---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- name: log: C:\Users\chouse\Dropbox\basu-house\analysis\code\../temp/uc2quart_cpi_cumtight.log log type: text opened on: 18 Jan 2017, 15:01:02 . /*****************************************************************/ > > /*** NSLY DATA ON USER COST ***/ > /* Do the MATLAB interpolattion */ > /* !del \\lsa-research03.m.storage.umich.edu\lsa-research03\richryan\nlsy\analysis\input\luser_cost_quarterly_interpolated_ipd_cumtight.csv; */ > capture confirm file `myinput'luser_cost_quarterly_interpolated_ipd_cumtight.csv; . if _rc == 0 {; . di "File existed and is now gone."; File existed and is now gone. . erase `myinput'luser_cost_quarterly_interpolated_ipd_cumtight.csv; . }; . if _rc != 0 {; . di "File did not exist."; . }; . /* !matlab -r run('\\lsa-research03.m.storage.umich.edu\lsa-research03\richryan\nlsy\analysis\code\uc2quart_ipd_cumtight.m'); */ > !matlab -r run('./uc2quart_ipd_cumtight.m'); . sleep 10000; . /* sleep 1,000 = 1 second */ > capture confirm file `myinput'luser_cost_quarterly_interpolated_ipd_cumtight.csv; . while _rc {; 2. /* file does not exist! */ > sleep 1000; 3. capture confirm file `myinput'luser_cost_quarterly_interpolated_ipd_cumtight.csv; 4. }; . /* Get output from UC2QUART.M */ > import delimited using `myinput'luser_cost_quarterly_interpolated_ipd_cumtight, clear; (3 vars, 112 obs) . /* merge in CHOW data to extrapolate */ > gen dateq = yq(year,quarter); . format dateq %tq; . merge 1:1 dateq using `myinput'fred4uc2quart_data; (note: variable year was int, now float to accommodate using data's values) (note: variable quarter was byte, now float to accommodate using data's values) Result # of obs. ----------------------------------------- not matched 165 from master 0 (_merge==1) from using 165 (_merge==2) matched 112 (_merge==3) ----------------------------------------- . gen lrgdp = log(rgdp); . gen lempl = log(empl); . gen lcomp = log(comp); . reg lucq ur lrgdp lempl lcomp; Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 112 -------------+---------------------------------- F(4, 107) = 1398.37 Model | 24.7156568 4 6.17891419 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | .472796293 107 .004418657 R-squared = 0.9812 -------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.9805 Total | 25.1884531 111 .226923001 Root MSE = .06647 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lucq | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- ur | -.0071835 .0073269 -0.98 0.329 -.0217083 .0073413 lrgdp | .7943782 .3843272 2.07 0.041 .0324943 1.556262 lempl | .3084433 .5577383 0.55 0.581 -.7972079 1.414094 lcomp | 2.335693 .356154 6.56 0.000 1.62966 3.041727 _cons | -18.56372 4.07091 -4.56 0.000 -26.63383 -10.49362 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . predict luc; (option xb assumed; fitted values) (4 missing values generated) . replace luc = lucq if !missing(lucq); (112 real changes made) . /* keep Chow--Lin series where possible */ > > tsset dateq; time variable: dateq, 1947q1 to 2016q1 delta: 1 quarter . tsline luc, lc(black) lw(1.1) xtitle("") ytitle("Log(Real Dollars)") > ylabel(,angle(h)); . graph export `slides'fig_`prg'_luc.eps, logo(off) replace; (note: file ../../slides/fig_uc2quart_cpi_cumtight_luc.eps not found) (file ../../slides/fig_uc2quart_cpi_cumtight_luc.eps written in EPS format) . /*** merge all the data together and output ***/ > /* original data used by the MATLAB program */ > merge m:1 year using `myinput'fixed_effects_ipd_cumtight_user_cost, nogen; Result # of obs. ----------------------------------------- not matched 161 from master 161 from using 0 matched 116 ----------------------------------------- . rename luc luc_ipd_cumtight; . la var luc_ipd "LUC, interpolated and extrapolated, IPD, quarterly"; . rename lucq luc_ipd_interp_cumtight; . la var luc_ipd_interp "LUC, interpolated only, IPD, quarterly"; . rename lUC luc_ipd_fes_cumtight; . la var luc_ipd_fes "LUC, from fixed effects, annual"; . tsline luc_ipd_cumtight luc_ipd_interp_cumtight luc_ipd_fes_cumtight if tin(1978q1,2005q4), lw(0.8 0.8 0.8) lc(black red mint) > legend(c(3) label(1 "Final Series") label(2 "Interpolated only") label(3 "Time FEs") region(lstyle(none))); . graph export `slides'fig_`prg'_luc_all.eps, logo(off) replace; (note: file ../../slides/fig_uc2quart_cpi_cumtight_luc_all.eps not found) (file ../../slides/fig_uc2quart_cpi_cumtight_luc_all.eps written in EPS format) . /* export dataset to Excel */ > export excel year quarter luc_ipd_cumtight luc_ipd_interp_cumtight luc_ipd_fes_cumtight using `myoutput'log_user_cost_quarterly_ipd_all_cumtight, firstrow(variables) replace; file ../output/log_user_cost_quarterly_ipd_all_cumtight.xls saved . la var luc_ipd_cumtight "Log(User Cost) (deflated using IPD, controlling for match quality)"; . keep year quarter dateq luc_ipd_cumtight; . save `myinput'log_user_cost_quarterly_ipd_cumtight, replace; file ../input/log_user_cost_quarterly_ipd_cumtight.dta saved . save `myoutput'log_user_cost_quarterly_ipd_cumtight, replace; (note: file ../output/log_user_cost_quarterly_ipd_cumtight.dta not found) file ../output/log_user_cost_quarterly_ipd_cumtight.dta saved . export delimited year quarter luc_ipd_cumtight using `myinput'log_user_cost_quarterly_ipd_cumtight.csv, delim(",") replace; file ../input/log_user_cost_quarterly_ipd_cumtight.csv saved . export excel year quarter luc_ipd_cumtight using `myoutput'log_user_cost_quarterly_ipd_cumtight.csv, replace; file ../output/log_user_cost_quarterly_ipd_cumtight.csv saved . end of do-file . do entry2quart_ipd.do; . /******************************************************************** > Program: entry2quart_ipd.do > Purpose: Take annual measure of entry wages and interpolate and > extrapolate to get quarterly series of entry wages. > > Date Started: 10 September 2015 > Date Revised: 14 July 2016 > ********************************************************************/ . #delimit ; delimiter now ; . #delimit ; delimiter now ; . clear all; . set mo off; . set scheme s1mono; . capture log close;