52525 | 2 0.07 59.32 52632 | 3 0.11 59.44 52700 | 1 0.04 59.47 52796 | 8 0.30 59.77 52842 | 2 0.07 59.84 52968 | 1 0.04 59.88 53060 | 1 0.04 59.92 53138 | 1 0.04 59.96 53174 | 1 0.04 59.99 53208 | 1 0.04 60.03 53210 | 1 0.04 60.07 53231 | 2 0.07 60.14 53248 | 1 0.04 60.18 53260 | 1 0.04 60.22 53275 | 2 0.07 60.29 53288 | 2 0.07 60.36 53328 | 6 0.22 60.59 53377 | 1 0.04 60.62 53408 | 9 0.33 60.96 53430 | 1 0.04 61.00 53462 | 5 0.19 61.18 53472 | 1 0.04 61.22 53500 | 1 0.04 61.26 53504 | 2 0.07 61.33 53700 | 1 0.04 61.37 53712 | 1 0.04 61.40 53718 | 8 0.30 61.70 53736 | 1 0.04 61.74 53800 | 1 0.04 61.78 53804 | 3 0.11 61.89 53845 | 1 0.04 61.92 53858 | 4 0.15 62.07 53880 | 3 0.11 62.18 53894 | 3 0.11 62.30 53948 | 4 0.15 62.44 53956 | 1 0.04 62.48 53970 | 4 0.15 62.63 53979 | 1 0.04 62.67 54040 | 1 0.04 62.70 54060 | 1 0.04 62.74 54092 | 1 0.04 62.78 54100 | 1 0.04 62.82 54132 | 1 0.04 62.85 54186 | 1 0.04 62.89 54275 | 3 0.11 63.00 54300 | 1 0.04 63.04 54325 | 1 0.04 63.08 54480 | 2 0.07 63.15 54510 | 1 0.04 63.19 54558 | 9 0.33 63.52 54562 | 1 0.04 63.56 54568 | 1 0.04 63.60 54596 | 1 0.04 63.63 54612 | 1 0.04 63.67 54660 | 13 0.48 64.15 54666 | 2 0.07 64.23 54688 | 1 0.04 64.26 54726 | 1 0.04 64.30 54728 | 2 0.07 64.38 54776 | 2 0.07 64.45 54804 | 1 0.04 64.49 54810 | 1 0.04 64.52 54816 | 4 0.15 64.67 54840 | 1 0.04 64.71 54846 | 5 0.19 64.90 54872 | 1 0.04 64.93 54888 | 1 0.04 64.97 54892 | 1 0.04 65.01 54930 | 1 0.04 65.04 55000 | 3 0.11 65.16 55070 | 2 0.07 65.23 55090 | 1 0.04 65.27 55104 | 1 0.04 65.30 55132 | 1 0.04 65.34 55342 | 1 0.04 65.38 55355 | 1 0.04 65.42 55456 | 1 0.04 65.45 55465 | 1 0.04 65.49 55468 | 1 0.04 65.53 55506 | 1 0.04 65.56 55604 | 1 0.04 65.60 55608 | 1 0.04 65.64 55630 | 1 0.04 65.68 55664 | 2 0.07 65.75 55728 | 2 0.07 65.82 55750 | 1 0.04 65.86 55840 | 1 0.04 65.90 55884 | 1 0.04 65.94 55910 | 1 0.04 65.97 55950 | 2 0.07 66.05 55964 | 3 0.11 66.16 55996 | 2 0.07 66.23 56008 | 1 0.04 66.27 56028 | 1 0.04 66.31 56080 | 1 0.04 66.34 56088 | 1 0.04 66.38 56212 | 2 0.07 66.46 56264 | 2 0.07 66.53 56280 | 1 0.04 66.57 56375 | 3 0.11 66.68 56396 | 7 0.26 66.94 56400 | 1 0.04 66.98 56414 | 7 0.26 67.24 56475 | 1 0.04 67.27 56496 | 1 0.04 67.31 56500 | 1 0.04 67.35 56550 | 2 0.07 67.42 56553 | 1 0.04 67.46 56620 | 1 0.04 67.50 56644 | 7 0.26 67.76 56712 | 1 0.04 67.79 56730 | 4 0.15 67.94 56810 | 1 0.04 67.98 56816 | 1 0.04 68.02 56924 | 1 0.04 68.05 56928 | 1 0.04 68.09 57025 | 1 0.04 68.13 57192 | 2 0.07 68.20 57288 | 3 0.11 68.31 57292 | 1 0.04 68.35 57492 | 1 0.04 68.39 57518 | 1 0.04 68.42 57544 | 1 0.04 68.46 57608 | 1 0.04 68.50 57658 | 5 0.19 68.68 57752 | 2 0.07 68.76 57800 | 6 0.22 68.98 57804 | 1 0.04 69.02 57875 | 1 0.04 69.06 57904 | 1 0.04 69.09 57968 | 1 0.04 69.13 57990 | 1 0.04 69.17 58144 | 1 0.04 69.21 58176 | 2 0.07 69.28 58196 | 1 0.04 69.32 58200 | 2 0.07 69.39 58215 | 3 0.11 69.50 58352 | 1 0.04 69.54 58372 | 1 0.04 69.58 58384 | 1 0.04 69.61 58422 | 1 0.04 69.65 58436 | 2 0.07 69.73 58475 | 2 0.07 69.80 58486 | 3 0.11 69.91 58497 | 2 0.07 69.99 58564 | 1 0.04 70.02 58602 | 1 0.04 70.06 58770 | 1 0.04 70.10 58776 | 1 0.04 70.13 58800 | 1 0.04 70.17 58870 | 2 0.07 70.25 58880 | 1 0.04 70.28 58912 | 1 0.04 70.32 58920 | 1 0.04 70.36 58936 | 2 0.07 70.43 59152 | 2 0.07 70.51 59176 | 2 0.07 70.58 59210 | 1 0.04 70.62 59223 | 1 0.04 70.65 59304 | 1 0.04 70.69 59322 | 1 0.04 70.73 59388 | 1 0.04 70.77 59450 | 1 0.04 70.80 59520 | 1 0.04 70.84 59531 | 3 0.11 70.95 59725 | 1 0.04 70.99 59726 | 1 0.04 71.03 59740 | 1 0.04 71.06 59750 | 1 0.04 71.10 59794 | 3 0.11 71.21 59798 | 1 0.04 71.25 59920 | 1 0.04 71.29 60008 | 2 0.07 71.36 60098 | 1 0.04 71.40 60140 | 1 0.04 71.43 60225 | 1 0.04 71.47 60290 | 8 0.30 71.77 60408 | 4 0.15 71.92 60422 | 3 0.11 72.03 60478 | 1 0.04 72.07 60480 | 5 0.19 72.25 60505 | 1 0.04 72.29 60508 | 1 0.04 72.33 60534 | 1 0.04 72.36 60554 | 7 0.26 72.62 60627 | 1 0.04 72.66 60680 | 1 0.04 72.70 60825 | 1 0.04 72.73 60950 | 2 0.07 72.81 60986 | 1 0.04 72.85 61048 | 2 0.07 72.92 61170 | 1 0.04 72.96 61236 | 1 0.04 72.99 61314 | 1 0.04 73.03 61320 | 1 0.04 73.07 61325 | 1 0.04 73.11 61432 | 1 0.04 73.14 61454 | 1 0.04 73.18 61470 | 1 0.04 73.22 61554 | 7 0.26 73.48 61580 | 1 0.04 73.51 61660 | 1 0.04 73.55 61706 | 1 0.04 73.59 61730 | 1 0.04 73.63 61807 | 2 0.07 73.70 61980 | 1 0.04 73.74 62061 | 1 0.04 73.77 62118 | 2 0.07 73.85 62128 | 2 0.07 73.92 62264 | 1 0.04 73.96 62292 | 8 0.30 74.26 62318 | 9 0.33 74.59 62370 | 1 0.04 74.63 62620 | 1 0.04 74.67 62644 | 1 0.04 74.70 62700 | 1 0.04 74.74 62712 | 2 0.07 74.81 62775 | 1 0.04 74.85 62792 | 1 0.04 74.89 63020 | 4 0.15 75.04 63026 | 3 0.11 75.15 63100 | 1 0.04 75.19 63116 | 2 0.07 75.26 63225 | 1 0.04 75.30 63250 | 1 0.04 75.33 63375 | 1 0.04 75.37 63408 | 4 0.15 75.52 63435 | 1 0.04 75.56 63560 | 1 0.04 75.59 63604 | 2 0.07 75.67 63770 | 2 0.07 75.74 63792 | 1 0.04 75.78 63803 | 2 0.07 75.85 63814 | 1 0.04 75.89 63858 | 1 0.04 75.93 63902 | 1 0.04 75.97 63976 | 1 0.04 76.00 64104 | 3 0.11 76.11 64200 | 1 0.04 76.15 64232 | 5 0.19 76.34 64316 | 1 0.04 76.37 64322 | 2 0.07 76.45 64430 | 3 0.11 76.56 64432 | 1 0.04 76.60 64441 | 5 0.19 76.78 64442 | 2 0.07 76.86 64478 | 3 0.11 76.97 64500 | 2 0.07 77.04 64550 | 1 0.04 77.08 64620 | 1 0.04 77.12 64650 | 1 0.04 77.15 64725 | 1 0.04 77.19 64728 | 1 0.04 77.23 64881 | 1 0.04 77.27 64900 | 1 0.04 77.30 65035 | 1 0.04 77.34 65049 | 7 0.26 77.60 65050 | 5 0.19 77.79 65088 | 1 0.04 77.82 65100 | 1 0.04 77.86 65160 | 1 0.04 77.90 65192 | 2 0.07 77.97 65208 | 4 0.15 78.12 65210 | 2 0.07 78.19 65310 | 1 0.04 78.23 65378 | 2 0.07 78.31 65392 | 2 0.07 78.38 65496 | 1 0.04 78.42 65532 | 2 0.07 78.49 65556 | 1 0.04 78.53 65604 | 1 0.04 78.57 65662 | 1 0.04 78.60 65708 | 5 0.19 78.79 65750 | 1 0.04 78.83 65765 | 1 0.04 78.86 65766 | 1 0.04 78.90 65768 | 1 0.04 78.94 65774 | 4 0.15 79.09 65776 | 1 0.04 79.12 65777 | 1 0.04 79.16 65856 | 1 0.04 79.20 65910 | 1 0.04 79.23 65976 | 1 0.04 79.27 65984 | 1 0.04 79.31 65988 | 1 0.04 79.35 66016 | 3 0.11 79.46 66058 | 1 0.04 79.49 66066 | 1 0.04 79.53 66075 | 1 0.04 79.57 66102 | 2 0.07 79.64 66168 | 1 0.04 79.68 66320 | 2 0.07 79.75 66425 | 1 0.04 79.79 66448 | 1 0.04 79.83 66450 | 1 0.04 79.87 66472 | 1 0.04 79.90 66486 | 5 0.19 80.09 66504 | 12 0.45 80.53 66536 | 2 0.07 80.61 66576 | 1 0.04 80.65 66635 | 2 0.07 80.72 66840 | 1 0.04 80.76 66872 | 1 0.04 80.79 66928 | 2 0.07 80.87 66995 | 1 0.04 80.91 67257 | 1 0.04 80.94 67352 | 1 0.04 80.98 67416 | 1 0.04 81.02 67440 | 1 0.04 81.05 67500 | 1 0.04 81.09 67600 | 1 0.04 81.13 67628 | 2 0.07 81.20 67665 | 1 0.04 81.24 67675 | 1 0.04 81.28 67700 | 1 0.04 81.32 67775 | 2 0.07 81.39 67873 | 1 0.04 81.43 67880 | 1 0.04 81.46 67920 | 1 0.04 81.50 67944 | 4 0.15 81.65 67950 | 1 0.04 81.69 67998 | 3 0.11 81.80 68004 | 1 0.04 81.84 68072 | 1 0.04 81.87 68104 | 1 0.04 81.91 68120 | 1 0.04 81.95 68200 | 1 0.04 81.98 68294 | 1 0.04 82.02 68340 | 1 0.04 82.06 68432 | 1 0.04 82.10 68487 | 2 0.07 82.17 68714 | 3 0.11 82.28 68942 | 1 0.04 82.32 69023 | 2 0.07 82.39 69230 | 1 0.04 82.43 69256 | 1 0.04 82.47 69272 | 1 0.04 82.50 69376 | 1 0.04 82.54 69384 | 4 0.15 82.69 69441 | 2 0.07 82.76 69470 | 1 0.04 82.80 69510 | 1 0.04 82.84 69600 | 1 0.04 82.88 69675 | 1 0.04 82.91 69680 | 1 0.04 82.95 69752 | 3 0.11 83.06 69776 | 1 0.04 83.10 69830 | 1 0.04 83.14 69832 | 1 0.04 83.17 69844 | 1 0.04 83.21 69892 | 1 0.04 83.25 69979 | 1 0.04 83.28 70050 | 1 0.04 83.32 70068 | 1 0.04 83.36 70075 | 3 0.11 83.47 70128 | 1 0.04 83.51 70280 | 1 0.04 83.54 70352 | 1 0.04 83.58 70362 | 1 0.04 83.62 70460 | 2 0.07 83.69 70468 | 1 0.04 83.73 70520 | 1 0.04 83.77 70640 | 1 0.04 83.80 70800 | 1 0.04 83.84 70850 | 2 0.07 83.92 70880 | 1 0.04 83.95 70912 | 1 0.04 83.99 71000 | 1 0.04 84.03 71072 | 1 0.04 84.06 71084 | 2 0.07 84.14 71144 | 1 0.04 84.18 71180 | 1 0.04 84.21 71184 | 1 0.04 84.25 71210 | 1 0.04 84.29 71220 | 2 0.07 84.36 71267 | 3 0.11 84.47 71274 | 1 0.04 84.51 71289 | 2 0.07 84.58 71356 | 1 0.04 84.62 71362 | 1 0.04 84.66 71370 | 1 0.04 84.70 71460 | 3 0.11 84.81 71504 | 1 0.04 84.84 71604 | 1 0.04 84.88 71608 | 1 0.04 84.92 71620 | 1 0.04 84.96 71780 | 1 0.04 84.99 71820 | 6 0.22 85.22 71824 | 3 0.11 85.33 71848 | 1 0.04 85.36 71850 | 1 0.04 85.40 71876 | 1 0.04 85.44 71947 | 1 0.04 85.48 71960 | 1 0.04 85.51 71976 | 1 0.04 85.55 72000 | 1 0.04 85.59 72034 | 3 0.11 85.70 72072 | 1 0.04 85.74 72192 | 1 0.04 85.77 72232 | 1 0.04 85.81 72240 | 1 0.04 85.85 72338 | 1 0.04 85.88 72416 | 2 0.07 85.96 72448 | 1 0.04 86.00 72464 | 1 0.04 86.03 72480 | 1 0.04 86.07 72520 | 2 0.07 86.14 72578 | 1 0.04 86.18 72616 | 1 0.04 86.22 72676 | 1 0.04 86.26 72736 | 2 0.07 86.33 72770 | 1 0.04 86.37 72790 | 5 0.19 86.55 72900 | 1 0.04 86.59 72920 | 1 0.04 86.63 72923 | 1 0.04 86.66 72950 | 9 0.33 87.00 73020 | 1 0.04 87.04 73030 | 1 0.04 87.07 73100 | 1 0.04 87.11 73154 | 2 0.07 87.18 73167 | 1 0.04 87.22 73296 | 4 0.15 87.37 73318 | 1 0.04 87.41 73350 | 2 0.07 87.48 73388 | 1 0.04 87.52 73600 | 2 0.07 87.59 73605 | 4 0.15 87.74 73888 | 2 0.07 87.82 73890 | 1 0.04 87.85 73925 | 1 0.04 87.89 73950 | 1 0.04 87.93 73978 | 1 0.04 87.96 74064 | 4 0.15 88.11 74080 | 1 0.04 88.15 74082 | 4 0.15 88.30 74160 | 2 0.07 88.37 74224 | 2 0.07 88.45 74360 | 1 0.04 88.48 74448 | 1 0.04 88.52 74575 | 1 0.04 88.56 74667 | 1 0.04 88.60 74668 | 1 0.04 88.63 74670 | 3 0.11 88.74 74740 | 1 0.04 88.78 74864 | 1 0.04 88.82 75000 | 2 0.07 88.89 75136 | 1 0.04 88.93 75145 | 1 0.04 88.97 75190 | 3 0.11 89.08 75200 | 1 0.04 89.12 75225 | 3 0.11 89.23 75238 | 7 0.26 89.49 75315 | 1 0.04 89.52 75432 | 4 0.15 89.67 75520 | 1 0.04 89.71 75568 | 1 0.04 89.75 75583 | 2 0.07 89.82 75588 | 1 0.04 89.86 75592 | 1 0.04 89.90 75596 | 1 0.04 89.93 75617 | 11 0.41 90.34 75796 | 9 0.33 90.68 75814 | 7 0.26 90.94 75816 | 2 0.07 91.01 75963 | 8 0.30 91.31 76022 | 1 0.04 91.34 76050 | 1 0.04 91.38 76246 | 4 0.15 91.53 76264 | 2 0.07 91.60 76287 | 2 0.07 91.68 76320 | 1 0.04 91.72 76345 | 1 0.04 91.75 76380 | 7 0.26 92.01 76515 | 1 0.04 92.05 76525 | 1 0.04 92.09 76560 | 3 0.11 92.20 76658 | 1 0.04 92.24 76700 | 1 0.04 92.27 76705 | 1 0.04 92.31 76724 | 2 0.07 92.38 76740 | 1 0.04 92.42 76806 | 1 0.04 92.46 76820 | 1 0.04 92.50 76834 | 2 0.07 92.57 76996 | 1 0.04 92.61 77100 | 1 0.04 92.64 77128 | 1 0.04 92.68 77137 | 1 0.04 92.72 77184 | 1 0.04 92.76 77188 | 1 0.04 92.79 77200 | 1 0.04 92.83 77211 | 1 0.04 92.87 77250 | 1 0.04 92.90 77288 | 1 0.04 92.94 77336 | 1 0.04 92.98 77392 | 1 0.04 93.02 77406 | 1 0.04 93.05 77431 | 1 0.04 93.09 77434 | 1 0.04 93.13 77456 | 1 0.04 93.16 77500 | 2 0.07 93.24 77520 | 1 0.04 93.28 77525 | 2 0.07 93.35 77574 | 1 0.04 93.39 77588 | 1 0.04 93.42 77656 | 1 0.04 93.46 77750 | 1 0.04 93.50 77783 | 1 0.04 93.54 77800 | 1 0.04 93.57 77808 | 1 0.04 93.61 77860 | 1 0.04 93.65 77890 | 1 0.04 93.68 77912 | 1 0.04 93.72 77924 | 3 0.11 93.83 77925 | 1 0.04 93.87 77956 | 1 0.04 93.91 78000 | 1 0.04 93.95 78008 | 1 0.04 93.98 78115 | 1 0.04 94.02 78146 | 1 0.04 94.06 78250 | 1 0.04 94.09 78300 | 1 0.04 94.13 78350 | 2 0.07 94.21 78370 | 2 0.07 94.28 78464 | 1 0.04 94.32 78705 | 1 0.04 94.35 78712 | 2 0.07 94.43 78850 | 1 0.04 94.47 79225 | 1 0.04 94.50 79301 | 1 0.04 94.54 79610 | 1 0.04 94.58 79675 | 1 0.04 94.61 79682 | 1 0.04 94.65 79715 | 1 0.04 94.69 79720 | 1 0.04 94.73 79756 | 1 0.04 94.76 79768 | 1 0.04 94.80 79776 | 1 0.04 94.84 79830 | 1 0.04 94.87 80040 | 1 0.04 94.91 80120 | 1 0.04 94.95 80150 | 1 0.04 94.99 80210 | 1 0.04 95.02 80250 | 1 0.04 95.06 80616 | 1 0.04 95.10 80645 | 1 0.04 95.13 80724 | 5 0.19 95.32 80790 | 1 0.04 95.36 80800 | 1 0.04 95.39 80913 | 1 0.04 95.43 80962 | 1 0.04 95.47 80990 | 2 0.07 95.54 81170 | 1 0.04 95.58 81250 | 1 0.04 95.62 81328 | 1 0.04 95.65 81372 | 4 0.15 95.80 81624 | 1 0.04 95.84 81760 | 1 0.04 95.88 81832 | 2 0.07 95.95 81869 | 1 0.04 95.99 81925 | 1 0.04 96.03 82000 | 1 0.04 96.06 82055 | 1 0.04 96.10 82080 | 2 0.07 96.17 82088 | 1 0.04 96.21 82117 | 4 0.15 96.36 82164 | 9 0.33 96.69 82180 | 1 0.04 96.73 82450 | 1 0.04 96.77 82556 | 1 0.04 96.81 82616 | 1 0.04 96.84 82736 | 1 0.04 96.88 82750 | 1 0.04 96.92 82832 | 1 0.04 96.95 82848 | 1 0.04 96.99 82920 | 1 0.04 97.03 82942 | 1 0.04 97.07 82986 | 1 0.04 97.10 83063 | 1 0.04 97.14 83172 | 1 0.04 97.18 83200 | 2 0.07 97.25 83208 | 3 0.11 97.36 83248 | 1 0.04 97.40 83280 | 3 0.11 97.51 83290 | 1 0.04 97.55 83328 | 1 0.04 97.59 83346 | 1 0.04 97.62 83384 | 1 0.04 97.66 83400 | 1 0.04 97.70 83402 | 1 0.04 97.73 83512 | 1 0.04 97.77 83612 | 1 0.04 97.81 83784 | 4 0.15 97.96 83856 | 1 0.04 97.99 84000 | 1 0.04 98.03 84050 | 1 0.04 98.07 84176 | 1 0.04 98.11 84280 | 3 0.11 98.22 84374 | 1 0.04 98.25 84376 | 1 0.04 98.29 84440 | 3 0.11 98.40 84486 | 1 0.04 98.44 84522 | 2 0.07 98.51 84550 | 1 0.04 98.55 84576 | 4 0.15 98.70 84588 | 1 0.04 98.74 84856 | 2 0.07 98.81 84864 | 2 0.07 98.89 84891 | 3 0.11 99.00 85076 | 1 0.04 99.03 85078 | 1 0.04 99.07 85344 | 1 0.04 99.11 85400 | 1 0.04 99.15 85496 | 1 0.04 99.18 85592 | 1 0.04 99.22 85608 | 2 0.07 99.29 85742 | 1 0.04 99.33 86200 | 1 0.04 99.37 86275 | 3 0.11 99.48 86282 | 1 0.04 99.52 86525 | 2 0.07 99.59 86672 | 1 0.04 99.63 86744 | 2 0.07 99.70 86952 | 1 0.04 99.74 86968 | 2 0.07 99.81 87000 | 1 0.04 99.85 87040 | 1 0.04 99.89 87048 | 1 0.04 99.93 87164 | 1 0.04 99.96 87240 | 1 0.04 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 2,692 100.00 Frequencies for placename2 variable in sf12010placedistance1miles dataset : Place Name 2 | Freq. Percent Cum. -----------------------------------+----------------------------------- Aaronsburg CDP | 1 0.04 0.04 Acacia Villas CDP | 1 0.04 0.07 Adelphi CDP | 1 0.04 0.11 Adelphi village | 1 0.04 0.15 Affton CDP | 2 0.07 0.22 Aiea CDP | 2 0.07 0.30 Airport CDP | 1 0.04 0.33 Airport Heights CDP | 2 0.07 0.41 Alamillo CDP | 1 0.04 0.45 Albertson CDP | 3 0.11 0.56 Aldan borough | 2 0.07 0.63 Allenhurst borough | 4 0.15 0.78 Allenport CDP | 1 0.04 0.82 Allenport borough | 2 0.07 0.89 Alpine CDP | 1 0.04 0.93 Altamont CDP | 2 0.07 1.00 Alto Bonito Heights CDP | 10 0.37 1.37 Alto CDP | 1 0.04 1.41 Amada Acres CDP | 4 0.15 1.56 Amaya CDP | 1 0.04 1.60 Amistad CDP | 1 0.04 1.63 Amity Gardens CDP | 1 0.04 1.67 Anacua CDP | 3 0.11 1.78 Angus city | 1 0.04 1.82 Anmoore town | 1 0.04 1.86 Antonito town | 1 0.04 1.89 Apollo borough | 3 0.11 2.01 Applewold borough | 1 0.04 2.04 Arcadia city | 1 0.04 2.08 Arden village | 2 0.07 2.15 Ardencroft village | 2 0.07 2.23 Ardentown village | 2 0.07 2.30 Ardmore CDP | 1 0.04 2.34 Aristes CDP | 1 0.04 2.38 Arlington Heights village | 1 0.04 2.41 Arnold City CDP | 1 0.04 2.45 Arnold city | 1 0.04 2.49 Artesia city | 1 0.04 2.53 Asbury Park city | 4 0.15 2.67 Asharoken village | 1 0.04 2.71 Aspinwall borough | 1 0.04 2.75 Atlantic Beach village | 1 0.04 2.79 Atlantis city | 1 0.04 2.82 Atlas CDP | 2 0.07 2.90 Au Sable CDP | 1 0.04 2.93 Audubon Park borough | 2 0.07 3.01 Audubon Park city | 1 0.04 3.05 Audubon borough | 3 0.11 3.16 Avalon borough | 3 0.11 3.27 Avalon town | 1 0.04 3.31 Aventura city | 1 0.04 3.34 Avoca borough | 1 0.04 3.38 Avon-by-the-Sea borough | 2 0.07 3.45 Añasco zona urbana | 1 0.04 3.49 B and E CDP | 3 0.11 3.60 Babson Park CDP | 1 0.04 3.64 Bal Harbour village | 2 0.07 3.71 Ballston Spa village | 1 0.04 3.75 Bancroft city | 6 0.22 3.97 Bangor borough | 1 0.04 4.01 Barbourmeade city | 8 0.30 4.31 Barnhill village | 1 0.04 4.35 Barnum Island CDP | 1 0.04 4.38 Barrera CDP | 6 0.22 4.61 Bath CDP | 1 0.04 4.64 Bath Corner CDP | 1 0.04 4.68 Baxter Estates village | 3 0.11 4.79 Bay Harbor Islands town | 3 0.11 4.90 Bay Head borough | 1 0.04 4.94 Bay Park CDP | 2 0.07 5.01 Bay View Gardens village | 1 0.04 5.05 Bayside Gardens CDP | 1 0.04 5.09 Bayview CDP | 3 0.11 5.20 Beachwood borough | 1 0.04 5.24 Bear Creek CDP | 1 0.04 5.27 Beaver Falls city | 1 0.04 5.31 Beechwood Village city | 4 0.15 5.46 Bel Air CDP | 1 0.04 5.50 Bel-Nor village | 4 0.15 5.65 Bel-Ridge village | 3 0.11 5.76 Bell city | 1 0.04 5.79 Bella Villa city | 1 0.04 5.83 Bellaire village | 1 0.04 5.87 Belle Vernon borough | 3 0.11 5.98 Belle town | 1 0.04 6.02 Belleair Beach city | 1 0.04 6.05 Belleair Bluffs city | 1 0.04 6.09 Belleair Shore town | 1 0.04 6.13 Bellefontaine Neighbors city | 1 0.04 6.17 Bellefonte town | 1 0.04 6.20 Bellemeade city | 2 0.07 6.28 Bellerive village | 5 0.19 6.46 Bellerose Terrace CDP | 1 0.04 6.50 Bellerose village | 2 0.07 6.58 Bellevue borough | 1 0.04 6.61 Bellevue city | 1 0.04 6.65 Bellewood city | 4 0.15 6.80 Bellmawr borough | 1 0.04 6.84 Bellows Falls village | 1 0.04 6.87 Belmar borough | 3 0.11 6.98 Ben Avon Heights borough | 2 0.07 7.06 Ben Avon borough | 3 0.11 7.17 Benjamin Perez CDP | 2 0.07 7.24 Benld city | 1 0.04 7.28 Benton city | 1 0.04 7.32 Benwood city | 1 0.04 7.36 Benzonia village | 1 0.04 7.39 Berkeley city | 1 0.04 7.43 Bermuda Run town | 1 0.04 7.47 Bethany city | 1 0.04 7.50 Bethany town | 1 0.04 7.54 Beulah village | 1 0.04 7.58 Beverly Hills city | 10 0.37 7.95 Beverly village | 1 0.04 7.99 Big Pool CDP | 1 0.04 8.02 Big Sandy CDP | 1 0.04 8.06 Bigelow town | 1 0.04 8.10 Bird-in-Hand CDP | 2 0.07 8.17 Bivalve CDP | 1 0.04 8.21 Blackwells Mills CDP | 1 0.04 8.25 Bladensburg town | 1 0.04 8.28 Blanchard CDP | 1 0.04 8.32 Blanchard city | 1 0.04 8.36 Bloomington CDP | 1 0.04 8.40 Blue Ridge Manor city | 3 0.11 8.51 Blue Sky CDP | 1 0.04 8.54 Bluewater CDP | 2 0.07 8.62 Bolivar town | 1 0.04 8.66 Bonanza Hills CDP | 2 0.07 8.73 Boomer CDP | 1 0.04 8.77 Boston CDP | 1 0.04 8.80 Botines CDP | 1 0.04 8.84 Boulevard Gardens CDP | 2 0.07 8.92 Bowers CDP | 1 0.04 8.95 Bowling Green CDP | 1 0.04 8.99 Box Canyon CDP | 1 0.04 9.03 Boyertown borough | 1 0.04 9.06 Braddock Hills borough | 4 0.15 9.21 Braddock borough | 4 0.15 9.36 Bradley Beach borough | 2 0.07 9.44 Bradley Gardens CDP | 1 0.04 9.47 Brandonville town | 1 0.04 9.51 Brazos CDP | 1 0.04 9.55 Breckinridge Center CDP | 1 0.04 9.58 Brecon CDP | 1 0.04 9.62 Brentwood town | 3 0.11 9.73 Bressler CDP | 3 0.11 9.84 Briarcliffe Acres town | 1 0.04 9.88 Briarwood city | 7 0.26 10.14 Bridgeport village | 1 0.04 10.18 Bridgewater borough | 1 0.04 10.22 Brightwaters village | 1 0.04 10.25 Brinckerhoff CDP | 1 0.04 10.29 Brisbin borough | 1 0.04 10.33 Broeck Pointe city | 9 0.33 10.66 Bronxville village | 1 0.04 10.70 Brookhaven borough | 1 0.04 10.74 Brooklawn borough | 2 0.07 10.81 Brooklyn town | 1 0.04 10.85 Brookside village | 1 0.04 10.88 Brookview town | 1 0.04 10.92 Browning town | 2 0.07 11.00 Brownsboro Farm city | 7 0.26 11.26 Brownsboro Village city | 5 0.19 11.44 Brownsville borough | 1 0.04 11.48 Browntown CDP | 1 0.04 11.52 Bruceton Mills town | 1 0.04 11.55 Brush Creek CDP | 1 0.04 11.59 Buchanan village | 1 0.04 11.63 Buena Vista CDP | 1 0.04 11.66 Buffington CDP | 1 0.04 11.70 Bulpitt village | 1 0.04 11.74 Burbank CDP | 1 0.04 11.78 Burgess town | 1 0.04 11.81 Burnham borough | 1 0.04 11.85 Butlertown CDP | 1 0.04 11.89 Byram CDP | 1 0.04 11.92 Bystrom CDP | 3 0.11 12.04 C-Road CDP | 1 0.04 12.07 Caldwell borough | 1 0.04 12.11 California borough | 1 0.04 12.15 Calvert Beach CDP | 1 0.04 12.18 Camargito CDP | 4 0.15 12.33 Camas CDP | 1 0.04 12.37 Cambridge City town | 1 0.04 12.41 Cambridge city | 3 0.11 12.52 Campo Verde CDP | 7 0.26 12.78 Candelaria Arenas comunidad | 1 0.04 12.82 Candelaria comunidad | 2 0.07 12.89 Candelero Abajo comunidad | 1 0.04 12.93 Carbon Cliff village | 1 0.04 12.96 Carlos CDP | 2 0.07 13.04 Carmet CDP | 1 0.04 13.08 Carmichaels borough | 1 0.04 13.11 Carpendale town | 1 0.04 13.15 Carrollton town | 1 0.04 13.19 Casa Blanca CDP | 1 0.04 13.22 Casas CDP | 1 0.04 13.26 Castle Point CDP | 1 0.04 13.30 Catasauqua borough | 1 0.04 13.34 Cats Bridge CDP | 1 0.04 13.37 Cedar Crest CDP | 1 0.04 13.41 Cedar Grove town | 1 0.04 13.45 Cedarhurst village | 1 0.04 13.48 Ceiba comunidad | 1 0.04 13.52 Cementon CDP | 1 0.04 13.56 Centennial city | 1 0.04 13.60 Center Line city | 1 0.04 13.63 Central Pacolet town | 1 0.04 13.67 Centralia borough | 1 0.04 13.71 Cerritos city | 1 0.04 13.74 Chalfant borough | 3 0.11 13.86 Chamita CDP | 1 0.04 13.89 Chaparrito CDP | 3 0.11 14.00 Chapeno CDP | 3 0.11 14.12 Charlack city | 3 0.11 14.23 Charleroi borough | 1 0.04 14.26 Cherokee Strip CDP | 1 0.04 14.30 Chesapeake town | 1 0.04 14.34 Chester Hill borough | 2 0.07 14.41 Chester city | 1 0.04 14.45 Cheswick borough | 1 0.04 14.49 Chevy Chase CDP | 5 0.19 14.67 Chevy Chase Section Five village | 4 0.15 14.82 Chevy Chase Section Three village | 5 0.19 15.01 Chevy Chase View town | 2 0.07 15.08 Chevy Chase Village town | 5 0.19 15.27 Chevy Chase town | 5 0.19 15.45 Chula Vista CDP | 1 0.04 15.49 Cinco Bayou town | 1 0.04 15.53 Clarendon Hills village | 1 0.04 15.56 Clarks Green borough | 1 0.04 15.60 Clarks Summit borough | 1 0.04 15.64 Clarysville CDP | 1 0.04 15.68 Clayton city | 2 0.07 15.75 Cle Elum city | 1 0.04 15.79 Clearbrook Park CDP | 1 0.04 15.82 Cliff Village village | 2 0.07 15.90 Cliffside Park borough | 2 0.07 15.97 Clifton Heights borough | 1 0.04 16.01 Clifton city | 1 0.04 16.05 Clio CDP | 2 0.07 16.12 Cloud Lake town | 1 0.04 16.16 Clyde Hill city | 1 0.04 16.20 Coal Center borough | 2 0.07 16.27 Coaldale borough | 1 0.04 16.31 Cobb Island CDP | 1 0.04 16.34 Cold Spring village | 1 0.04 16.38 Coldstream city | 3 0.11 16.49 College Corner village | 1 0.04 16.53 Collingdale borough | 3 0.11 16.64 Collingswood borough | 2 0.07 16.72 Colmar Manor town | 1 0.04 16.75 Colony Park CDP | 1 0.04 16.79 Colorado Acres CDP | 1 0.04 16.83 Columbia CDP | 1 0.04 16.86 Columbia Heights city | 1 0.04 16.90 Columbine Valley town | 1 0.04 16.94 Colwyn borough | 2 0.07 17.01 Commerce city | 1 0.04 17.05 Concordia CDP | 1 0.04 17.09 Conejos CDP | 1 0.04 17.12 Conshohocken borough | 1 0.04 17.16 Cool Valley city | 1 0.04 17.20 Coplay borough | 2 0.07 17.27 Coral CDP | 1 0.04 17.31 Coral Terrace CDP | 1 0.04 17.35 Coraopolis borough | 1 0.04 17.38 Cornwells Heights CDP | 1 0.04 17.42 Cottage City town | 4 0.15 17.57 Cottonwood city | 1 0.04 17.61 Country Acres CDP | 1 0.04 17.64 Country Club Heights town | 1 0.04 17.68 Country Club Hills city | 3 0.11 17.79 Countryside city | 1 0.04 17.83 Courtdale borough | 2 0.07 17.90 Cousins Island CDP | 1 0.04 17.94 Crafton borough | 2 0.07 18.02 Creekside city | 8 0.30 18.31 Cresaptown CDP | 1 0.04 18.35 Cresson borough | 1 0.04 18.39 Crestview Hills city | 1 0.04 18.42 Crossgate city | 5 0.19 18.61 Crows Nest town | 2 0.07 18.68 Crystal Lake Park city | 1 0.04 18.72 Crystal Lakes CDP | 1 0.04 18.76 Crystal Lakes city | 1 0.04 18.80 Cuartelez CDP | 1 0.04 18.83 Cumminsville CDP | 1 0.04 18.87 Daisytown borough | 2 0.07 18.95 Dale borough | 1 0.04 18.98 Dallastown borough | 1 0.04 19.02 Darby borough | 4 0.15 19.17 Dawson borough | 1 0.04 19.21 Deal borough | 1 0.04 19.24 Deep Water CDP | 1 0.04 19.28 Deer Park city | 2 0.07 19.35 Defiance CDP | 1 0.04 19.39 Del City city | 1 0.04 19.43 Delleker CDP | 1 0.04 19.47 Dennis Acres village | 1 0.04 19.50 Detmold CDP | 2 0.07 19.58 Diaperville CDP | 1 0.04 19.61 Dillard CDP | 1 0.04 19.65 Dillonvale CDP | 2 0.07 19.73 Dixmoor village | 1 0.04 19.76 Donaldson CDP | 1 0.04 19.80 Douglass Hills city | 2 0.07 19.87 Douglassville CDP | 1 0.04 19.91 Dover Beaches South CDP | 1 0.04 19.95 Dravosburg borough | 1 0.04 19.99 Dresden village | 1 0.04 20.02 Druid Hills city | 4 0.15 20.17 Dry Tavern CDP | 1 0.04 20.21 Drysdale CDP | 1 0.04 20.25 Dublin town | 1 0.04 20.28 Dunean CDP | 1 0.04 20.32 Dunlevy borough | 1 0.04 20.36 Dupont borough | 1 0.04 20.39 Eagleville CDP | 1 0.04 20.43 East Alto Bonito CDP | 9 0.33 20.77 East Atlantic Beach CDP | 1 0.04 20.80 East Bank town | 1 0.04 20.84 East Brooklyn village | 1 0.04 20.88 East Conemaugh borough | 1 0.04 20.91 East Fairview CDP | 1 0.04 20.95 East Gillespie village | 1 0.04 20.99 East Hodge village | 1 0.04 21.03 East Hope city | 1 0.04 21.06 East Lansdowne borough | 2 0.07 21.14 East Lopez CDP | 10 0.37 21.51 East Massapequa CDP | 1 0.04 21.55 East McKeesport borough | 1 0.04 21.58 East Millstone CDP | 1 0.04 21.62 East Newark borough | 1 0.04 21.66 East Pittsburgh borough | 2 0.07 21.73 East Riverdale CDP | 2 0.07 21.81 East Rochester borough | 1 0.04 21.84 East Rockaway village | 1 0.04 21.88 East Thermopolis town | 1 0.04 21.92 East Vandergrift borough | 3 0.11 22.03 East Washington borough | 1 0.04 22.07 East Williston village | 1 0.04 22.10 Eastchester CDP | 1 0.04 22.14 Eastlake city | 1 0.04 22.18 Eastvale borough | 1 0.04 22.21 Eatons Neck CDP | 1 0.04 22.25 Eatonville town | 2 0.07 22.33 Eckhart Mines CDP | 1 0.04 22.36 Eddington CDP | 1 0.04 22.40 Edgemont CDP | 1 0.04 22.44 Edgemoor CDP | 1 0.04 22.47 Edgewater CDP | 1 0.04 22.51 Edgewater Estates CDP | 2 0.07 22.59 Edgewater borough | 1 0.04 22.62 Edgewood CDP | 1 0.04 22.66 Edgewood borough | 1 0.04 22.70 Edgewood city | 1 0.04 22.73 Edgewood town | 1 0.04 22.77 Edmonston town | 2 0.07 22.85 Edmundson city | 1 0.04 22.88 Egypt CDP | 1 0.04 22.92 Ehrenfeld borough | 1 0.04 22.96 El Castillo CDP | 3 0.11 23.07 El Cenizo CDP | 6 0.22 23.29 El Chaparral CDP | 4 0.15 23.44 El Lago city | 1 0.04 23.48 El Mangó comunidad | 1 0.04 23.51 El Mesquite CDP | 1 0.04 23.55 El Paraiso comunidad | 1 0.04 23.59 El Quiote CDP | 6 0.22 23.81 El Rancho Vela CDP | 1 0.04 23.85 El Refugio CDP | 4 0.15 24.00 El Socio CDP | 4 0.15 24.15 Elco borough | 2 0.07 24.22 Eldorado town | 1 0.04 24.26 Eleele CDP | 1 0.04 24.29 Elizabeth borough | 1 0.04 24.33 Elk Run Heights city | 1 0.04 24.37 Elkport city | 1 0.04 24.41 Elliston CDP | 1 0.04 24.44 Elmwood Place village | 1 0.04 24.48 Empire village | 1 0.04 24.52 Emsworth borough | 1 0.04 24.55 Encampment town | 1 0.04 24.59 Englewood CDP | 1 0.04 24.63 Englewood city | 1 0.04 24.67 Enhaut CDP | 3 0.11 24.78 Enlow CDP | 1 0.04 24.81 Enola CDP | 1 0.04 24.85 Enon village | 1 0.04 24.89 Ernstville CDP | 1 0.04 24.93 Escobar I CDP | 7 0.26 25.19 Escobares city | 4 0.15 25.33 Essex Fells borough | 1 0.04 25.37 Eugenio Saenz CDP | 1 0.04 25.41 Evansdale city | 1 0.04 25.45 Eveleth city | 1 0.04 25.48 Everglades city | 1 0.04 25.52 Evergreen CDP | 3 0.11 25.63 Everson borough | 1 0.04 25.67 Ewa Gentry CDP | 1 0.04 25.71 Ewa Villages CDP | 1 0.04 25.74 Excelsior city | 1 0.04 25.78 Fabrica CDP | 2 0.07 25.85 Fairdale CDP | 1 0.04 25.89 Fairhope CDP | 3 0.11 26.00 Fairmount Heights town | 1 0.04 26.04 Fairplay CDP | 1 0.04 26.08 Fairport Harbor village | 1 0.04 26.11 Fairview Shores CDP | 1 0.04 26.15 Fairview borough | 1 0.04 26.19 Fairview town | 1 0.04 26.23 Fairview-Ferndale CDP | 1 0.04 26.26 Fairway city | 2 0.07 26.34 Falcon Heights CDP | 5 0.19 26.52 Falcon Village CDP | 3 0.11 26.63 Falconaire CDP | 2 0.07 26.71 Falls View CDP | 1 0.04 26.75 Fallston borough | 1 0.04 26.78 Falman CDP | 1 0.04 26.82 Farmersville city | 1 0.04 26.86 Farrell city | 1 0.04 26.89 Farwell city | 1 0.04 26.93 Fayette City borough | 2 0.07 27.01 Feasterville CDP | 1 0.04 27.04 Fernando Salinas CDP | 2 0.07 27.12 Ferndale borough | 1 0.04 27.15 Filer City CDP | 2 0.07 27.23 Fincastle city | 2 0.07 27.30 Fire Island CDP | 1 0.04 27.34 Flor del Rio CDP | 3 0.11 27.45 Floral Park village | 3 0.11 27.56 Flordell Hills city | 2 0.07 27.64 Flower Hill village | 1 0.04 27.67 Folsom CDP | 1 0.04 27.71 Fonda village | 1 0.04 27.75 Ford City borough | 2 0.07 27.82 Ford Cliff borough | 2 0.07 27.90 Forest Hills borough | 1 0.04 27.93 Forest Hills city | 1 0.04 27.97 Forest View village | 1 0.04 28.01 Fort Plain village | 1 0.04 28.05 Fort Ritchie CDP | 1 0.04 28.08 Fort Walton Beach city | 1 0.04 28.12 Fort Wright city | 1 0.04 28.16 Foster city | 1 0.04 28.19 Four Points CDP | 2 0.07 28.27 Fourche town | 1 0.04 28.31 Fox Chase CDP | 1 0.04 28.34 Frackville borough | 3 0.11 28.45 Franconia CDP | 1 0.04 28.49 Franklin Park CDP | 3 0.11 28.60 Franklin borough | 1 0.04 28.64 Franklin city | 1 0.04 28.68 Fredericktown CDP | 2 0.07 28.75 Fredericktown city | 1 0.04 28.79 Friendly town | 1 0.04 28.83 Friendship Heights Village CDP | 2 0.07 28.90 Frontenac city | 1 0.04 28.94 Fronton CDP | 2 0.07 29.01 Fronton Ranchettes CDP | 3 0.11 29.12 Frostburg city | 1 0.04 29.16 Fruit Hill CDP | 1 0.04 29.20 Fruitdale CDP | 1 0.04 29.23 Fultonville village | 1 0.04 29.27 Gallitzin borough | 1 0.04 29.31 Galveston city | 1 0.04 29.35 Garber city | 1 0.04 29.38 Garceno CDP | 3 0.11 29.49 Garciasville CDP | 5 0.19 29.68 Garden City Park CDP | 1 0.04 29.72 Garden Home-Whitford CDP | 1 0.04 29.75 Gardners CDP | 1 0.04 29.79 Garza-Salinas II CDP | 6 0.22 30.01 Geistown borough | 1 0.04 30.05 Georgetown borough | 1 0.04 30.09 Gerber CDP | 1 0.04 30.13 Gerrard CDP | 1 0.04 30.16 Gilberton borough | 2 0.07 30.24 Gillespie city | 1 0.04 30.27 Gilmore CDP | 1 0.04 30.31 Gladstone city | 2 0.07 30.39 Glasco CDP | 1 0.04 30.42 Glasgow borough | 1 0.04 30.46 Glen Echo Park village | 9 0.33 30.79 Glen Head CDP | 1 0.04 30.83 Glen Jean CDP | 1 0.04 30.87 Glen Osborne borough | 2 0.07 30.94 Glen Ridge town | 1 0.04 30.98 Glendora CDP | 1 0.04 31.02 Glenfield borough | 1 0.04 31.05 Glenolden borough | 1 0.04 31.09 Glenside CDP | 1 0.04 31.13 Glenview Hills city | 5 0.19 31.32 Glenview Manor city | 5 0.19 31.50 Glenview city | 1 0.04 31.54 Glenville CDP | 1 0.04 31.58 Globe city | 1 0.04 31.61 Gloucester City city | 1 0.04 31.65 Gold Bar city | 1 0.04 31.69 Golden Beach town | 1 0.04 31.72 Goose Creek city | 10 0.37 32.10 Gordonville CDP | 1 0.04 32.13 Graceton CDP | 1 0.04 32.17 Grahamtown CDP | 1 0.04 32.21 Grand Acres CDP | 1 0.04 32.24 Grand Falls Plaza town | 1 0.04 32.28 Grand River village | 1 0.04 32.32 Grand View Estates CDP | 1 0.04 32.36 Grand View-on-Hudson village | 1 0.04 32.39 Graniteville CDP | 1 0.04 32.43 Grapeville CDP | 1 0.04 32.47 Graymoor-Devondale city | 2 0.07 32.54 Great Bend borough | 1 0.04 32.58 Great Neck Estates village | 5 0.19 32.76 Great Neck Gardens CDP | 5 0.19 32.95 Great Neck Plaza village | 7 0.26 33.21 Great Neck village | 3 0.11 33.32 Green Meadows CDP | 1 0.04 33.36 Greendale city | 4 0.15 33.51 Greensburg CDP | 1 0.04 33.54 Greenvale CDP | 1 0.04 33.58 Greenwood city | 1 0.04 33.62 Greigsville CDP | 1 0.04 33.66 Grier City CDP | 1 0.04 33.69 Grill CDP | 1 0.04 33.73 Grindstone CDP | 1 0.04 33.77 Guadalupe-Guerra CDP | 1 0.04 33.80 Gutierrez CDP | 4 0.15 33.95 Guttenberg town | 1 0.04 33.99 H. Cuellar Estates CDP | 4 0.15 34.14 Hacienda San Jose comunidad | 1 0.04 34.18 Haddon Heights borough | 1 0.04 34.21 Hainesville village | 1 0.04 34.25 Halawa CDP | 1 0.04 34.29 Haledon borough | 1 0.04 34.32 Halesite CDP | 1 0.04 34.36 Hallstead borough | 1 0.04 34.40 Hambleton town | 1 0.04 34.44 Hanapepe CDP | 1 0.04 34.47 Hanging Rock village | 1 0.04 34.51 Hanley Hills village | 4 0.15 34.66 Harbor Bluffs CDP | 1 0.04 34.70 Harbor Hills CDP | 3 0.11 34.81 Harbor Isle CDP | 1 0.04 34.84 Harleigh CDP | 1 0.04 34.88 Harpers Ferry town | 1 0.04 34.92 Harrisburg village | 1 0.04 34.96 Harrison town | 1 0.04 34.99 Harwick CDP | 1 0.04 35.03 Harwood Heights village | 1 0.04 35.07 Hatch village | 1 0.04 35.10 Haverford College CDP | 1 0.04 35.14 Haverhill town | 3 0.11 35.25 Haysville borough | 3 0.11 35.36 Hebron CDP | 1 0.04 35.40 Hendricks town | 1 0.04 35.44 Henlawson CDP | 1 0.04 35.48 Henlopen Acres town | 1 0.04 35.51 Herricks CDP | 4 0.15 35.66 Hewlett Bay Park village | 3 0.11 35.77 Hewlett CDP | 2 0.07 35.85 Hewlett Harbor village | 4 0.15 36.00 Hewlett Neck village | 3 0.11 36.11 Hi-Nella borough | 2 0.07 36.18 Hickman CDP | 1 0.04 36.22 Hickory Hill city | 6 0.22 36.44 High Ridge CDP | 1 0.04 36.48 Highfield-Cascade CDP | 1 0.04 36.52 Highland Hills village | 1 0.04 36.55 Highland Holiday CDP | 1 0.04 36.59 Highland Park CDP | 1 0.04 36.63 Highpoint CDP | 1 0.04 36.66 Hillcrest CDP | 1 0.04 36.70 Hillcrest Heights town | 1 0.04 36.74 Hilldale CDP | 1 0.04 36.78 Hills and Dales city | 5 0.19 36.96 Hillsboro Beach town | 1 0.04 37.00 Hillsboro city | 1 0.04 37.04 Hillsboro town | 1 0.04 37.07 Hillsdale CDP | 1 0.04 37.11 Hillsdale village | 6 0.22 37.33 Hillside Acres CDP | 2 0.07 37.41 Hilltop CDP | 11 0.41 37.82 Hilltop city | 1 0.04 37.85 Hilshire Village city | 1 0.04 37.89 Hodgkins village | 1 0.04 37.93 Hokendauqua CDP | 2 0.07 38.00 Holden Heights CDP | 1 0.04 38.04 Holiday City South CDP | 1 0.04 38.08 Hollow Creek city | 1 0.04 38.11 Homestead borough | 1 0.04 38.15 Homestead village | 1 0.04 38.19 Hope city | 1 0.04 38.22 Hot Springs town | 1 0.04 38.26 Houston Acres city | 3 0.11 38.37 Houston Lake city | 1 0.04 38.41 Houtzdale borough | 1 0.04 38.45 Hudson CDP | 1 0.04 38.48 Hughestown borough | 1 0.04 38.52 Hulmeville borough | 1 0.04 38.56 Huntington CDP | 1 0.04 38.60 Huntington Park city | 1 0.04 38.63 Hunts Point town | 2 0.07 38.71 Hurstbourne Acres city | 1 0.04 38.74 Hyattsville city | 1 0.04 38.78 Hyde Park borough | 2 0.07 38.86 Hypoluxo town | 2 0.07 38.93 Idaville CDP | 1 0.04 38.97 Idlewild CDP | 1 0.04 39.00 Imperial CDP | 1 0.04 39.04 Indian Creek village | 2 0.07 39.12 Indian Head town | 1 0.04 39.15 Indian Hills city | 1 0.04 39.19 Indian Village town | 1 0.04 39.23 Indio CDP | 1 0.04 39.26 Industry city | 1 0.04 39.30 Ingram borough | 1 0.04 39.34 Inman Mills CDP | 1 0.04 39.38 Inman city | 1 0.04 39.41 Interlaken borough | 4 0.15 39.56 Inverness CDP | 1 0.04 39.60 Iola CDP | 1 0.04 39.64 Ironton city | 1 0.04 39.67 Island Park village | 2 0.07 39.75 JF Villarreal CDP | 7 0.26 40.01 Jacksonville village | 1 0.04 40.04 Jamaica Beach city | 1 0.04 40.08 Jardin de San Julian CDP | 3 0.11 40.19 Jay city | 1 0.04 40.23 Jeannette city | 1 0.04 40.27 Jefferson borough | 1 0.04 40.30 Jeisyville village | 1 0.04 40.34 Jenkintown borough | 1 0.04 40.38 Jennings city | 2 0.07 40.45 Jensen Beach CDP | 1 0.04 40.49 Jerome village | 2 0.07 40.56 Johnson City city | 1 0.04 40.60 Johnstown city | 1 0.04 40.64 Juarez CDP | 1 0.04 40.68 Judson CDP | 1 0.04 40.71 Jugtown CDP | 1 0.04 40.75 Junction City village | 1 0.04 40.79 Juniata Terrace borough | 1 0.04 40.82 Kapp Heights CDP | 1 0.04 40.86 Kaser village | 2 0.07 40.94 Keego Harbor city | 1 0.04 40.97 Kelayres CDP | 1 0.04 41.01 Kenhorst borough | 1 0.04 41.05 Kensington town | 3 0.11 41.16 Kensington village | 5 0.19 41.34 Kenton Vale city | 1 0.04 41.38 Kenwood CDP | 1 0.04 41.42 Kenwood Estates CDP | 1 0.04 41.46 Kermit town | 1 0.04 41.49 Key Colony Beach city | 1 0.04 41.53 Kickapoo Site 1 CDP | 1 0.04 41.57 Kickapoo Site 2 CDP | 1 0.04 41.60 Kimberly CDP | 1 0.04 41.64 Kincaid CDP | 1 0.04 41.68 Kincaid village | 2 0.07 41.75 Kings Park CDP | 1 0.04 41.79 Kingsley city | 4 0.15 41.94 Kingstowne CDP | 1 0.04 41.98 Kinloch city | 1 0.04 42.01 Kiskimere CDP | 2 0.07 42.09 Kistler borough | 2 0.07 42.16 Kittanning borough | 1 0.04 42.20 Klondike CDP | 1 0.04 42.24 Knoxville CDP | 1 0.04 42.27 Koloa CDP | 1 0.04 42.31 Kulpmont borough | 1 0.04 42.35 Kutztown University CDP | 1 0.04 42.38 Kutztown borough | 1 0.04 42.42 La Carla CDP | 1 0.04 42.46 La Casita CDP | 3 0.11 42.57 La Chuparosa CDP | 7 0.26 42.83 La Coma CDP | 1 0.04 42.87 La Escondida CDP | 2 0.07 42.94 La Loma de Falcon CDP | 3 0.11 43.05 La Paloma Addition CDP | 2 0.07 43.13 La Paloma Ranchettes CDP | 2 0.07 43.20 La Puente city | 1 0.04 43.24 La Puerta CDP | 5 0.19 43.42 La Rosita CDP | 5 0.19 43.61 La Victoria CDP | 4 0.15 43.76 La Yuca comunidad | 1 0.04 43.80 Lacey city | 1 0.04 43.83 Lafayette CDP | 1 0.04 43.87 Lago Vista CDP | 1 0.04 43.91 Lake Belvedere Estates CDP | 2 0.07 43.98 Lake Como borough | 2 0.07 44.06 Lake Ozark city | 1 0.04 44.09 Lake St. Croix Beach city | 1 0.04 44.13 Lake Waukomis city | 1 0.04 44.17 Lakeline village | 1 0.04 44.21 Lakeshire city | 1 0.04 44.24 Lakeside Park city | 1 0.04 44.28 Lakeside city | 1 0.04 44.32 Lakeside town | 3 0.11 44.43 Lakeview CDP | 1 0.04 44.47 Lakeway city | 1 0.04 44.50 Lakewood Gardens CDP | 1 0.04 44.54 Lamar Heights city | 1 0.04 44.58 Lamar city | 1 0.04 44.61 Lambert village | 1 0.04 44.65 Lambertville city | 1 0.04 44.69 Landover Hills town | 1 0.04 44.73 Langdon Place city | 13 0.48 45.21 Langhorne Manor borough | 2 0.07 45.28 Langhorne borough | 1 0.04 45.32 Langley Park CDP | 1 0.04 45.36 Lansdowne borough | 1 0.04 45.39 Lansing CDP | 1 0.04 45.43 Larch Way CDP | 1 0.04 45.47 Laredo Ranchettes CDP | 4 0.15 45.62 Laredo Ranchettes West CDP | 6 0.22 45.84 Las Flores CDP | 1 0.04 45.88 Las Haciendas CDP | 1 0.04 45.91 Las Lomas CDP | 1 0.04 45.95 Las Marías comunidad | 1 0.04 45.99 Las Palmas II CDP | 1 0.04 46.03 Las Pilas CDP | 2 0.07 46.10 Lattimer CDP | 2 0.07 46.17 Lauderdale-by-the-Sea town | 1 0.04 46.21 Laurel Springs borough | 2 0.07 46.29 Laureldale borough | 1 0.04 46.32 Laurelville village | 1 0.04 46.36 Lawnside borough | 2 0.07 46.43 Lawson Heights CDP | 1 0.04 46.47 Lazy Lake village | 1 0.04 46.51 Leawood village | 1 0.04 46.55 Lebanon South CDP | 1 0.04 46.58 Lee Mont CDP | 1 0.04 46.62 Leechburg borough | 2 0.07 46.69 Lehighton borough | 1 0.04 46.73 Leisure Knoll CDP | 1 0.04 46.77 Leisure Village West CDP | 1 0.04 46.81 Leland Grove city | 1 0.04 46.84 Lemay CDP | 1 0.04 46.88 Lenape Heights CDP | 2 0.07 46.95 Lenkerville CDP | 1 0.04 46.99 Leonidas city | 1 0.04 47.03 Lewisburg borough | 1 0.04 47.07 Lewistown borough | 1 0.04 47.10 Lighthouse Point city | 1 0.04 47.14 Lilbourn city | 1 0.04 47.18 Lincoln Park CDP | 2 0.07 47.25 Lincoln Park town | 1 0.04 47.29 Lincolndale CDP | 1 0.04 47.33 Lincolnshire city | 4 0.15 47.47 Lindenwold borough | 1 0.04 47.51 Lineville city | 1 0.04 47.55 Linnell Camp CDP | 1 0.04 47.59 Linntown CDP | 1 0.04 47.62 Linwood CDP | 1 0.04 47.66 Little Falls CDP | 1 0.04 47.70 Littlejohn Island CDP | 1 0.04 47.73 Littleton city | 1 0.04 47.77 Loch Arbour village | 3 0.11 47.88 Loch Lynn Heights town | 1 0.04 47.92 Lockland village | 1 0.04 47.96 Loma Grande CDP | 1 0.04 47.99 Loma Linda CDP | 1 0.04 48.03 Loma Linda East CDP | 4 0.15 48.18 Loma Linda West CDP | 5 0.19 48.37 Loma Vista CDP | 9 0.33 48.70 Lomita city | 1 0.04 48.74 Lonaconing town | 1 0.04 48.77 Long Beach city | 1 0.04 48.81 Longoria CDP | 8 0.30 49.11 Lorain borough | 1 0.04 49.15 Los Altos CDP | 4 0.15 49.29 Los Alvarez CDP | 3 0.11 49.41 Los Arcos CDP | 3 0.11 49.52 Los Barreras CDP | 5 0.19 49.70 Los Centenarios CDP | 3 0.11 49.81 Los Ebanos CDP | 7 0.26 50.07 Los Fresnos CDP | 3 0.11 50.19 Los Nopalitos CDP | 4 0.15 50.33 Los Ojos CDP | 1 0.04 50.37 Los Prados comunidad | 1 0.04 50.41 Los Veteranos I CDP | 1 0.04 50.45 Los Veteranos II CDP | 1 0.04 50.48 Low Moor CDP | 1 0.04 50.52 Luke town | 2 0.07 50.59 Lumber City CDP | 1 0.04 50.63 Luzerne borough | 2 0.07 50.71 Lynbrook village | 1 0.04 50.74 Lyndon city | 2 0.07 50.82 Lynnview city | 1 0.04 50.85 Lynnwood-Pricedale CDP | 2 0.07 50.93 Lyons borough | 1 0.04 50.97 Lyons village | 1 0.04 51.00 Mackenzie village | 1 0.04 51.04 Magnolia borough | 1 0.04 51.08 Mahnomen city | 1 0.04 51.11 Maitland city | 1 0.04 51.15 Malverne Park Oaks CDP | 2 0.07 51.23 Malverne village | 2 0.07 51.30 Manalapan town | 1 0.04 51.34 Manchester borough | 1 0.04 51.37 Manchester village | 1 0.04 51.41 Manhasset Hills CDP | 2 0.07 51.49 Manor Creek city | 7 0.26 51.75 Manorhaven village | 2 0.07 51.82 Mantoloking borough | 1 0.04 51.86 Manuel Garcia CDP | 2 0.07 51.93 Manuel Garcia II CDP | 3 0.11 52.04 Manzanita city | 1 0.04 52.08 Marathon city | 1 0.04 52.12 Marcus Hook borough | 2 0.07 52.19 Marion Heights borough | 1 0.04 52.23 Marlin CDP | 2 0.07 52.30 Marlow Heights CDP | 1 0.04 52.34 Marquette Heights city | 1 0.04 52.38 Marshallton CDP | 1 0.04 52.41 Martha Lake CDP | 1 0.04 52.45 Martin town | 1 0.04 52.49 Martin's Additions village | 5 0.19 52.67 Martinez CDP | 2 0.07 52.75 Martinez city | 1 0.04 52.79 Maryhill Estates city | 5 0.19 52.97 Massapequa Park village | 1 0.04 53.01 Matamoras borough | 1 0.04 53.05 Matamoras village | 1 0.04 53.08 Matewan town | 1 0.04 53.12 Mather CDP | 1 0.04 53.16 Matlacha CDP | 1 0.04 53.19 Matlacha Isles-Matlacha Shores CDP | 1 0.04 53.23 Mattawana CDP | 1 0.04 53.27 May Creek CDP | 1 0.04 53.31 Mayflower Village CDP | 1 0.04 53.34 Maywood city | 1 0.04 53.38 McAdoo borough | 1 0.04 53.42 McCarr CDP | 1 0.04 53.45 McClenney Tract CDP | 2 0.07 53.53 McConnell CDP | 1 0.04 53.57 McDonald village | 1 0.04 53.60 McSherrystown borough | 1 0.04 53.64 McVeytown borough | 1 0.04 53.68 Meadow Vale city | 8 0.30 53.97 Meadowbrook Farm city | 8 0.30 54.27 Meadowview Estates city | 1 0.04 54.31 Mechanicsville borough | 2 0.07 54.38 Melrose Park village | 1 0.04 54.42 Meridian Hills town | 1 0.04 54.46 Merritt Park CDP | 1 0.04 54.49 Mesquite CDP | 5 0.19 54.68 Metzger CDP | 1 0.04 54.72 Mexican Colony CDP | 2 0.07 54.79 Mi Ranchito Estate CDP | 2 0.07 54.87 Miami Springs city | 1 0.04 54.90 Michiana Shores town | 1 0.04 54.94 Michiana village | 1 0.04 54.98 Michigan City city | 1 0.04 55.01 Middle Frisco CDP | 1 0.04 55.05 Middletown city | 1 0.04 55.09 Midland town | 2 0.07 55.16 Midlothian CDP | 2 0.07 55.24 Midvale village | 1 0.04 55.27 Midway CDP | 1 0.04 55.31 Midway City CDP | 1 0.04 55.35 Mifflin borough | 1 0.04 55.39 Mifflintown borough | 1 0.04 55.42 Miguel Barrera CDP | 8 0.30 55.72 Mikes CDP | 9 0.33 56.05 Miller's Cove town | 1 0.04 56.09 Millersburg borough | 1 0.04 56.13 Millsboro CDP | 1 0.04 56.17 Millville borough | 1 0.04 56.20 Mineola village | 1 0.04 56.24 Minersville borough | 1 0.04 56.28 Minor CDP | 1 0.04 56.32 Misquamicut CDP | 1 0.04 56.35 Mission Hills city | 1 0.04 56.39 Mission Woods city | 2 0.07 56.46 Mitchell Heights town | 1 0.04 56.50 Mockingbird Valley city | 2 0.07 56.58 Modena borough | 1 0.04 56.61 Mohnton borough | 1 0.04 56.65 Moline Acres city | 2 0.07 56.72 Monaville CDP | 1 0.04 56.76 Monomoscoy Island CDP | 2 0.07 56.84 Monserrate comunidad | 1 0.04 56.87 Monsey CDP | 1 0.04 56.91 Montalvin Manor CDP | 3 0.11 57.02 Monte Verde comunidad | 1 0.04 57.06 Montgomery city | 1 0.04 57.10 Montrose Manor CDP | 1 0.04 57.13 Moonachie borough | 1 0.04 57.17 Moorland city | 6 0.22 57.39 Moraida CDP | 8 0.30 57.69 Morganfield city | 1 0.04 57.73 Morrisville CDP | 1 0.04 57.76 Morton borough | 1 0.04 57.80 Moscow CDP | 1 0.04 57.84 Moultrie city | 1 0.04 57.88 Mount Auburn town | 2 0.07 57.95 Mount Carbon CDP | 2 0.07 58.02 Mount Carmel borough | 1 0.04 58.06 Mount Ephraim borough | 1 0.04 58.10 Mount Gretna Heights CDP | 2 0.07 58.17 Mount Gretna borough | 2 0.07 58.25 Mount Penn borough | 1 0.04 58.28 Mount Rainier city | 3 0.11 58.40 Mount Union borough | 2 0.07 58.47 Mount Wolf borough | 1 0.04 58.51 Mountain Lake Park town | 1 0.04 58.54 Mountain View CDP | 1 0.04 58.58 Mountain View town | 1 0.04 58.62 Mucarabones comunidad | 1 0.04 58.66 Muhlenberg Park CDP | 1 0.04 58.69 Muir CDP | 2 0.07 58.77 Muir village | 1 0.04 58.80 Mulberry city | 1 0.04 58.84 Munhall borough | 2 0.07 58.92 Munsey Park village | 1 0.04 58.95 Murray Hill city | 13 0.48 59.44 Mustang town | 1 0.04 59.47 Nanticoke Acres CDP | 1 0.04 59.51 Naomi CDP | 3 0.11 59.62 Narciso Pena CDP | 9 0.33 59.96 National CDP | 3 0.11 60.07 Neck City city | 1 0.04 60.10 Nelliston village | 1 0.04 60.14 Nelsonville village | 1 0.04 60.18 Nemacolin CDP | 1 0.04 60.22 Neptune City borough | 1 0.04 60.25 Netos CDP | 2 0.07 60.33 Neville village | 1 0.04 60.36 New Berlinville CDP | 1 0.04 60.40 New Bethlehem borough | 1 0.04 60.44 New Brighton borough | 2 0.07 60.51 New Cumberland city | 1 0.04 60.55 New Franklin city | 1 0.04 60.59 New Haven town | 1 0.04 60.62 New Hope borough | 1 0.04 60.66 New Hyde Park village | 2 0.07 60.74 New Kensington city | 1 0.04 60.77 New Miami village | 1 0.04 60.81 New Pine Creek CDP | 2 0.07 60.88 New Salem CDP | 1 0.04 60.92 New Seabury CDP | 1 0.04 60.96 New Square village | 1 0.04 61.00 Newell borough | 2 0.07 61.07 Newport CDP | 1 0.04 61.11 Newport city | 1 0.04 61.14 Nikep CDP | 2 0.07 61.22 Nina CDP | 1 0.04 61.26 Noank CDP | 1 0.04 61.29 Noblestown CDP | 1 0.04 61.33 Norbourne Estates city | 2 0.07 61.40 Normandy city | 8 0.30 61.70 Norridge village | 1 0.04 61.74 North Acomita Village CDP | 1 0.04 61.78 North Apollo borough | 2 0.07 61.85 North Ballston Spa CDP | 1 0.04 61.89 North Belle Vernon borough | 2 0.07 61.96 North Braddock borough | 4 0.15 62.11 North Brentwood town | 3 0.11 62.22 North Browning CDP | 1 0.04 62.26 North Carrollton town | 1 0.04 62.30 North Catasauqua borough | 1 0.04 62.33 North Charleroi borough | 1 0.04 62.37 North Chevy Chase village | 1 0.04 62.41 North Crows Nest town | 1 0.04 62.44 North Escobares CDP | 1 0.04 62.48 North Hodge village | 1 0.04 62.52 North Kensington CDP | 1 0.04 62.56 North Lilbourn village | 1 0.04 62.59 North Lynbrook CDP | 2 0.07 62.67 North Miami town | 1 0.04 62.70 North Myrtle Beach city | 1 0.04 62.74 North New Hyde Park CDP | 2 0.07 62.82 North Pekin village | 1 0.04 62.85 North Randall village | 1 0.04 62.89 North Redington Beach town | 1 0.04 62.93 North Westminster village | 1 0.04 62.96 North York borough | 1 0.04 63.00 Northbrook CDP | 1 0.04 63.04 Northfield city | 4 0.15 63.19 Northgate CDP | 1 0.04 63.22 Northmoor city | 1 0.04 63.26 Northridge CDP | 2 0.07 63.34 Northumberland borough | 1 0.04 63.37 Northvale borough | 1 0.04 63.41 Northwoods city | 9 0.33 63.74 Norwood Court town | 5 0.19 63.93 Norwood borough | 2 0.07 64.00 Nyack village | 1 0.04 64.04 Oak Grove town | 1 0.04 64.08 Oak Hill CDP | 1 0.04 64.12 Oak Valley CDP | 1 0.04 64.15 Oakdale borough | 1 0.04 64.19 Oakland CDP | 2 0.07 64.26 Oakland borough | 1 0.04 64.30 Oaklyn borough | 3 0.11 64.41 Oaks village | 3 0.11 64.52 Oakview village | 4 0.15 64.67 Oakwood Park village | 4 0.15 64.82 Oakwood village | 3 0.11 64.93 Oatfield CDP | 1 0.04 64.97 Oberlin CDP | 2 0.07 65.04 Ocean Breeze Park town | 1 0.04 65.08 Ocean CDP | 3 0.11 65.19 Ocean Grove CDP | 2 0.07 65.27 Odanah CDP | 1 0.04 65.30 Oklahoma borough | 1 0.04 65.34 Old Brookville village | 1 0.04 65.38 Old Brownsboro Place city | 5 0.19 65.56 Old Escobares CDP | 8 0.30 65.86 Olmito and Olmito CDP | 4 0.15 66.01 Onaway city | 1 0.04 66.05 Oneida CDP | 1 0.04 66.08 Orange Grove Mobile Manor CDP | 1 0.04 66.12 Orange city | 1 0.04 66.16 Orason CDP | 1 0.04 66.20 Orbisonia borough | 1 0.04 66.23 Orchard Grass Hills city | 2 0.07 66.31 Orient village | 1 0.04 66.34 Orwin CDP | 2 0.07 66.42 Oscoda CDP | 1 0.04 66.46 Osgood village | 1 0.04 66.49 Oxford city | 1 0.04 66.53 Pablo Pena CDP | 9 0.33 66.86 Pacolet town | 1 0.04 66.90 Page CDP | 1 0.04 66.94 Pagedale city | 3 0.11 67.05 Paint borough | 1 0.04 67.09 Painted Post village | 1 0.04 67.12 Paisano Park CDP | 2 0.07 67.20 Palisades village | 1 0.04 67.24 Palmas del Mar comunidad | 1 0.04 67.27 Palmetto Estates CDP | 1 0.04 67.31 Palmview South CDP | 1 0.04 67.35 Palmview city | 1 0.04 67.38 Palo Alto borough | 2 0.07 67.46 Palo Blanco CDP | 5 0.19 67.64 Panorama Heights CDP | 1 0.04 67.68 Paradise Park CDP | 1 0.04 67.72 Pardeesville CDP | 1 0.04 67.76 Park Crest CDP | 1 0.04 67.79 Park Layne CDP | 1 0.04 67.83 Park Ridge village | 1 0.04 67.87 Parklawn CDP | 2 0.07 67.94 Parkside borough | 2 0.07 68.02 Parksley town | 1 0.04 68.05 Parkway Village city | 1 0.04 68.09 Pasadena Hills city | 7 0.26 68.35 Pasadena Park village | 7 0.26 68.61 Pasatiempo CDP | 1 0.04 68.65 Patterson Heights borough | 1 0.04 68.68 Peaceful Village village | 1 0.04 68.72 Pelzer town | 1 0.04 68.76 Pemberwick CDP | 1 0.04 68.80 Pembina city | 1 0.04 68.83 Pembroke Park town | 1 0.04 68.87 Pen Mar CDP | 1 0.04 68.91 Pena CDP | 7 0.26 69.17 Penndel borough | 2 0.07 69.24 Pennsbury Village borough | 2 0.07 69.32 Pennside CDP | 2 0.07 69.39 Pennwyn CDP | 1 0.04 69.43 Peppermill Village CDP | 2 0.07 69.50 Philipsburg borough | 2 0.07 69.58 Phillipsburg CDP | 1 0.04 69.61 Picuris Pueblo CDP | 1 0.04 69.65 Piedmont town | 2 0.07 69.73 Piffard CDP | 1 0.04 69.76 Pinal CDP | 1 0.04 69.80 Pine Air CDP | 1 0.04 69.84 Pine Castle CDP | 1 0.04 69.87 Pine Hill borough | 1 0.04 69.91 Pine Hollow CDP | 1 0.04 69.95 Pine Lawn city | 6 0.22 70.17 Pine Manor CDP | 1 0.04 70.21 Pine Valley borough | 1 0.04 70.25 Pinehurst city | 1 0.04 70.28 Pinole city | 3 0.11 70.39 Pittston city | 2 0.07 70.47 Placitas CDP | 1 0.04 70.51 Plandome Heights village | 3 0.11 70.62 Plandome Manor village | 2 0.07 70.69 Plandome village | 2 0.07 70.77 Plantation Island CDP | 1 0.04 70.80 Plantation Mobile Home Park CDP | 1 0.04 70.84 Plantation city | 7 0.26 71.10 Platte Woods city | 1 0.04 71.14 Pleasant View CDP | 1 0.04 71.17 Poipu CDP | 1 0.04 71.21 Pondsville CDP | 1 0.04 71.25 Poplar Hills city | 1 0.04 71.29 Popponesset CDP | 2 0.07 71.36 Popponesset Island CDP | 1 0.04 71.40 Poquonock Bridge CDP | 1 0.04 71.43 Port Carbon borough | 2 0.07 71.51 Port Chester village | 1 0.04 71.55 Port Jervis city | 1 0.04 71.58 Port Washington CDP | 1 0.04 71.62 Port Washington North village | 3 0.11 71.73 Portland borough | 1 0.04 71.77 Portola city | 1 0.04 71.81 Posen village | 1 0.04 71.84 Posey CDP | 1 0.04 71.88 Poso Park CDP | 2 0.07 71.95 Potlatch city | 1 0.04 71.99 Potomac Heights CDP | 1 0.04 72.03 Pottawattamie Park town | 1 0.04 72.07 Pringle borough | 2 0.07 72.14 Prospect Park borough | 2 0.07 72.21 Providence CDP | 1 0.04 72.25 Pueblito CDP | 1 0.04 72.29 Pueblito del Río comunidad | 1 0.04 72.33 Pueblo East CDP | 3 0.11 72.44 Pueblo Nuevo CDP | 1 0.04 72.47 Purcell city | 1 0.04 72.51 Queen Anne town | 1 0.04 72.55 Queens Gate CDP | 2 0.07 72.62 Quesada CDP | 1 0.04 72.66 Raceland city | 1 0.04 72.70 Rafael Pena CDP | 7 0.26 72.96 Rafter J Ranch CDP | 1 0.04 72.99 Ramirez-Perez CDP | 4 0.15 73.14 Ramos CDP | 3 0.11 73.25 Ranchitos Del Norte CDP | 1 0.04 73.29 Ranchitos East CDP | 5 0.19 73.48 Rancho Chico CDP | 1 0.04 73.51 Rancho Mesa Verde CDP | 1 0.04 73.55 Rancho Viejo CDP | 7 0.26 73.81 Rankin borough | 4 0.15 73.96 Raritan borough | 1 0.04 74.00 Ravensworth CDP | 1 0.04 74.03 Rayland village | 1 0.04 74.07 Redings Mill village | 1 0.04 74.11 Redington Beach town | 1 0.04 74.15 Reed town | 1 0.04 74.18 Reedsville CDP | 1 0.04 74.22 Regino Ramirez CDP | 1 0.04 74.26 Rehoboth Beach city | 1 0.04 74.29 Reinerton CDP | 3 0.11 74.41 Renovo borough | 1 0.04 74.44 Reserve village | 1 0.04 74.48 Retsof CDP | 1 0.04 74.52 Rices Landing borough | 1 0.04 74.55 Richlawn city | 4 0.15 74.70 Richmond Heights CDP | 1 0.04 74.74 Richmond Heights city | 1 0.04 74.78 Rio Lucio CDP | 1 0.04 74.81 River Forest town | 1 0.04 74.85 Rivera CDP | 8 0.30 75.15 Riverdale Park town | 2 0.07 75.22 Rivereno CDP | 9 0.33 75.56 Riverland CDP | 1 0.04 75.59 Riverside CDP | 1 0.04 75.63 Riverside town | 2 0.07 75.71 Riverside village | 1 0.04 75.74 Riverview Park CDP | 2 0.07 75.82 Riverwood city | 1 0.04 75.85 Roberta city | 1 0.04 75.89 Rochester borough | 2 0.07 75.97 Rock Point CDP | 1 0.04 76.00 Rockhill borough | 1 0.04 76.04 Rocky Fork Point CDP | 1 0.04 76.08 Rocky Ripple town | 1 0.04 76.11 Roderfield CDP | 1 0.04 76.15 Roeland Park city | 1 0.04 76.19 Rohrersville CDP | 1 0.04 76.23 Rolling Fields city | 5 0.19 76.41 Rolling Hills Estates city | 1 0.04 76.45 Rolling Hills city | 12 0.45 76.89 Rollingwood CDP | 1 0.04 76.93 Roma Creek CDP | 3 0.11 77.04 Roma city | 4 0.15 77.19 Ronco CDP | 1 0.04 77.23 Ronks CDP | 1 0.04 77.27 Roosevelt Gardens CDP | 2 0.07 77.34 Roscoe borough | 3 0.11 77.45 Roseland town | 1 0.04 77.49 Roselle Park borough | 1 0.04 77.53 Roselle borough | 1 0.04 77.56 Roseto borough | 1 0.04 77.60 Roslyn Estates village | 1 0.04 77.64 Roslyn Harbor village | 2 0.07 77.71 Roslyn Heights CDP | 1 0.04 77.75 Roslyn village | 2 0.07 77.82 Rosslyn Farms borough | 2 0.07 77.90 Rossmore CDP | 1 0.04 77.93 Rossmoyne CDP | 3 0.11 78.05 Round Lake Park village | 1 0.04 78.08 Rouzerville CDP | 1 0.04 78.12 Rowes Run CDP | 1 0.04 78.16 Royal Palm Estates CDP | 2 0.07 78.23 Royersford borough | 1 0.04 78.27 Runnemede borough | 1 0.04 78.31 Russell Gardens village | 5 0.19 78.49 Rutledge borough | 2 0.07 78.57 Saddle Ridge CDP | 1 0.04 78.60 Saddle Rock Estates CDP | 5 0.19 78.79 Saddle Rock village | 3 0.11 78.90 Saginaw village | 1 0.04 78.94 Salem Heights CDP | 1 0.04 78.97 Salineño CDP | 1 0.04 79.01 Salineño North CDP | 2 0.07 79.09 Saltaire village | 1 0.04 79.12 Sammy Martinez CDP | 2 0.07 79.20 Samoset CDP | 1 0.04 79.23 San Acacia CDP | 1 0.04 79.27 San Carlos I CDP | 7 0.26 79.53 San Carlos II CDP | 5 0.19 79.72 San Castle CDP | 1 0.04 79.75 San Fernando CDP | 2 0.07 79.83 San Juan CDP | 2 0.07 79.90 San Pablo city | 1 0.04 79.94 Sandoval CDP | 2 0.07 80.01 Sands Point village | 1 0.04 80.05 Sandy city | 1 0.04 80.09 Sankertown borough | 1 0.04 80.13 Santa Cruz CDP | 7 0.26 80.39 Santa Rosa CDP | 4 0.15 80.53 Santa Rosa town | 1 0.04 80.57 Santel CDP | 1 0.04 80.61 Saugerties South CDP | 1 0.04 80.65 Savage Town CDP | 1 0.04 80.68 Sawyerville village | 1 0.04 80.72 Saxton borough | 1 0.04 80.76 Scalp Level borough | 1 0.04 80.79 Schram City village | 1 0.04 80.83 Schuylerville village | 1 0.04 80.87 Sciotodale CDP | 1 0.04 80.91 Scottdale borough | 1 0.04 80.94 Sea Ranch Lakes village | 1 0.04 80.98 Seabrook CDP | 1 0.04 81.02 Seaford CDP | 1 0.04 81.05 Searingtown CDP | 2 0.07 81.13 Seaside Heights borough | 1 0.04 81.17 Seat Pleasant city | 2 0.07 81.24 Seco Mines CDP | 2 0.07 81.32 Seconsett Island CDP | 1 0.04 81.35 Selma CDP | 1 0.04 81.39 Seltzer CDP | 1 0.04 81.43 Seminole Manor CDP | 1 0.04 81.46 Seneca Gardens city | 4 0.15 81.61 Sereno del Mar CDP | 1 0.04 81.65 Sewickley borough | 1 0.04 81.69 Shackelford CDP | 2 0.07 81.76 Shaft CDP | 3 0.11 81.87 Shamokin city | 1 0.04 81.91 Shark River Hills CDP | 1 0.04 81.95 Sharon Hill borough | 3 0.11 82.06 Sharpsburg borough | 1 0.04 82.10 Shavertown CDP | 1 0.04 82.13 Shell Ridge CDP | 1 0.04 82.17 Shenorock CDP | 1 0.04 82.21 Sheppton CDP | 1 0.04 82.24 Shippensburg University CDP | 1 0.04 82.28 Shippensburg borough | 1 0.04 82.32 Shoal Creek Drive village | 2 0.07 82.39 Shortsville village | 1 0.04 82.43 Shrewsbury city | 1 0.04 82.47 Sidman CDP | 1 0.04 82.50 Siesta Acres CDP | 2 0.07 82.58 Signal Hill city | 1 0.04 82.62 Silver Creek village | 1 0.04 82.65 Silver Ridge CDP | 1 0.04 82.69 Silvis city | 1 0.04 82.73 Sinking Spring borough | 1 0.04 82.76 Sky Lake CDP | 1 0.04 82.80 Skyland CDP | 1 0.04 82.84 Slatington borough | 1 0.04 82.88 Slippery Rock University CDP | 1 0.04 82.91 Slippery Rock borough | 1 0.04 82.95 Smith Corner CDP | 1 0.04 82.99 Smith Village town | 1 0.04 83.02 Smithers city | 1 0.04 83.06 Smoketown CDP | 1 0.04 83.10 Sombrillo CDP | 1 0.04 83.14 Somerdale borough | 1 0.04 83.17 Somerset town | 2 0.07 83.25 Soudersburg CDP | 1 0.04 83.28 South Acomita Village CDP | 1 0.04 83.32 South Bethlehem borough | 1 0.04 83.36 South Browning CDP | 1 0.04 83.40 South Cle Elum town | 1 0.04 83.43 South Coatesville borough | 1 0.04 83.47 South Floral Park village | 2 0.07 83.54 South Greensburg borough | 1 0.04 83.58 South Kensington CDP | 2 0.07 83.66 South Lineville town | 1 0.04 83.69 South Monrovia Island CDP | 1 0.04 83.73 South Nyack village | 2 0.07 83.80 South Park CDP | 1 0.04 83.84 South Pasadena city | 1 0.04 83.88 South Philipsburg CDP | 2 0.07 83.95 South Renovo borough | 1 0.04 83.99 South Taft CDP | 1 0.04 84.03 South Temple CDP | 2 0.07 84.10 South Toms River borough | 1 0.04 84.14 South Valley Stream CDP | 1 0.04 84.18 South Weber city | 1 0.04 84.21 South Weldon CDP | 1 0.04 84.25 South Wilmington village | 1 0.04 84.29 South Windham CDP | 1 0.04 84.32 Southside Place city | 1 0.04 84.36 Southwest Greensburg borough | 1 0.04 84.40 Sparkill CDP | 1 0.04 84.44 Speers borough | 2 0.07 84.51 Spring Bay village | 1 0.04 84.55 Spring City borough | 1 0.04 84.58 Spring Hill town | 1 0.04 84.62 Spring Mill city | 1 0.04 84.66 Spring Ridge CDP | 1 0.04 84.70 Spring Valley Village city | 1 0.04 84.73 Spring Valley city | 5 0.19 84.92 Springfield city | 1 0.04 84.96 Springmont CDP | 4 0.15 85.10 St. Bernard city | 1 0.04 85.14 St. John city | 3 0.11 85.25 St. Leonard CDP | 1 0.04 85.29 St. Marys Point city | 1 0.04 85.33 St. Marys city | 1 0.04 85.36 St. Matthews city | 4 0.15 85.51 St. Michael CDP | 1 0.04 85.55 St. Regis Park city | 3 0.11 85.66 St. Vincent College CDP | 1 0.04 85.70 St. Vincent city | 1 0.04 85.74 Stacey Street CDP | 2 0.07 85.81 Steelton borough | 2 0.07 85.88 Stevens Point city | 1 0.04 85.92 Stewart Manor village | 3 0.11 86.03 Stewartsville CDP | 1 0.04 86.07 Stickney village | 1 0.04 86.11 Stiles CDP | 2 0.07 86.18 Stockdale borough | 2 0.07 86.26 Stollings CDP | 1 0.04 86.29 Stone Park village | 1 0.04 86.33 Stonegate CDP | 1 0.04 86.37 Stonerstown CDP | 1 0.04 86.40 Stonewood city | 1 0.04 86.44 Stony Brook CDP | 1 0.04 86.48 Stony Brook University CDP | 1 0.04 86.52 Stony Creek Mills CDP | 1 0.04 86.55 Stratford borough | 2 0.07 86.63 Strathmoor Manor city | 4 0.15 86.78 Strathmoor Village city | 4 0.15 86.92 Stratton village | 2 0.07 87.00 Strawberry CDP | 1 0.04 87.04 Stronach CDP | 1 0.04 87.07 Strong CDP | 1 0.04 87.11 Sugarloaf Mountain Park CDP | 1 0.04 87.15 Sugarloaf Saw Mill CDP | 1 0.04 87.18 Sugarloaf Village CDP | 1 0.04 87.22 Summerhill borough | 1 0.04 87.26 Sunset Acres CDP | 2 0.07 87.33 Sunset CDP | 1 0.04 87.37 Surfside town | 3 0.11 87.48 Susquehanna Depot borough | 1 0.04 87.52 Swissvale borough | 2 0.07 87.59 Sycamore Hills village | 3 0.11 87.70 Sycamore city | 3 0.11 87.82 Sylvan Lake city | 1 0.04 87.85 Syracuse village | 1 0.04 87.89 Taft Heights CDP | 1 0.04 87.93 Tanglewilde CDP | 1 0.04 87.96 Tanquecitos South Acres CDP | 6 0.22 88.19 Tanquecitos South Acres II CDP | 3 0.11 88.30 Tappan CDP | 2 0.07 88.37 Tara Hills CDP | 3 0.11 88.48 Tavistock borough | 1 0.04 88.52 Taylor Lake Village city | 1 0.04 88.56 Temple CDP | 1 0.04 88.60 Temple Hills CDP | 1 0.04 88.63 Ten Broeck city | 8 0.30 88.93 Teterboro borough | 1 0.04 88.97 Texhoma city | 1 0.04 89.00 Texhoma town | 1 0.04 89.04 Texico city | 1 0.04 89.08 The Hills village | 1 0.04 89.12 Thermopolis town | 1 0.04 89.15 Thomaston village | 4 0.15 89.30 Thornburg borough | 3 0.11 89.41 Thornhill city | 7 0.26 89.67 Tibes comunidad | 1 0.04 89.71 Tierra Dorada CDP | 9 0.33 90.04 Tildenville CDP | 1 0.04 90.08 Tilghmanton CDP | 1 0.04 90.12 Tillar city | 1 0.04 90.16 Tiltonsville village | 1 0.04 90.19 Timber Hills CDP | 2 0.07 90.27 Timbercreek Canyon village | 1 0.04 90.30 Timberlake village | 2 0.07 90.38 Toad Hop CDP | 1 0.04 90.42 Tower City borough | 1 0.04 90.45 Trainer borough | 1 0.04 90.49 Trego-Rohrersville Station CDP | 1 0.04 90.53 Tremont borough | 1 0.04 90.56 Trevose CDP | 1 0.04 90.60 Trimble village | 1 0.04 90.64 Trinway CDP | 1 0.04 90.68 Trooper CDP | 1 0.04 90.71 Trucksville CDP | 1 0.04 90.75 Truesdale city | 1 0.04 90.79 Tuckahoe village | 2 0.07 90.86 Tunnelhill borough | 1 0.04 90.90 Turtle Creek borough | 1 0.04 90.94 Twilight borough | 1 0.04 90.97 Tyaskin CDP | 1 0.04 91.01 Tyler Run CDP | 1 0.04 91.05 Uintah town | 1 0.04 91.08 Unionville CDP | 1 0.04 91.12 University CDP | 1 0.04 91.16 University Gardens CDP | 2 0.07 91.23 University Park town | 1 0.04 91.27 Upland borough | 2 0.07 91.34 Uplands Park village | 7 0.26 91.60 Upper Stewartsville CDP | 1 0.04 91.64 Valle Hermoso CDP | 1 0.04 91.68 Valle Verde CDP | 1 0.04 91.72 Valle Vista CDP | 3 0.11 91.83 Valley Ranch CDP | 1 0.04 91.86 Valley Stream village | 1 0.04 91.90 Valley View CDP | 1 0.04 91.94 Vanderbilt borough | 1 0.04 91.98 Vandergrift borough | 1 0.04 92.01 Velda City city | 9 0.33 92.35 Velda Village Hills village | 7 0.26 92.61 Verde Village CDP | 1 0.04 92.64 Verplanck CDP | 1 0.04 92.68 Versailles borough | 1 0.04 92.72 Victoria Vera CDP | 4 0.15 92.87 Victory village | 1 0.04 92.90 Villarreal CDP | 11 0.41 93.31 Vining city | 1 0.04 93.35 Vinita Park city | 4 0.15 93.50 Vinita Terrace village | 2 0.07 93.57 Viola CDP | 1 0.04 93.61 Virginia Gardens village | 1 0.04 93.65 Wadsworth CDP | 1 0.04 93.68 Waimalu CDP | 1 0.04 93.72 Walker Mill CDP | 1 0.04 93.76 Wall Lane CDP | 1 0.04 93.80 Walnut Creek city | 1 0.04 93.83 Walnut Park CDP | 1 0.04 93.87 Walnutport borough | 1 0.04 93.91 Wamic CDP | 1 0.04 93.95 Wanamassa CDP | 1 0.04 93.98 Wantagh CDP | 1 0.04 94.02 Wareham Center CDP | 1 0.04 94.06 Warfield city | 1 0.04 94.09 Warren city | 1 0.04 94.13 Warrensville Heights city | 2 0.07 94.21 Warrenton city | 1 0.04 94.24 Washington Park CDP | 3 0.11 94.35 Washington city | 1 0.04 94.39 Watch Hill CDP | 1 0.04 94.43 Waterford CDP | 1 0.04 94.47 Waterford city | 1 0.04 94.50 Waterview CDP | 1 0.04 94.54 Watterson Park city | 1 0.04 94.58 Waynesburg borough | 2 0.07 94.65 Websterville CDP | 1 0.04 94.69 Weissport East CDP | 1 0.04 94.73 Weissport borough | 2 0.07 94.80 Weldon town | 1 0.04 94.84 Wellington city | 4 0.15 94.99 Wellston city | 2 0.07 95.06 West Alto Bonito CDP | 1 0.04 95.10 West Bay Shore CDP | 1 0.04 95.13 West Belmar CDP | 2 0.07 95.21 West Brownsville borough | 1 0.04 95.25 West Buechel city | 1 0.04 95.28 West College Corner town | 1 0.04 95.32 West Conshohocken borough | 1 0.04 95.36 West Easton borough | 1 0.04 95.39 West Elizabeth borough | 1 0.04 95.43 West Fairview CDP | 1 0.04 95.47 West Hills CDP | 1 0.04 95.51 West Homestead borough | 2 0.07 95.58 West Kittanning borough | 1 0.04 95.62 West Lawn CDP | 3 0.11 95.73 West Leechburg borough | 1 0.04 95.77 West Miami city | 1 0.04 95.80 West Mifflin borough | 1 0.04 95.84 West New York town | 1 0.04 95.88 West Park city | 1 0.04 95.91 West Pelzer town | 1 0.04 95.95 West Pittston borough | 1 0.04 95.99 West Samoset CDP | 1 0.04 96.03 West Terre Haute town | 1 0.04 96.06 West University Place city | 1 0.04 96.10 West Waynesburg CDP | 1 0.04 96.14 West Wildwood borough | 1 0.04 96.17 West Wyomissing CDP | 3 0.11 96.29 Westernport town | 1 0.04 96.32 Westminster city | 1 0.04 96.36 Westmont village | 1 0.04 96.40 Weston CDP | 1 0.04 96.43 Westport town | 1 0.04 96.47 Westville borough | 1 0.04 96.51 Westwood Hills city | 2 0.07 96.58 Westwood city | 11 0.41 96.99 Weweantic CDP | 1 0.04 97.03 Wheatland borough | 1 0.04 97.07 Wheelersburg CDP | 1 0.04 97.10 Whiskey Creek CDP | 1 0.04 97.14 Whitaker borough | 3 0.11 97.25 White City CDP | 1 0.04 97.29 Whitesville CDP | 2 0.07 97.36 Whitfield CDP | 2 0.07 97.44 Wilbur Park village | 1 0.04 97.47 Wilburton Number One CDP | 1 0.04 97.51 Wilburton Number Two CDP | 1 0.04 97.55 Wildwood city | 4 0.15 97.70 Williams Creek town | 1 0.04 97.73 Williamsdale CDP | 1 0.04 97.77 Williston Park village | 4 0.15 97.92 Wilmerding borough | 1 0.04 97.96 Wilson borough | 1 0.04 97.99 Wilton Manors city | 1 0.04 98.03 Windy Hills city | 4 0.15 98.18 Winfield city | 1 0.04 98.22 Winston city | 1 0.04 98.25 Winter Garden city | 1 0.04 98.29 Wolfhurst CDP | 1 0.04 98.33 Woodbury Heights borough | 1 0.04 98.37 Woodland CDP | 3 0.11 98.48 Woodland Hills city | 1 0.04 98.51 Woodlawn CDP | 2 0.07 98.59 Woodlawn Heights town | 1 0.04 98.63 Woodlawn Park city | 4 0.15 98.77 Woodlawn Park town | 1 0.04 98.81 Woodlawn city | 2 0.07 98.89 Woodlynne borough | 1 0.04 98.92 Woodmere CDP | 1 0.04 98.96 Woodsburgh village | 1 0.04 99.00 Woodson Terrace city | 1 0.04 99.03 Woodsville CDP | 1 0.04 99.07 Worthington Hills city | 3 0.11 99.18 Worthington city | 2 0.07 99.26 Worton CDP | 1 0.04 99.29 Wyano CDP | 1 0.04 99.33 Wyncote CDP | 2 0.07 99.41 Wynnedale town | 1 0.04 99.44 Yarrow Point town | 1 0.04 99.48 Yatesville borough | 1 0.04 99.52 Yeadon borough | 2 0.07 99.59 Yoe borough | 1 0.04 99.63 York city | 1 0.04 99.67 Yorkshire village | 1 0.04 99.70 Yukon CDP | 1 0.04 99.74 Zarate CDP | 5 0.19 99.93 Zarephath CDP | 1 0.04 99.96 Zephyr Cove CDP | 1 0.04 100.00 -----------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 2,692 100.00 by Jean Roth , , 4 Jan 2016 tail -n+3 /homes/data/distance/2010/sf1/place/desc/sf12010placedistance1miles/